There was a massive explosion when Apollo destroyed half the room, just to get to the unconscious Jessica, but Skylar darted to and caught her out of the way as he landed with claws of ice piercing through the ground.

"Leave the child alone!"Life demanded.

"Why? She was the perfect target, deceptive, just two faced, acting like she was bothered by her uncle, she actually looked forward to every time he came closer to her, and always wanted to be with him, to tell him she loved him, except for one thing."

"And what might that be?!"Alek yelled.

"Life, death..."Said all of them, gesturing to Alek and Anneliese,"...I think you should tell her."

Anneliese and Alek looked at them, even Death looked guilty and Skylar was confused as life said,"She was chosen."

"Chosen to do what?"Anneliese asked, getting anxious.

"...chosen, to be our next incarnation."

"But I thought you only incarnated once every thousand years."

Death finally spoke,"That's not what he means, he means, she was going to come and live with us."

"Wait..."Anneliese asked,"...what?"

"We chose her, since the day she was born, to be the bridge between us, the Omegas, the original enlightened people, and you, our children, but she would have to leave this universe to unite the crystal wielders with us, and perish."

Anneliese started breathing heavily, then Alek yelled with tears in his eyes,"What kind of dumb rule is that?!"

"It had to be done, one way or the other."Life said.

"I can't believe this..."Skylar said,"...and she knew?"

"Not exactly, it was more like, something she felt she had to do."

Anneliese's eyes began to glow as she said,"My daughter isn't some disposable sacrifice for you to just use anyhow you want."

"And in which place are you to give orders like that?"Asked Life.

Anneliese was silent then said,"You have been pretending, all this time, I thought you cared about us, about our safety and balance, meanwhile, all you wanted all along was just to fulfill some stupid prophecy?!"

"You have no idea how important this is!"Life demanded.

"I'm her mother, you have no idea how important she is to me."

He fell silent as Anneliese picked Jessica from Skylar then said,"I'll allow you to take her over my dead body."

Alek also went to stand by her and held her hand, then looked, first at his sister in law, then back at them.

"Our dead bodies."Skylar said.

Anneliese looked at him then asked why, he said,"I have left a lot in order to be where I am now, but I still have one duty, and that is to make sure everyone can have what I can't, emotion and life."

Death and Life were about to do something when their sons also left heir side to stand by my family, then they also did, facing the spirit of deception.

"What are you doing? They are the bad guys here."

"Apart from one thing..."Skylar said.

"...you painfully telegraphed your plan in the beginning..."Anneliese said.

"...and you are good at deceiving, but aren't that good at planning."Alek said.

Everyone whom he had control over began to grin, then he started killing them, one by one.

Alek screamed, especially for his mother, but everyone else was calm, then Anneliese said,"It's all an illusion."

He looked back then said,"Wait, then you aren't actually in possession of them, you're just playing us! This is all just a dream!"

"Oh really? Does a dream hurt like this?"

The gas materialised into weapons, which shot at them, then pierced through them, but they didn't flinch.

He only had power over you when you were under his deception, but not anymore.

Alek then said,"Get out of my family's heads and don't ever come back."

The black smoke seemed, scared for a second, then vanished into thin air, and everyone woke up, from their beds.

The moment Jessica woke up, Alek fell through the ceiling and landed on her, giving her a massive bear hug, which she returned, almost rupturing his ribs, Alek looked through the window and saw something flapping its six wings in front of the moon, then whispered,"Thank you."

"You're welcome..."


I appeared in the multiverse ten below mine then looked around, it was a desolate planet we landed on, and this was the most habitable one according to my searching.

I was confused, wasn't it supposed to be every five?

I looked at Nisha and she was just as confused as I was.

Alexa seemed quite pissed and that got even me confused.

"You said there would be more here, where are they?!"She yelled.

"I don't know..."Jonita said,"That's just the prophecy I was told as a child."

"Well clearly it's just as useless as you are."She said.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down little sis."I said.

She glared at me then I saw it, poison, behind those beautiful eyes.

I frowned then she asked,"What? You don't like this part of me? Well grow a backbone and deal with it."

I was about to talk back when a voice spoke in my head,"Be careful around her, she as my older sister, is much more powerful than I could ever be."

"Well she's obviously letting it get into her big arachnid head!"I made sure to yell.

She turned to me then asked,"Did you just call my head big?"

"Felix apologize, now!"

"Yes I did, what are you going to do? Kill me?"

She immediately appeared in front of me then smiled and said,"Yes."

At that moment, I felt a sharp pain in my side then fell backwards, everyone tried to help but I yelled for them to stay back as she bowed to me then said,"This your stupid temperament will really get you in a lot of trouble, you're lucky I don't want to have to search an endless multiverse to find your reincarnation."

I felt pale as she left, then my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes and saw all of them by me, all of them, including Alexa.

I jumped backwards a little then asked,"Is this the you you or the evil, sassy you?"

She frowned then said,"It's me, Alexa, and what do you mean by the evil, sassy me?"

I was about to open my lips but the others seemed really indignant that i didn't tell her, I was surprised on my own that she had no idea that she tried to kill me, but just kept my peace.

"Maybe it's just a metaphor."Alexa suggested.

"Then how was it right once?"I asked.

"Or maybe it means five around your multiverse?"Nisha also asked.

"Well we've not checked five above ours."Jonita said.

"But why would it be centred on my universe?"I asked.

"Because it's her universe too, our oldest sister."Nisha said.

I looked at Alexa, who looked shocked, then smiled and caressed her cheek and said,"It looks like we're taking a detour back home."

I was about to make us all six dimensional when Dollovan finally spoke,"This prophecy makes no sense, it says at most five of you...or us are found per multiverse, then how will thirty of us, as you say, be scattered around three?"

"Maybe it means multiverses as in realities..."Alexa said,"...they are infinite as well."

We looked at each other then I said,"Back to square two..."