Casting Pearls Before Swine

"Lady Qin, this life-saving grace, we can't repay it even if we work like cows and horses!"

"That's right, God left us a life and was ready to take it back at any time. I didn't expect Lady Qin to be a life-saving Bodhisattva, leaving us with this life!"

Everyone was moved to tears by Mo Ruyue's gratitude and repeatedly thanked her.

"Come, Xiao Bao, quickly kneel down and kowtow to Lady Qin, thank her for saving your life!"

There were also women with children who directly pulled their children to kneel in front of Mo Ruyue, wanting to kowtow and thank her for her kindness.

Everyone in the county knew that Lady Qin had excellent medical skills, but she was most afraid of trouble. She almost would not take the initiative to meddle in other people's affairs.

But now, she was carrying all of them on her shoulders and was prepared to give them more hope.

"Don't, don't thank me like this. I can't afford it."