Emilia von Kaiser

Klein's royal capital


The horse carriages that can be seen along the busy streets of the capital are distinguished from other horse carriages by their stately appearance and the various symbols that are engraved on the sides of the carriages.

"Many carriages have been seen entering the vicinity of the palace. Is there a significant person who will soon be arriving?"

A comment was made by a pedestrian who was having a conversation with the owner of a food stall.

"That could be the case, but who is this mysterious guest who can bring together so many high-ranking officials and noble families?"

But then the food stall owner and the customer he was speaking with just stood frozen on the spot, surprised expressions on their faces, staring at something.

Not only the two of them but everyone who passed by a horse carriage engraved with the symbol of a horned lion's head came to a halt and could only stand there stunned, with some also showing frightened expressions.

Even the palace gatekeepers, who stood tall and gave off an intimidating aura as they greeted the guests who came and went, bowed down to this noble family when the horse carriage bearing the horned lion arrived.

"It looks like they belong to the Gehornter family."

A bystander made a comment after they saw the carriage go through the palace gates.

"You're right," the food vendor said, nodding his head, "I think so too... will the Klein kingdom's three major noble families gather in the palace?" If that happens, I believe this kingdom will undergo significant change."

Inside the palace, specifically in a master bedroom, there was a woman with fiery hair who was wearing a dress while being assisted by three servants.

"The vast majority of officials as well as a few noble families have already arrived at the banquet, where they are presently awaiting the arrival of Her Majesty."

One of the maids made a comment as they put earrings in the lady's ears. As they did so, the maid was also making a comment.

Her name is Grun, and the other day she was the maid who brought the message to the person who needed it. She also frequently gripes about how dinner is always served late, which she attributes to the fact that the woman with the fiery hair frequently sleeps in the office.

"You've been putting in a lot of effort over the past few days, haven't you?"

The woman with the fiery hair finally opened her mouth while still observing herself in the mirror.

After hearing that, the three servants could only keep their mouths shut and keep working; those people knew deep down in their hearts that the person who worked the hardest for the sake of this kingdom was the person who was currently in front of them.

After they were done, the red-haired woman, who was accompanied by three servants and several palace soldiers, strolled down the corridor.

During this time, a large number of influential people in this kingdom were having conversations inside the banquet hall.

Many people were under the impression that the Gehornter noble family controlled one-fourth of the Klein kingdom's power.

The head of the Gehornter noble family 'Machtiges Gehornter.

He is depicted as a man in his middle years who has brown hair as thick as a lion's mane and a large goat horn that projects from the top of his head. He has a stocky build, and his height is well over 2 meters. At times, his eyes give off a wild vibe that creates the impression that those around him are being observed by dangerous animals.

One can see a younger version of him standing next to him, who is almost the same stature as the original. Although his body is noticeably more slender and the horns on his head are noticeably smaller, the aura that he exudes is not one that should be taken lightly in any way.

he is Geradeaus Gehornter son of Machtiges Gehornter.

Both of them were dressed in lavish red garments that bore an emblem of a horned lion on them.

In front of them stood two figures, both of which were clad in regal robes of blue and white with tassels of the same colour. One of the figures was a middle-aged man who exuded an extraordinary aura, but little could be seen of him other than his ever-smiling, welcoming face.

"Meeresstein, you were present this time as well."

During the conversation, Machtiges turned his attention to the person standing next to Meeresstein.

"Do I not always come when Your Majesty calls me? In addition to that, please Allow me to introduce someone first..."

In a light tone, Meereestein remarked while pointing to the person standing next to him.

"This is Anya, who is my niece." He muttered helplessly, "She is adamant about both of us attending this banquet." There was also a woman there who was the same age as Geradeaus.

On the other hand, whereas Geradeaus chose to remain silent while watching his father speak, occasionally nodding his head, this young woman turned her attention around as if interested in something. However, nobody could know for certain what was going through her mind at that precise moment.

Oh, I see that you brought your niece with you this time...

The horned lion said, Ignoring her behaviour and continued on.

