Medical Examination

"Miss, the doctor that the Old Master has found for you has arrived. She said that she would check on your condition first."

Madam Du said respectfully to Qing Xi

"I don't want to see it. It's already like this. I'll just live one day at a time. At the end of the day, I'll be free."

The voice sounded very young, but it carried a dispirited resentment. It was said that since this young lady had contracted this illness, she had locked herself in her room for several years. Her originally pampered temper had become more and more strange and difficult to understand. The maidservants around her were changed like flowing water, but no one knew where the new ones had gone.

"Qing Xi, I have a rough idea of your condition. It's not impossible to cure you, but I need your cooperation. Otherwise, you will miss out on the original hope."

Mo Ruyue had just finished speaking when she heard a cold snort from the other side.