Alex sighed then walked into the room, and was already disgusted by what was happening in it.

The woman, who was making out with a man on her couch saw him from the corner of her eye then stopped and invited Alex to join.

He dropped his jaw, frowned then declined the offer, he was done being unfaithful.

He said he wanted to speak with her alone and she said,"Don't worry, Brandon is all beauty and no brain, he's dumb as a rock."

Alex sighed then said,"I just wanted to talk about our baby."

"Oh yeah, that, what about it?"She asked.

He already knew what she was doing then said,"I've realized you are taking this really lightly by... smoking three cigarettes a day and getting drunk thrice a week and correct me if I'm wrong but, you are endangering the baby."

She shrugged and he almost slapped her for her carelessness but took a deep breath and said,"I think it best if you stayed with me."

"Wait, in that your mansion in the middle of town?! Really?!"She squealed.

"Yes, on one condition, it's all business and you have to keep our child safe...well, two conditions."

She shrugged again then he snapped his fingers and she appeared with him and all her luggage in the room reserved for her, while Brandon appeared half naked in his wife's presence.

Ama was starry eyed as she looked at the place then placed her hand into her pocket as she needed to calm down, then took a pack of cigarettes.

She brought it to her mouth but was held back by a strong grip and Alex looked at her with death in his eyes as it burned in her hand in a second.

She squealed then said,"You could have at least said no."

"I am going to watch your every move including to the bathroom and if you have even one thought to endanger our baby, so help me I will rip our child out of you and throw you to the streets, where you belong."

"That's no way to talk to your boo."

"You're not my boo."

"But I was two weeks ago."She said with a grin.

He restrained from killing her at that moment and wiping all records of her, so then vanished and she grinned wider as she sat on the bed like a queen and ate some dates.

"Alex, it's all right..."Indigo said,"... you did the right thing."

"Easy for you to say, you just took the easy way out and ran away from your family when they needed you...wait no, I'm sorry."Alex interjected.

"No it's okay son, you're right what I did was wrong and that is an even greater reason for you not to follow in my footsteps."

"It's just, I feel like I'm being unfaithful to Phyllis."

"Does she know about this?"

"Well yeah but..."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just don't want to ever follow my old paths, I want to turn over a new leaf but I ruined that chance the moment I entered that bar alone."

Indigo smiled and placed an arm on his broad shoulders then said,"Alex, that is in the past, so just don't follow your old path."

Alex nodded then stood up to leave but when Indigo asked where, he said,"I think it's time Phyllis and Ama met."

Then he vanished.


I flew high into the Stratopause then stopped propelling myself upward, placed my arms behind my head, then fell downwards and was caught by Long who swooped like a red and gold bullet.

I scratched its head playfully then it turned over and I scratched its belly as it kicked, then we vanished and appeared behind the rock in our way.

It landed and I slid down its long tail, using my navigation sub skills to identify our location.

I telepathically told it to search for the targets on its own, but not to hurt any of them, I was going to restore order in the community.

This time, my mission was to find a number of Ground Sloths which were moving dangerously close to a group of communities.

Ground Sloths used to be extinct, until Lilith came along, now they were as common as they used to be, but also as dangerous as they used to be.

Though they were herbivores, they were giant, about the size of an African elephant and could attack when scared, being able to crash through concrete walls like no man's business.

They looked just like South American sloths, but were much bigger and could thus, only live on the ground, as says the name.

The herd had been ravishing the people's food storage and frightening their livestock.

Long flushed the giant beasts out and rounded them up as I repaired all the damage and attended to the needy.

I then went to the sloths and hydroteleported them deeper into the jungle, from where they could cause no trouble, and I placed a fear of humans into them which would keep them from going near to them.

I went home with my Dragon, still wondering how it happened...Chief Nadula just died in his sleep two weeks ago, plotting to take revenge on us and by us I mean Indigo, but I guess God gave up on him and took his life, I didn't know why, but none of us had anything to do with it.

I went home to see my daughter with that guy... whatever his name was, I just couldn't keep it in my head.

I walked closer to them then asked,"So you've taken a liking to my daughter, haven't you?"

"Dad."Lilith said, frowning.

He then looked away shyly then said,"Sir, I don't want to cause any trouble so..."

"Trouble?! Ha! Haa! You make me laugh! You haven't seen trouble yet."I said.

"Dad!"Lilith yelled.

"I'm just kidding with you, why are you so serious?!"I said between laughs.

He chuckled nervously as I placed my arm across his shoulder then whispered,"We should have a little bonding trip, you and I, what do you think?"

"Oh...of course sir, I'll love that."

"Don't be stupid, of course you have no choice, I mean, what do you think we should do on the trip? I know some really good clubs we could hang out where the nights are hot and the girls are hotter and no one will know, so what do you say?"

Of course I made an auditory illusion for Lilith so she didn't know exactly what I was saying, but it was at this moment, I wanted to know what that boy was made of and what he said rocked me to the core...

"I think I should ask Lilith first."

"Ask her first?! You're your own man, think for yourself, come on."

Lilith smiled as she walked forward, thinking we had talked of something different, something...nicer.

She then asked what we had been talking about but I said I have to leave and said on my way,"You think about it pretty boy."

I wanted to see if he'd tell Lilith or not, both situations could be good and simultaneously bad deeds, but I wanted to see what he'd choose and why.


"Why don't we just go now?!"Yelled a thundering voice.

"Patience is a virtue, the line between enthusiasm and haste can be blurry, but haste often results from stupidity, the time will come."Said the voice.