Giving Up On Struggling

A black panther that had perfectly blended into the night pounced over, its sharp claws and fangs gleaming with a cold light. Its cold eyes were filled with a thick aura of death as it stared at the back of the "prey" in front of it.

Just as its claws were about to grab the back of its "prey", the black panther's eyes suddenly froze, and then it fell silently, heavily hitting the ground.

The man heard a voice behind him and stopped. He turned around and looked at the black panther lying on the ground. No one knew what he was thinking.

He had only used a strong anesthetic, so the black panther was still in a deep coma. However, if he left it there, it would soon be killed by other beasts.

The man didn't hesitate and immediately injected the antidote into the black panther. However, he didn't leave. Instead, he stood beside the black panther and waited quietly for it to wake up.