Have you arrived to greet me?

A couple of days earlier, in the territory of Klein Kingdom.


Random Maid Pov


A soft knocking sound was heard in the quiet room.


I waited to hear a response from the person who was located inside before slowly opening the door.

My breathing is erratic, which is one factor that contributes to the pitiful appearance that I give off. Another factor is the sweat that is dripping down from my forehead.

After closing the door and giving myself a moment to catch my breath, I got ready to relay an important message that had just been given to me today.

The figure behind the table that was covered in stacks of documents startled me just as I was about to begin reporting the messages.

Even though I am aware that the majority of nobles have a blessed appearance, I must clarify that this is not the same as common nobles, who are only slightly more refined than commoners. The scene that I was seeing at the time was perfect for taking a picture of and putting it on display in the treasure room as an instance that was worthy of being admired.

Seen a woman standing at the window wearing a black dress with two blood-red roses whose roots were wrapped around her waist on both sides.

She had fiery red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail with a black ribbon, and she was bathed in sunlight, which gave the appearance that this figure was engulfed in eternal flames.

"What's the issue?"

While I was lost in thought about the figure, I was rudely awoken by a melodious voice.

"Your Majesty, I have just received a message from the Zeitgeist empire in which it is stated that they have sent Princess Emilia Von Kaiser as a delegation requesting permission to open the Liaison gate."

I said with a severe expression. Because a princess unexpectedly travelled to the distant kingdom of Klein and made an effort to use the Liaison gate. If it wasn't something significant, I was unaware of their other purpose.

"I permit..." The words she spits out are incomplete because she is silent as if she were contemplating something.

"In addition to this, give the order for all of the officials to gather in the throne room and get ready for the welcoming ceremony," After that, she continued talking while issuing a few commands at the same time.

"Your Majesty, everything will be prepared for you in short order."

Following that, I made a hasty start to leave the room, mirroring the manner in which I had entered it earlier. Even though I was speaking with her majesty earlier, I didn't dare to raise my head because the string of events that occurred today made me nervous.

It was challenging to assemble officials in such a short amount of time, but the Klein kingdom was in a precarious situation because of the looming war.

Although the arrival of princesses from other empires was not something to be taken lightly, the appearance of the princess may have brought some hope to the difficult circumstances that were already present.


A mysterious woman from Klein kingdom Pov

After observing the maid leave, I finally turned around, took a deep breath, and walked over to the table. There, I sat down and examined the various paper documents that were spread out on the surface of the table.

"The reason the Zeitgeist empire sent their princess to this place is completely beyond my comprehension," I spoke while leaning my head back against the chair and closing my eyes.

I continued in a weak voice, "If I say I won't intervene, they won't believe me."

"Before the impending war crisis, I was already preoccupied with the various problems. If there is a war, can this kingdom survive?'

"For some reason, this silence puts me at ease, and while I wish I could take advantage of it for a longer period of time because I'm starting to feel sleepy,..." I spoke with a voice that was gradually diminishing. Only the occasional murmur could be heard in this silent room.

I have no idea how much time has passed, but the sky is already dark outside.


I awoke with my arms stretched out, followed by a knock at the door.

"Your Majesty, dinner is ready," the maid said with a blue tone because dinner time had already passed.


In a distant location on the territory of the Klein Kingdom, there is an ancient structure with four tall pillars on each side. Its massive size and ancient carvings on its walls tell anyone who sees it that this location is significant and has a long history.

The interior is as magnificent as that of any palace; nothing from the walls to the floor to the ceiling has been changed, and the furniture that is already there is crafted from unusual materials.

"Her Majesty has given her permission for the gates of Liaison to be opened."

There was the sound of conversation coming from a room that was quite large and filled with several people, some of whom wore robes that were adorned with gold. Others choose to wear a uniform.

They give off the impression that they are anticipating something while looking upward, there is a staircase that leads to the central platform, and you will be surprised to find a massive vortex that keeps spinning while emitting a mysterious aura.

Due to its enormous size, the people below appeared to be no bigger than ants. Everyone started sweating, and they had the sensation that they were being sucked into it.

Following the completion of the "preparation," the rotation of the vortex became more powerful and started to emit dazzling light.

The enigmatic glow that had been emanating from it had dissipated not long after the light had started to dim, and the whirlpool had gradually slowed down and become more tranquil like water.

The answer to that question is yes due to the fact that the Liaison gate is a teleportation gate that dates back to ancient times and that is one of only eight gates found on this continent. Each one is linked to the others, but there must be a key on both sides of the connection.

As soon as people started to open their eyes, they were able to make out a group of people, specifically a group of brave female soldiers wearing helmets that left their mouths and eyes exposed.

The material that their armor was made of was strange, the color was mostly black with a hint of gold on the sides, and there was a beautiful wing symbol engraved on the front of their helmet, which somehow exuded a fearsome aura. All of these characteristics combined to give them an intimidating appearance.

Everyone who saw this group of soldiers agreed that they were not typical soldiers after seeing them for themselves. However, the person at the very front stood out the most due to the white fur of the mysterious beast that was attached to both sides of her helmet, which was slightly different from the fur that was attached to the other helmets.

Her armor was mostly black, but on some sides it had a slightly dark blue tint. The emanation of this person's wing symbol produced a more powerful aura than that of other people, which caused her face to be obscured.

"Have you come to greet me?" It was as if the woman's commanding voice had awakened them from their dream.

One of the officials who were there said, "Welcome to the kingdom of Klein, princess Emilia Von Kaiser," while bowing his head respectfully.

As the official hurried to show the group the way, he said, "This way, please, Your Majesty is awaiting your arrival." He said this as if he knew that the group did not wish to hear any more nonsense.


The Zeitgeist Empire sent a princess and one hundred soldiers along with her so that she could complete her mission. The journey to the capital by horse-drawn carriage lasted for several days in total.

"I cannot wait to see a lot of interesting things on this trip, but I couldn't care less about the assignment that was given to me by that person."

A woman could be heard muttering to herself inside the magnificent horse carriage as it raced away from the scene. She was leaning against the window with her head supported by her hands.

During this time, her personal bodyguards were seen riding horses or other equine-like creatures that had superior physiques and speeds. If they continued at this pace, it would take them between four and five days to get to the capital.