Turtle Breathing Technique

Perhaps it was because she could hear the unkind tone in her voice, Madam Tian explained unwillingly, "Aiya, I'm just casually saying. Aren't the servants in the house usually the ones who start the fire?"

"Madam Lin has seen a lot. Even if she has never done it herself, she knows some steps. She's much better than me."

"I don't have a choice. My sister is so pure and innocent. Why don't you give it a try? I still have to soak the noodles on my side. Otherwise, it'll be a waste of effort if there's no rice and noodles to go into the pot after the fire is raised."

But Lin Xu directly gave up.

She didn't take the initiative to start the fire and cook just now to listen to others' ridicule.

Everyone was a pitiful person in trouble. They had not completely settled down yet, but they were already eager to regain their status as rich young ladies.

Who was she using as a rough servant girl!