"I have to go."My mother said.

I looked at her then said,"No mom, we are going to beat this clone of yours, you are our true mother and no one else."

"I wouldn't be a true mother if I put you in harm's way, now will I?"

I didn't respond as she looked into my eyes, awaiting an answer.

She was about to leave when Alek and Jessica held her hands and begged her not to go.

She kissed both their foreheads then said,"How could I ever leave you?"

Immediately, Catherine and the triplets ran into her embrace and promised to stay by her side all the time from then on."


"It could be a vivid vision."Curtis said.

"Vivid visions don't leave poison notes on walls and besides, who would have changed the time frame to cause two realities to merge? And why would they change my mom's destiny?"I asked.

"Why also would it be her clone attacking."Alex,y younger brother asked,"But maybe it is the spirit of deception, Alek did threaten an omnipotent being to leave us alone, totally damaging his ego."

"I don't think it's him..."I said," and death would have warned us earlier, so then how does she keep outsmarting and out sensing us? And why is it only one of the thirteen clones?"

"We also can't talk to her..."Alex, my twin said,"...or can we?"

We all looked at him, confused, till he said,"What if we went back in time to when mom was having that dream and used the water in her brain to form a map to where the illusion was coming from?"

"I've tried using water's memory to track her down several times, it didn't work, besides, if it was any ordinary mind control, mom would have a headache, yet none of the sort is happening."Alex, my younger brother said.

"But he might have a point there..."I said,"... I've used a Space Time Contihuman to track down another who did a time jump before, if we could use the same or opposing light to the one she used, we could have a chance of finding her."

We all looked at each other then Curtis said,"At least, it's our best shot."

Titus looked through a wall at Catherine, who lay on my mother's chest and couldn't help but miss that trouble causer.

Though she was annoying, stubborn and Tom boyish, he found all her quirks kind of... attractive, even when he didn't use to.

She had changed for him, trying to wear boy themed girly stuff, the total glamour girl outfit lifestyle didn't last long, but he also changed for her, tolerating her character and especially its adorable flaws, he often intentionally annoyed her by saying she was like a little brother to him and nothing else, but all she ever did was give him a kiss on the cheek and ask if little brothers did that, he always said no till she got to his lips, one of.the perks of having the ability to control anything and everything.

He was about to leave when my mother called him and asked,"If you wanted to be with Catherine, why didn't you just ask?"

"What?! Me?! Oh no, no, no, no, no, I..."He said.

Catherine walked to him and smiled at him then he nervously chuckled as she looked back at my mother and bade her goodbye, before running off with the embarrassed Titus.

I walked past the children then went to my mother, who had been looking out the window for several hours.

I gently kissed her forehead then said,"Mom, I just came to ask if you trusted me."

She looked at me and said,"You may do it."


"I know you wish to probe my mind to see what has been causing my life like dreams and you may do it."

"But don't you fear..."

"I will not be a slave to fear."She said.

I smiled then kissed her forehead again and hugged her tightly then said,"I love you mom."

"I love you too..."Were the last words she said before falling asleep.

I placed her on the bed and Alek asked what happened and I told him I controlled her mind, but I was going to need Nicky's help for something, a task to which she valiantly volunteered.

She placed her hands on my mother's forehead and so did I, then we both closed our eyes.

Alek looked at the boys and saw them hugging for fear so he tried the same with Jessica, who saw it a mile away and said,"If you don't want all those grasshoppers you've been eating to turn into locusts and eat you from the inside out, I'd advice you to refrain from touching me."

He pulled back his hand then lightened the mood by laughing at Ricky, who had jumped on Micky for fear of his cousin.

They then looked back at the three of us as a wind started kicking up and water droplets started forming above my mother's forehead.

Jessica looked around and said,"Something's wrong."

Alek also had a weird tingly feeling all over his head, he then looked back to see we were done.

Nicky looked at me and I at the rest, then I sighed and walked past then vanished.

It was a little weird how I just left without a word, but Nicky acted similarly when she just pushed past the four of them, picked up Alena then left.

Alek looked at the door and asked,"Am I the only one who finds it weird..."

"...what they were thinking."Jessica finished.

She looked at them and said,"They've found her, and don't like what she said to them."

"What she said to them?"Ricky asked.

She just dashed out of the room and but they couldn't just leave my mother, so tried to rely on their senses.

"She said you?"Curtis asked.

"Yes, she did."I said,"Which shows that she knows our every move and is one step ahead of us, we can't beat her at her own game, we have to think outside the box."

"I remember from when they were experimenting on me that they said mom was more special then all of us, that she was born with almost all the known enlightened genes which had been distributed and divided among us unevenly, what if this clone had some, if not all of her lights unlocked?"Alex, my twin brother asked.

"That way, she'd have much more power and experience under her arsenal, Alex..."I said,"... you're a genius!"

I squeezed him and forgot I was thrice his size and left him gaping for breath after the bear hug was over.

I was going to need some help in that case...