Are You Jealous?

The brigand leader's body moved slightly, finally giving some reaction, and he slowly raised his head.

His mouth was wide open as he looked at the lonely shadow shaking his head slightly, indicating that his chin was still in the state of being dislocated, and that he could not speak even if he wanted to.

Gu Ying reached out and lifted his chin. At the same time, he took out a metal stick from his waist and stuck it between his teeth.

"You're afraid I'll bite my tongue and commit suicide?"

Although the brigand leader looked like he was on the verge of death, and his words were a little muffled because of the stick in his mouth, it wasn't difficult for Gu Ying to distinguish what he was saying.

The bandit leader laughed again when he saw Gu Ying raise an eyebrow and not give any other response.

"I know I'm dead for sure, so I can only tell you what you're interested in in exchange for a quick death, right?"