"Son, please make your introductions!" Machtiges spoke in a commanding tone.

"It's been a while, uncle Meeresstein,"Geradeaus greeted with a warm tone and a head bow.

"Also, it is a pleasure to meet you, Anya. My name is Geradeaus... Geradeaus Gehornter," As he continued, Geradeaus greeted Anya with a slightly unusual tone and a stiff face.

"Pleased to meet you," Anya responded quickly in a flat tone while maintaining a cheerful expression.

When Uncle Meeresstein observed the girl's behaviour, he couldn't help but break into a wry smile, whereas the father and son of the Gehornter family appeared unfazed by her actions.

Her robes make it difficult to see her eyes because they are partially obscured, but she has a beautiful face that is far more attractive than the faces of the noble daughters in the banquet hall.

Two members of the Aktuell noble family, which is one of the three noble families that are considered to be the most prominent in the Klein kingdom.

The history of the Aktuell family is shrouded in mystery, and only a select few people are privy to its details, in contrast to that of the other two noble families. Even the royal family was on edge about a family secret that their clan had been keeping for generations.

They control 90 per cent of the kingdom between only these three families, with the royal family naturally taking the lead. The remainder was made up of nobles as well as potential powers from other countries.

"Her Majesty, Karla Vortigern has arrived"

As a palace guard opened the door, a loud voice could be heard. Before the door on the side opened, and someone came in, the lighting in the room dimmed, and it concentrated on the region directly above the platform.

While accompanied by several elders, a red-haired woman in a black dress appeared wrapped around a rose stem. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and crowned with a crystal-white crown.

As soon as she reached the middle of the platform and stopped there, all eyes turned to her.

"Greetings to the Queen."

Almost immediately, a voice could be heard coming from within the crowd, and shortly after that, the officials and nobles began to bow their bodies toward Karla Vortigern. In the meantime, there are those who merely nodded.

Karla Vortigern gave a slight bow to the ground as she continued to speak in response to this.

"I would like to extend my gratitude to each of you for responding to my call in the first place," Her voice filled with majesty. Her eyes were a golden yellow, and she had a face that was simply divine in its beauty. This contributes to the queen appearing even more imperial.

"Before we get into that, I'd like to fill you in on some information that some of you might not be aware of," The people who had been listening to her displayed a variety of puzzled expressions on their faces.

"A message arrived a few days ago, essentially stating that the Zeitgeist empire sent their princess Emilia Von Kaiser as a delegation, regardless of the Zeitgeist empire's ulterior motives. This message was received. I would also like to have a meeting with all of you to discuss potential alternatives to the looming conflict.

After hearing the first part of the message, many people's facial expressions revealed shock and amazement, indicating that they found it extremely shocking.

The tension in the air increased after people learned that a war was going to break out soon. While some people were completely hopeless about the situation, others thought there was still reason to be optimistic.

"While we wait for the princess of the Zeitgeist empire to arrive, please feel free to eat and drink to your heart's content at this banquet."

After that, the queen moved to the middle seat, which was surrounded on both sides by older people who were having a conversation.

Princess Emilia von Kaiser was rumoured to be not only the most beautiful but also the strongest and most talented of the youth, and while the other invited guests pursued their own individual agendas, the youth were engaged in a lively discussion regarding princess Emilia von Kaiser.

After the significant event that occurred some time ago, this rumour began to circulate widely worldwide.

People in their middle years are competing with one another to strengthen their relationships by either forming business partnerships or trying to pair each other with their children who have exceptional abilities.

On the other hand, the elders engaged in more conversation regarding the kingdom's future. While some advocated for forming alliances with one of the contending parties, most of them cautioned against doing so, "If what you say is true, then after the war, their kingdom will consist solely of people who have been enslaved and who have been completely subjugated without the ability to put up a fight."

Suddenly, the voice of another palace soldier was heard, and this time everyone in the room immediately stopped talking and turned their attention to the door.

"The Zeitgeist empire's representative, Princess Emilia von Kaiser, has arrived."