I had to bring back some of my... siblings, to help with our undesirable prospect and they were glad to help...most of them... apart from those who weren't human, had already undergone their metamorphosis or were simply shy...which was all of them.

I had no other choice than to use my superior authority and age to bring them with me, since the latter didn't work, I prayed my mind convincing and control will did...for most of them, apart from Skylar, Kofi, Vulcan and Jonita, and they were not happy knowing I controlled the others' minds, but after I showed how desperate I was, not by begging, they obliged.

They got to the mansion and the reaction I got was totally expected...

"Cool!!!"Catherine yelled.

She appeared above Skylar's shoulder then asked,"What kind of creature are you?"

"There is no other of my kind."He said, reaching to grab her.

She fell backwards and vanished then appeared below him and pulled one of his tails and asked,"How do you have twenty appendages poking out of your butt?"

"They are ten and why are you so annoyingly inquisitive?"

"Oh you haven't seen annoyingly inquisitive yet."She said with a grin.

Curtis appeared and picked her backwards, below his arm and said,"Forgive my daughter, I have to live with her everyday, I hope you understand."

"Hey!"She yelled.

Skylar smiled, which was the most he could do.

Curtis stretched an arm, the other one, then said,"I'm Curtis, you?"

"Skylar."He said.

"Which part of the multiverse are you from?"

"Same plane, five to the right."

"Huh, I'll try and visit one day."

"The solar system has been devoured by a black hole."



When Manfred saw Anneliese, he was stunned by her beauty then said,"Excuse me madame but you are looking dashingly exquisite today."

When I saw him kissing her hand I pushed him off and Ms Terratikka frowned at him then he said,"What? I was just having a little fun."

"What is he?"Anneliese asked.

"I have no idea."I answered.

We showed them around and introduced them to everyone and kept everyone from Catherine then when they were settled, we told them why they were here.

"Someone has been threatening your mother."Kofi said.


"And she thinks it's a clone?"He asked again.

"It's possible."

"... it's also possible it's a Dream weaver."He said.

"A what?"

"A dream weaver, a strain of dream type monsters, unlike most others, they have the ability to make physical contact with their host, which could explain the notes, they also have the ability to falsify dreams and make them so realistic, false memories may be formed, your mother is possibly already the original clone, or maybe she has no clones."He explained.

" do you know all this?"

"Back on a planet where you could spend the rest of your life attached to a random thing of any kind, we were taught about the possible candidates."He said.

" if it is so physical, why couldn't any of us sense it?"

"Like I said, it can falsify memories, it could have put you all to sleep after you did discover it and make you forget it all or think it was just a dream."

I looked at my mother as she asked eagerly,"So there's no danger? I don't have to leave?"

"I didn't say they weren't dangerous, they are known to cause people's permanent madness or even suicide, on lucky cases, it wouldn't leave you until it has achieved what it came for."He said.

"And what could that be?"She asked.

"... entertainment, pure fear and pandemonium are their most common motives."

"But why?"

"They are creatures of the nightmare realm, like I said, a variant of succubuses, they're pure evil and do not need to hurt anyone or anything, they just want to."

My mother was silent as I looked at her, Indigo then asked,"Is there any other way to get rid of it?"

"To get rid of such an unholy soul, you have to do one of two things, either overpower it with something stronger and possibly much more evil, which actually wouldn't help much, or douse it with drops of something holier."

"What about Skylar?"He asked.

Kofi looked at Skylar and let him speak for himself.

"I may be part Seraph, but am also part Tedaph, the most unholy of all races, I will not be suitable to help in either way, I would only make it worse."

"You don't have to tell us twice, any other candidates?!"I yelled.

My mother glared at me and I shrunk into my seat as Kofi pointed at a winged creature with four eyes and rabbit like ears, the wielder of the phoenix crystal.

It seemed to understand what was happening then immediately flew away.

Not being able to communicate with us in any way as it didn't have a mouth and only produced meaningless sounds from its nose, it had no other choice.

The others were about to follow it, but I insisted I went, then flew after.

It was flying when I caught up with it and said,"Woah, woah, slow down tiger."

It squeaked then I said,"I know you're scared but look, you understood what we were saying without anyone interpreting, you're smarter than you think and much more capable, my mother needs your help, and only yours, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she went mad, or died, please, help us."

I wiped a tear from my cheek as it tilted its head.

I flew down and sat on the ground, shedding silent and actual tears.

I sensed it land and felt it nudge my elbow while making the sound of a cricket.

I asked,"Are you feeling better now?"

It made the sound again and jumped on me and I laughed as it rubbed its wings all over me, then I said,"Now let's go cast out that demon."

It growled fiercely as I stood up...