The brother started fighting with Ethan Ainsley!

[Is there a man calling Lola? Did I hear that wrong?]

[Didn't hear it wrong! There's a man! Really a man!]

[Where's Sherlock Holmes? Let me hear, is that Aiden Carter's voice?]

[It must be Aiden Carter's voice.]

[Ahhhhhhhh! They're living together!]

[It must be Aiden Carter, Lola Hussey and Aiden Carter are living together! Please just admit it!]

[You just denied it, does your face hurt, Lola Hussey?]

With a serious face and wanting to explain, Lola Hussey says: "..."

It's over.

Can't explain it.

She had no idea that Ethan Ainsley would show up at this time.

And he even just took a shower in her bathroom??

She glared at Ethan Ainsley, who looked back at her innocently.

And he asked her, "What's wrong?"

Lola Hussey, avoiding the camera, mouthed: I'm! Live! Streaming!

Understanding what she said, Ethan Ainsley replied: "Sorry."

Lola Hussey: "..."

She should have muted!

Back to the camera.

Many screaming chipmunk sounds on the screen.