She had somehow cloned, into dozens of herself, and I could barely handle one of her.

I made the few remaining clouds to spiral down, forming a thickening column of water which parted into a twelve strong multi jet when it was right above me and went on to hit twelve of her clones and spun round to hit the others.

I just needed to find the original then I had it in the bag, but the problem was, none of them dissipated, they were all real...

' No, no, no! This can't be real! ' I yelled to myself.

' But it is... ' She said in my head.

I stared at as many clones of her's as I could in shock and wondered how many different lights she had.

All the clones thankfully disappeared when she stood up and snapped her fingers but something else happened, she began to laugh again.

I was confused till I sensed my clothes looked different, in the worst way.

I looked down to see I was in a pretty pink and purple plume polka dotted perfect princess party parade gown, man, that was hard to write, but cool.

I yelled in fury as she said,"You look surprisingly cuter."

The clothes tore off my body and the strands rearranged and rewrapped around me to form new clothes, in the same colour but more my style.

My eyes were glowing blue as I charged at her.

She widened her eyes as I leaped forward then she said,"Oh no."


I dashed towards her and threw a punch when she said,"Halt."

Then I froze in the air.

She then said,"Oh no, oh no, oh no, what did I do? Why did I let him make this fashion disaster? As the fashion police it is my duty to correct this. Rearrange that, puffy sleeves there(I was whimpering in aggression and fury as she did this), of course a big gown here, flowers all around, a little glitter there, sequins there, make up all around there, and perfect, also, lose the electric fire eye glow of doom, it's really throwing off all my hard work, now to move out of the way, and...unfreeze."

I went and crashed into the ground then stood up again...did she just shut off my emotional attack?!

' Yes I did, cutie. ' She said in my head, yet again.

I then said,"I don't know how you're doing this but I'm taking you in, one way or another."

She giggled then said,"Don't make me laugh, oh and, I've already done what I came to do, toodles."

She then turned into several spinning strands of white light which then shot up into the sky at well, light speed.

Also, all the damage the hurricane and I had caused was immediately repaired, like nothing had happened, that was strange, if she didn't come to cause trouble or take over the world, what did she come to do? And what different lights did she have?

I went home and Anneliese and most of my family had been worried sick but I told them I was fine, except for my pride, that was the first mission I had failed in years.

Because of that, I took it personally.

I went back to the base the moment I could and had the tech team go over what had happened and find out what light or lights she may have had and estimate her level, so they did, but couldn't find any, at all...there was simply no light capable of achieving such diverse abilities on its own.

The hypernova beam had almost reached its target...


After a few weeks, I had still not forgotten about that woman, mostly because she somehow hacked into the base's security system, leaving it prone to attack, but upgraded its defence mechanisms shortly after and kept leaving messages on amazing new abilities I could never imagine my light was capable of doing.

She also did something unexpected...she aged my daughter by three years activated both her lights and aged my siblings and Trevor by six years.

I was so furious when she did that and knew it was her since she wouldn't get out of my head, sometimes I wished I could get a new one.

She also confessed to have been the one who had made my siblings age so weirdly, she used them as experimental guinea pigs, testing her newly upgraded light on them.

Letting them grow older, faster, then shrink back to eight year olds, right before growing them yet again.

She finally showed herself again one day, but it wasn't as some people (not all) expected.

Since Lilith was much more matured than she was supposed to be, I decided to get used to it and rather, shower her with love, so I took her and her mother to work with me one day then I saw the woman coming.

She was taking slow and confident strides as the guards escorted her and all the agents greeted her warmly, then she walked to me and said,"Hello honey, did you miss me?"

"Of course I did honey cake."I said.

Then we kissed.

Anneliese was confused and looked at me in shock then asked what was going on, but so did she.

I then said,"Oh I'm sorry Bertha, this is my ex wife, Anneliese, and Anneliese, this is my fiancee, Bertha."

Anneliese dropped her jaw and Lilith asked,"But daddy, why do you want to leave us?"

She could tell since her light leveled up twice as fast as mine so I taught her mind reading.

I smiled then said,"You want me to be happy right? Well daddy has to do this, you understand, right?"

I pinched her cheek then stood up and put my arm through Bertha's then we left Anneliese, still in shock.

Lilith had been crying for several hours and Anneliese, my mom and Alexa had tried everything to console her, but all she wanted was her father to come back.

Anneliese knew I'd never do something like this on purpose, it was that woman, Betty or whatever her name was.

Anneliese had to find a way to rescue me.

Bertha wanted us to be married as soon as possible so she imagined the wedding to be as fast yet as glamorous as possible.

She made me aware of her light when she controlled my mind.

She was from an extremely rarely activated light, called the Real Deals, they basically controlled reality.

For positive ones, any positive or good thing they imagined could come to reality, for the negative or anti ones, any bad thing they imagined could happen.

She was a positive one but imagined herself having both corresponding lights to get a four time power up.

This enabled her to manipulate the concept of reality in any way she pleased, whether good or bad.

It even enabled her to teleport, go through different dimensions and travel through time.

She was actually seven years of age, but her parents died in a car crash in which she was involved, the dangerous reality activated her light and saved her life.

She couldn't take care of herself and became emotional shortly after that then imagined herself becoming a Multi Human, being at the lowest level needed to defeat her crush and idol, me which was level 3 on both lights for my level 12.

She also imagined herself growing older and it happened.

That's why I fell in love with her... actually, I didn't know the part of the story that explains why, I literally did not know why I fell in love with her, or when I did.