Huge plumes of golden flames were fired from the Serpentine Dragon's mouth at the crowd of people but all of them were quenched right before the man standing before them.

I grinned at the Japanese Dragon then said,"It's my turn..."

I then blew an even greater amount of white flames which burned through its scales and it screeched and fell backwards with a loud boom.

Clouds of dust parted around me as I controlled the wind and I walked closer to the creature, thinking over whether to end its misery or let it live.

I considered its reason for attacking, it had been guarding a treasure in its lair that was placed by the villagers but got so committed to its job, it didn't grant the people access to their own money,even when they were dying of poverty.

I sighed then gently placed my hand on the side of its neck and it looked at me from the corner of its eye and growled in its throat gently, then closed its eyes as if waiting for me to finish the job.

I sighed then an icy mist started forming around my fist then shot right through its neck and its body healed immediately after the Ice Blood did its job, I just couldn't bring myself to kill it for that reason.

It had literally been trained to do just that by a tyrannical Emperor who lived centuries ago, after it had been abducted from its home.

The chief didn't want anyone near his treasure, that's why he made the dragon act like that.

I clicked my tongue as the dragon stood up then touched its body and said telepathically,"Leave, before I make you."

I took one last glance at me, then took to the skies, swimming gracefully through the air by manipulating the air pressure, right before diving smoothly into a nearby lake.

The people cheered and I smiled at them then flew away.

A reptilian head came out of the water and looked at me as I shrunk into the horizon...


Everyone in the mansion looked at the twenty meter long red and gold dragon that landed in the middle of the lawn with death in its eyes, then appeared from behind it and said,"Say hi to my new pet."

They all said hi then continued their daily lives but one of the Squeakies started pooping profusely out of fear as smoke came from its growling nostrils.

I then threw the dragon onto its back and started scratching its belly with huge hands made of ice as it rolled and kicked like a dog.

My mom called my name and pointed to the kitchen...

"A dragon as a pet? Really?!"She asked.

"Come on mom, it was sad and had no purpose in life it needed an owner, a friend, it's just misunderstood."I said.

"I think you're forgetting the part that you brought in a ten tonne wild animal into the mansion!"

"It was domesticated."

"That's what most people say till the dragon dies of torture, you do realize dragons have never survived long domesticated, and I'm talking about large cooperations where they specifically mimic the conditions of the creature's natural home, I know you just want to help, but in this situation, I think it's best if you just let it go."

I sighed then said,"I tried mom, but it never left and I don't want him to leave..."

"Honey, help me out here."

"No."Indigo said with his big arms folded.

"Nappy rash go lucky over there isn't my dad, but you are my mom, please mom."

I did my puppy dog eyes and she saw the dragon showing her its huge, blue eyes from the outside of the window.

She sighed, pinched her eyebrows, then said,"I don't get paid enough for this."

"Thank you mom!"

"But if anything happens to it..."

"It's all on me, I get it."

I hugged her tightly then ran to embrace my newest pet which I named; Long.

I also sensed one of the chef's sons talking with really talking with her...with flirting.

I always made sure to inspect every guy who had enough impetus to come after any girl in my family, especially those already in relationships or my daughters, those after my wife...let me just say no one remembers what happened to them, I also made sure to intimidate them to see if they had what it takes and if they did, fine, I didn't do that to the girls mostly because...I was a little sexist.

The guy was tall, fair and hunky and really easy on the eyes...really easy, I had known him for years but never quite paid attention to him till he went after my daughter, yes he was enlightened, we only had enlightened staff so they didn't get harmed in...adverse situations.

He was a Braid which meant he controlled the brains of all higher organisms, but training at the camp for over three years, he had learned to control the nuclei of all living cells.

I already didn't like him...


' You deserve all that you want... ' A voice said,' ... including revenge against all those that hurt you, and took the woman you loved from you. '

"But I can't go against them on my own...I lost."He said.

' Silly you, that's what I'm here for, just leave the power part to me... ' The voice said.

The black mist flowed in through Chief Nadula's orifices and he inhaled it as if inhaling a drug, then opened his cloudy eyes till they turned pitch black, then he grinned...


"Lilith..."I said.

"Yes dad?"She asked



"No, no, no, no, no, stay away from that Drake guy."

"What? Why?"

"He might hurt you the same way Jessie did."

"One thing I learned from Lily is that I have to move on, I can't dwell on the past."

"But baby, I'm your father."

"And I'm not your baby anymore, I'm sixteen years old, please, don't scare him, he's been working for us for years and even with our water vision, we've found no reason not to trust him, please?"

I remembered what I just said to my mom so sighed then said,"No."


"Not without a hug."

She groaned as I squeezed her then she patted my back as I talked about how grown up my baby was, with actual tears in my eyes.