Yeah, I guess I've given them enough time

Now that we are in the last few months of the year 998 on the holy continent of Heilig, the time has come to start counting down.

The time that was promised is getting closer, but in the meantime, an increasing amount of disorder and darkness has spread across the continent that everyone believes to be sacred.

So sacred that it spurs competition among individuals who want to unravel the mystery it conceals.

- Hadrian Pov -

A month has passed since the incident in which I took Sascha's virginity, and since that incident, Sascha has also changed a little bit.

When they observe Sascha in her current state of behavior, people who are already familiar with her will immediately recognize that she has undergone a change.

Sascha, standing next to me and following me, made an effort to bring her body closer to mine, and when I looked at her, she simply tilted her head to the side and smiled affectionately at me.

The former version of Sascha would have done the same thing, but she would have been embarrassed to do it in front of other people. In contrast, the current version of Sascha made no attempt to hide the fact that she was trying to show how close she was to me, even when other people were present.

Of course, this is all due to me, who has been engaging in lewd activities with her seductive body whenever and wherever I want for the past month, causing Sascha to react in this way.

But I don't mind it too much because I suppose you could say that Sascha is experiencing the sad side effects of the medication and isn't fully ripe just yet...

And finally, I found myself in front of a door that led to a room, and as is my custom, I opened the door without even bothering to knock first.

My mother was seated on a chair when I entered the room, and she gave the impression that she was very busy taking care of the paperwork that was spread out on the table.

However, there was also another person present in the room. She was a tall woman who was dressed in a maid's uniform. However, the maid's uniform that she was wearing was a little bit different from the standard maid's uniform.

Because the maid outfit she was wearing was so form-fitting that I could see her seductive curves, she already had her own charm just from the clothes she was wearing.

Not only that, but she also has a gorgeous face that is not inferior to the faces of the women that are around me. In addition to that, she wears glasses, and behind her glasses, I can see her beautiful glowing gold eyes, which make her look even more desirable.

She has gorgeous golden hair that is pulled back into a bun, giving the impression that she is older than she is and encouraging others to want to exert their domination over her.

Despite this, she appears to be relatively youthful for her age, and I would guess she is the same age as my mother.

Anyone who came into contact with her would instantly recognize her in her capacity as the secretary to the Empress of the Zeitgeist Empire.

Sascha, who was standing behind me, was a little taken aback when she saw the woman, but after that, Sascha just followed me and didn't say anything.

When the woman saw me, she immediately gave me a gentle smile while lowering her head slightly.

However, when the woman with the golden hair saw the figure of Sascha following behind me, I could see her eyebrows slightly raised. After a moment, however, her expression returned to a gentle smile, and she turned her gaze back to me.

My mother, who was already aware of who had entered her study without knocking first, who else but me? Therefore she only gave me a brief glance before speaking to me in a gentle voice and asking, "Are you leaving now?"

And after she asked that, my mother continued to write something on a piece of paper while she listened to what I was about to say.

"Yeah, I guess I've given them enough time."

My mother spoke to me about something else without looking at me, she said, "Then don't forget what you promised that time."

When I heard it, all I could do was smile, and without further ado, I walked out of the room without uttering a single word to the attractive woman wearing glasses.

Sascha, who had hastily followed behind me, could be seen heaving a sigh while wiping the sweat off her forehead.

I feel terrible for Sascha, I thought to myself, because earlier, I was also able to sense the two powerful auras radiating in the room. Of course, they weren't directed at me but rather at Sascha standing next to me.

And the reason... which, to a greater or lesser extent, I am aware of... but who cares about that?

After that, I walked out of the palace and saw Alice, Emilia, and Sucht, in addition to a few female soldiers who appeared to be a little different from the regular soldiers.

They all appeared to be growing weary of the wait as they stood close to the carriage, and when they saw Sascha and me approaching, their facial expressions changed dramatically.

Alice gave an annoyed expression, and I could tell she was about to begin nagging. In the meantime, Sucht smiled gently, and after that, she started giving instructions to the female soldiers.

Emilia, who was now looking at me with a slightly nervous expression, drew my attention the most.

Plus, Emilia has been acting strangely lately, but thanks to Sascha, I now understand the root of the problem, so I wasn't surprised by it.

"Why did you wake me up at this ungodly hour just to force me to wait outside?" It was then that I heard Alice's irritated voice, which of course, was directed at me.

But I didn't want to waste any time, so I just responded with a small smile and then gently stroked Alice's head while I said.

"I had no idea you were going to be that stupid... if you're getting tired of waiting outside, you can go ahead and get in the carriage." After that, I walked past Alice and grabbed Emilia's hand as I continued forward.

"While you wait, you can sleep in the carriage if you are still feeling sleepy," I continued, and after that, Emilia and I boarded the magnificent carriage that was located in the middle.

After seeing me smile and rub her head, Alice, who had been under the impression that I was going to apologize, was hit in the face with the harsh reality of the situation when I made a snide remark.

After that, Alice hurriedly followed me into the carriage, and Sascha stood outside the carriage, disappointed that she couldn't share the carriage with me.

But then she just sighed as she walked towards Sucht's carriage.

This exciting adventure starts off with that.

And without any of them being aware of it, there was a watchful eye peering out of one of the windows of the palace room as they departed.

- Empress Pov -

"They seem to be having a good time."

My attention was drawn away from the scene I was observing through the window, where my children were leaving when I was disturbed awake by the voice of a woman who was standing next to me.

This golden-haired woman with glasses was also looking out the window at the same time as I was, but her expression seemed a little off, and she had a slight smile plastered on her face the whole time.

However, I sighed and responded, "Actually, they don't have to do it all by themselves. Those disgusting insects will instantly disappear from this world with one command from me."

The woman with the golden hair asked while adjusting her glasses, "yes, I don't doubt it, but are you sure you want to eradicate the mastermind behind those insects?"

"Those people are getting impatient because the time that was promised is getting closer, and they are bravely trying to test it with my children," I said it in a low voice while staring directly into the eyes of the woman with the golden hair, and for some reason, the mood in the room became gloomy and heavy.

"I'm sure you understand what I mean, right?"

"Yes... of course... their impatience caused them to forget something so important that now their lives are in Prince Hadrian's hands."

The woman with the golden hair responded to the question with a bit of a stutter at first, but after that, she continued to speak in a clear and assertive manner.

I could see that the woman with the golden hair in front of me was sweating involuntarily, and her body was shaking a little bit, but then I withdrew my out-of-control aura, and the tense and heavy atmosphere vanished, and the room returned to its normal state.

After that, I leaned back in the chair and told the woman with golden hair to get out of my line of sight, adding, "you can go back now."

The woman with the golden hair stumbled out of the room, but before she shut the door, the woman with golden hair looked at me while bowing her body and said.

"Therefore, Your Majesty the Empress, I, Vera, will take my leave."