A Sour Feeling

"Just now, I found them down the mountain, just outside the door of my courtyard. This has never happened before. What surprised me the most was that they seemed to be very worried about the people in my house, so I asked you this question."

Mo Ruyue only picked the parts related to this incident. Since she wanted others to be honest with her, she had to show her sincerity first.

"That's why you assumed that the wolves were coming for me. That's why you asked me these questions."

The man in black nodded. He didn't ask Mo Ruyue why she didn't think that the wolves were coming for the babies. He believed that Mo Ruyue must have her own way of judging.

"I've answered your question. It's your turn now."

Mo Ruyue brought the topic back to the original topic.

"I didn't save them, nor did I help them. Instead, it seems like I was helped by them."