Where To Find Wild Vegetables

The two figures snuggled up in front of the bonfire fell into the eyes of the survivors not far away, and finally confirmed their initial guess.

"As expected, I thought they were a couple, and it's true."

"Aiya, Lady Qin is so young and beautiful, and she has medical skills. It's normal for young men to follow her."

"That's right. She has been a widow for many years, and has taken good care of her five babies who have no blood relationship with me. She has already done her best. Do you want her to be a widow for the rest of her life?"

"Yes, yes, let's just be happy to see it happen."

They discussed in low voices, afraid that their words would be heard by Mo Ruyue and Gu Ying.

Little did they know that the five senses of the two people were extremely sensitive. Even if they were speaking softly from a distance of tens of meters, they could still hear it clearly.