Dolores walked to the door and the moment she opened it, Dollovan fell to the floor.

She screamed his name and by a touch, she felt him burning.

She wanted to get him a doctor, but he said,"No! No doctors."

"Then how will I help you?"She asked in a slow, high pitched voice, with a white gas flowing from her skin.

"Y...you know how."He said, then collapsed.

She began to cry then dragged him to a sitting area, and got some water for him, but was interrupted by another knock on the door.

She went to see who it was, right after making sure she had stopped emitting the gas and her voice was back to normal.

She opened the door to see a girl her age, a pixie and, something she had never seen before.

The thing struck fear into her heart, maybe they were the ones who hurt her brother.

She was about to slam the door in their faces when the girl spoke,"Please, don't shut us out, we want to help you."

"Who are you?"She asked with a quivering voice, a pale green gas evaporating from her.

"We are friends, and just want to meet your brother."The girl said.

"He... isn't home right now."

"Could you at least leave a message?"

There was a yell from within, right before a crashing and breaking then Dolores gasped, then Alexa stepped forward and said in Honuran,"Please Dolores, we just want to help your brother recover, no harm will be done to him."

She slowly opened the door and they rushed in to see him, weak and frail, on the floor.

Alexa then said,"Oh no, it's worse than I thought, he used his ice abilities too much, he's overheating."

"Ice abilities?"Dolores asked.

"Why is he overheating?"The pixie asked.

"In order to freeze water or anything for that matter, serious heat must be emitted from the body, and absorbed by something, in this case, him, and unless he finds a way to expell it, he might die..."

Dolores screamed then ran to hug her brother then yelled,"What do we do to save him?"

"He has to release the heat of course."I said.

They all looked back at me then Alexa asked,"You came back?"

"I'm not leaving my little sister that easily."I said,"Dollovan, Dollovan, do you hear me?"

He didn't respond.

I gently tapped his cheek and he gasped then coughed.

I then squatted beside him then said,"I need you to let go of the heat within you."

"What? That makes no sense!"He yelled with his little energy.

"You know it does, make fire, lightning or light itself, just, let it go."

He started straining and grunting then squeezed his hands then yelled,"It's not working."

I stood up, then pulled Dolores and a knife made of ice appeared in my hand and I put it to her neck, Dollovan yelled for and threatened me to let her go then I asked,"Does that make you angry? Do something about it, let it rip."

He couldn't move as I repeated myself in a lower tone, this time, cutting her neck as she screamed.

Dollovan yelled as I immobilised everyone else so they couldn't stop me then, an explosion destroyed the entire building and half of two others.

The wall of ice VII melted as the girl's neck healed, then she ran into her brother's hold.

He gave me a deadly glare then asked,"What are you and what do you want with us?"

"I am a human, so as my sister and we came to help you."

"This looks nothing like helping."

"Oh you took it personally? Well if you don't like that, you definitely wouldn't like Darlok who wouldn't hesitate to torment you and torture your family and closest relations in a worse manner than he did to your parents, at least they are resting in peace, pick your pick."

Alexa pushed past me then said,"Don't mind my brother, I'm Alexa and he is Felix, we are both gem wielders like yourself, but we need you to come with us because Darlok wouldn't stop until you are literally his."

He looked at Alexa then said,"I'm only coming on one condition..."

Looking at me, he said,"My sister comes as well."

I looked at him for several seconds before saying,"Okay, now let's get out of this dump because I'm starving! Who literally eats Germanium sticks and silicon chips as breakfast?!"

How we tracked down an untraceable creature? Well there were three possible ways, one, Nisha could sense for him through other creatures like the... should I call those things plants?

They looked like plants but were silicon based, immobile life forms which reproduced sexually by three different genders, not two, it was a long process that I wouldn't explain now, but they didn't form fruits if that was what you were thinking.

Also, according to the news, a meteorite crashed and formed ice VII from the pressure and heat formed at the crash site and that ice was capable of causing a mass, if not planetary extinction in hours due to its stability, the way that it broke then sliced through all Darlok's creatures, without hurting any civilians was abnormal and in a planet where superpowers were not even thought of, that was a candidate, all we needed to do was look for more icy activity, that's how I found him, but Alexa used a different method all together.

She connected her mind to all the most similar creatures to arachnids in the entire Saturn sized planet, which were actually... really similar, in fact, the only difference was the fact that they were silicon and germanium based, then used them to track him down.

The reason she used arachnids was that she figured if they were her ability, they might be one of, if not the only creatures, that could stand her mind control without being affected by her venom and she was right.

We soon left that universe, and went five rows below that one, but I couldn't help but worry for Jessica, did that chicken dude succeed in rescuing her?

I could only hope she and all of them were safe and much of the time, not only did I miss my old home, I wondered why I was where I was, like really, why was I there?

Was it to get away from my personal problems and insecurities?

Was it to prove myself as the sole protector of my planet yet again?

Was it to be seen as a hero?

Was it for...an actual fear of Darlok and what he could do to my family, to me?

Or was it truly for my father... stepfather.

I just suppressed these thoughts and met everyone with a grin or an annoying comment only to bring myself back to what Nisha said, I was so confused.