High Fever

When he woke up early today, the outside was covered with a thin layer of white frost, as if it had snowed. However, it disappeared when the sun was about to rise into the sky.

Nie Yuansheng walked into the house in the middle of the courtyard with a bowl of steaming millet rice covered with freshly stir-fried wild vegetables and cured meat.

"Mother, eat your rice first. I will braise the rest in the pot. At noon, you can eat it after heating it up a little. I'm going up the mountain now."

The old woman lying on the bed propped herself up and said worriedly, "Yuansheng, it's not easy to walk in the mountains these days. Why don't you not go? Don't we still have some millet, mountain products, cured meat, and so on at home? It's enough for us to get through the winter."