A Second Chance

"If I don't stay by your side and do everything for you, you won't be able to live?"

Mo Ruyue finally spoke. Although her words were simple, they were unusually sharp.

"No, I didn't mean it that way, but Lady Qin, you'll save people to the end and send Buddha to the west. At least show us a way to continue living!"

"We can't get into the base now, and there's no better place nearby. We don't even have any food to eat. Isn't the only thing waiting for us in the end still death?"

The middle-aged woman was a little guilty at first, so her voice was very soft. However, as she spoke, it was as if she had gained confidence, and her voice and expression became aggressive.

"So, according to what you said, I should have left you to your own devices from the very beginning so that you could die and reincarnate as soon as possible, right?"

Mo Ruyue still only said one sentence, but this sentence was ten times heavier than before.