The wedding came soon enough and it was the happiest day of her life as I guy who looked like and was as talented as me was her's, and it was the happiest of my life as well, even happier than when I got my daughter, because...I actually didn't know why I was so happy.

In three days we had our first son, even I knew that was weird.

The child was in my arms and I loved him as he looked exactly like me and every man in my nuclear family, but I felt...strange.

His eyes were silver centred, with blue rims, he got both our lights, lucky me.

We named him Apollo and when we celebrated his sixth birthday...a month later, he had already activated his water light, but neither of his two opposing reality ones.

I loved him with every fibre of my being and he loved me too, but something he said got me thinking.

One night, I was tucking him into bed while his mother took a shower when he asked,"Dad, why don't I remember any of my birthdays?"

I was quiet for a few seconds, I didn't actually know because I didn't either.

I then said,"It's adult stuff son, you'll find out when you're older."

"Okay, but do you think I could meet my sister one day?"

I wasn't prepared for that one, I was trying to forget her, why would he want me to go back to my past life?

I then asked,"Son, where are you getting this from?"

"I don't know it's just, I'll like to meet her, so we could be one big happy family."

I smiled then kissed his forehead then said,"Son, you are one of a kind."

Then I left.

I went out and started thinking.

' Why did I divorce Anneliese? I don't actually even remember divorcing her. And why did I just abandon Lilith like that? Even if her mother and I had some problems, it had nothing to do with her, she loved me..."


"...and kick."I said.

Apollo kicked and the water moved perfectly and hit the target, even better than I planned, far better.

He was proving even more talented than... myself.

He nailed every single move on his first try and invented far more skills and sub skills than I could in the same amount of time, not only that, but his intellectual capacity and his body's build and endurance was far better than mine, it made me so proud...and a little bit jealous.

Apollo was running down the grassy field and I jumped and pushed him down so we both rolled, laughing.

We eventually started cloud gazing...

"That one looks like a puppy."Apollo said.

"That one looks like a bunny eating a carrot."I said.

"Hey no fair, no controlling the water and ice crystals in the clouds."He said.

I smiled then asked,"But is controlling your nerve impulses through stimulating the receptor cells allowed?"

I then started tickling him then he started to laugh and it reminded me of my dad...

I smiled and hugged him tightly, then he hugged me back.

Anneliese was braiding Lilith's hair when she sensed something strange, Lilith also seemed to know.

They both got up and looked out the window to see...

"Dad!"Lilith screamed.

She jumped out of the window then the grasses on the ground grew to the size of trees and made their blades into slides for her.

She ran to me and I looked at her, with tears welling up in my eyes, I didn't know how much I had missed her.

I squatted and hugged her then lifted her up and she talked about how much she had missed me and so did I.

I placed her down finally when Anneliese and my family came to the door.

My mom said,"Felix, it's such a pleasure can we help you?"

Alex mumbled,"He better have come to apologize for abandoning us like that."

I cleared my throat and felt stupid for what I was going to say, and even worse as Lilith hugged me, full of joy, eagerness and trust, I was going to hurt her so much.

I then said,"I want to take Lilith to live with me."

"What?!"They all yelled.

"Okay."Anneliese shrugged.

"Okay?!"Alex yelled.

"He's her father and she has missed him a lot, so I think she should spend a little time with him."

Even I was surprised.

I then asked,"So you're not going to resist, argue or sue me or something?"

"Why will I?"She asked, clearly confused.

"Uh maybe because he's a backstabbing cheat?!"Alex yelled, furiously.

"Who are you to talk about cheating, Mr Playboy?"Alexa asked.

"Well at least I don't pretend to be nice one minute then becomes a womanising dog the next!"

I had to use a Hydro Boom to prevent Lilith from hearing him as my mom rebuked him, but he didn't stop there, he went on to describe every single flaw I had exposed by leaving Anneliese, the only girl of mine he was familiar with and asked all the questions I expected everyone else to ask, till Anneliese said,"Alex that's enough, he asked me and I say he can keep her for as long as he needs to."

Alex frowned then left, I didn't understand what his problem was, but again, it was my fault for totally cutting them off.

I took Lilith who was eager to meet her step brother, home with me.

When they met, it was surprising that they were the children of two rivals, they seemed like best friends.

They actually reminded me of myself and Alex...the first one.

They were talking about things they had in common in my presence when Bertha arrived and looked at the two of them in horror then yelled,"What is she doing with my son?!"

Lilith was obviously intimidated so I stepped in.

"I brought my daughter (I said with emphasis) to hang out with my son since they were both lonely."I answered.

Bertha then smiled and pinched her cheek while saying,"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to hurt my son."

Lilith seemed to know she was still agitated, I did too so tried to take her as far as possible.