Don't See Each Other Again In The Future

"The babies are already asleep. Let's set off now. I want to be back as soon as possible." Mo Ruyue said and took the lead to walk out of the house.

The man in black put on his shoes and took the bag that Mo Ruyue had prepared. When he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

He looked around the room where he had been lying for a few days. He remembered that the last time he was saved by Lady Qin, he was hidden in a hidden cave. At that time, her attitude was much colder than now.

This time, he was saved again and was sent directly to Lady Qin's house. It was really unbelievable that she didn't kick him out directly.

However, there shouldn't be a next time.

After solving the hidden danger he had left behind, he would leave this place. Even if he had to go to the ends of the earth, he would find his Mei 'Er.

When he came out of the house, he saw Mo Ruyue standing quietly in the courtyard, not showing any signs of impatience.