Therefore, Your Majesty the Empress, I, Vera, will take my leave

- Vera Pov -

Today, as is customary, I reported to the Empress in her study, where, and as her secretary, I was kept extremely busy assisting her with various tasks relating to the administration of this empire.

Additionally, in contrast to the emperors of other empires, the Empress I serve does not appear to be leading the life of an emperor.

Because just imagine, during this month, the Empress only left the palace once, and the only reason for that is because there were important things such as the impending war between the empires of Ausgeburt and Unbesiegt.

And as for the rest, the Empress only carried out her responsibilities as the female Emperor from her study inside the palace.

Of course, I don't mind it, and I think that's unique to the Empress because I've met some of the other emperors and heard rumors about it as well.

The other emperors each have their own uniqueness, whether it's because of their position as Emperor or because someone says that person is one of the strongest beings on this continent. As a result, each Emperor appears quirky and different from what most other people imagine.

I began the day with all of these ideas racing through my head, and soon after that, I arrived at the Empress's study.

I heaved a sigh and then began to tentatively knock on the door, "knock... knock..."


I turned the doorknob after hearing that voice, and then I went ahead and entered the room.

The first thing I did was bow my body and greet the Empress, saying, "Good morning, Your Majesty, your servant has come here to report the meeting from yesterday."

"Why are you acting so stiffly all of a sudden, Vera?" I could hear the Empress in front of me gasping in surprise, and in response, I simply straightened up my body and said what I had to say in a low voice. I couldn't help but smile wryly.

"I don't know, maybe I've been getting a little tired over the past few days."

"Really? If that's the case, you are free to relax for the next few days," The Empress, who appeared to be preoccupied with writing something, spoke without looking in my direction.

I could tell from the sound of the Empress's voice that she was a little concerned, even though she was not looking at me.

But I just responded with a joke, saying, "if I rest for even a day, I'm sure you'll drag me out of bed right away because you'll be overwhelmed if you have to take care of it all by yourself."

"hahaha... yes, I can imagine that happening, considering that you're the only one I can entrust with all of that," The Empress said with a laugh.

After the Empress had finished laughing at my joke, I could sense that she was getting more serious about what she had been saying.

Because the Empress has placed a great deal of trust in me to handle important matters throughout all of this time, even while her husband was still alive...

In that regard, I must confess that I still have a great deal of uncertainty in my heart, but I do not have the courage to voice those concerns to the Empress until now.

Because I am aware that the circumstances surrounding the death of her husband are shrouded in many mysteries, which I am not allowed to know.

Because of this, I won't do anything as risky as finding out on my own without the empress' knowledge as long as I haven't received word from the Empress herself.

I heaved a sigh as I started to report on the meeting from the day before, and as is customary, I was there in my capacity as the Empress' secretary. Now, I have to report the main points discussed at the meeting.

It was only natural for the Empress to dislike leaving the palace, even if it was just to attend such dull meetings on a daily basis.

There are some things I dislike about attending the meeting, one of which is the indecent stares from the officials and higher-ups present. Even though they believe they are covering it well, I can still feel their dirty gazes on me.

People out there have a reputation for me as being a stern and cold secretary because of this reason.


I had just finished writing the report when all of a sudden, the door to this room opened, and there was neither a knock nor any other indication that someone was about to enter.

I was a little taken aback when I first saw that figure walk into this room. However, as soon as I realized who that was, my heart began to race for some reason.

When I realized that person was Prince Hadrian von Kaiser, I gave him a polite smile and bowed my head slightly as a sign of respect.

And after that, I could make out the second figure of a stunning woman with dark hair dressed in light armor and trailing behind Prince Hadrian.

And all I did was raise my eyebrows, but I refrained from saying anything else because it appeared that Prince Hadrian was in a rush.

"Are you leaving now?" I was able to make out the voice of the Empress, and as I had anticipated, Prince Hadrian was going to be the one to take care of the issues that arose at that time.

Because the Empress also took the time to speak with me about it, I am aware of the situation.

"Yeah, I guess I've given them enough time."

According to the Empress, Prince Hadrian was in no rush to resolve the issue, and the Prince had even planned to delegate responsibility for the issue to Princess Alice.

If that is the case, I don't have a problem with it because I also know that there is no experience more valuable than dealing with real problems, not the fake scenarios that royal members typically make up to train their successors because they are afraid of putting their successors' lives in danger.

"Then don't forget what you promised that time."

In fact, the Empress was also a little worried at first, but after Prince Hadrian promised something, the Empress agreed to his plan, and the plan was put into action.

And after that quick conversation, Prince Hadrian started to leave the room after turning around and walking out the door.

And the woman who was with Prince Hadrian and I remained silent throughout the entire conversation that was taking place between the Empress and the Prince.

I couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment in my heart and smile wryly because even prince Hadrian didn't say a word to me, and I then couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"naughty kid... I wasn't expecting Hadrian to do it with Sascha..." I was awakened by a desperate voice coming from the direction of the Empress after Prince Hadrian had left this room.

Naturally, I was aware of what the Empress meant, "yeah, they've all grown up way too fast." I responded with a look of melancholy as I thought about it.

The Empress jumped up quickly from her chair and dashed to the window to take a closer look at something.

And, of course, that had confirmed the departure of her children, and I could see the gentle smile on her face as she looked out the window.

Her expression is the same as it was back then, and I guess that smile can only be released when it comes to talking about her children...

The appearance of the current Empress is quite different, huh... almost like a child...

However, I did nothing more than sigh and walk alongside her while simultaneously looking out the window.

I can make out prince Hadrian, princess Emilia, Princess Alice, Sucht's figure, and Sascha, who appears disappointed.


"They seem to be having a good time." I said.

When I saw them leave, particularly when I looked at Prince Hadrian, I couldn't help but break out in a broad grin, and I didn't even realize it was happening until after they had gone.

Then, however, I became aware of the voice of the Empress murmuring quietly next to me while heaving a sigh.

"Actually, they don't have to do it all by themselves. Those disgusting insects will instantly disappear from this world with one command from me."

As I readjusted my glasses, I responded, "yes, I don't doubt it. However, are you certain that you want to eradicate the mastermind behind those insects?"

However, after that, the Empress said, "Those people are getting impatient because the time that was promised is getting closer, and they are bravely trying to test it with my children."

And then, immediately after that, the mood in this room changed to one that was dark and heavy, which caused me, who was standing close to the Empress, to experience a tightness in my chest and a general feeling of weakness throughout my body.

"I'm sure you understand what I mean, right?"

I responded to her question as quickly as I could, saying, "Yes... of course... their impatience caused them to forget something so important that now their lives are in Prince Hadrian's hands."

Although I initially answered with a bit of a stutter because I had to brace myself from the aura, I continued in a smooth and confident manner.

My body began to shake almost immediately after I became aware that the Empress was staring right at me with her red eyes. At the same time, I had a distinct impression that she was examining my very soul.

After that, however, the Empress took her gaze off of me, and almost immediately, the gloomy and heavy atmosphere vanished, along with the Empress's flat voice as she sat back in her chair.

"you can go back now," After I heard that, I abruptly left the room. However, before I did so, I turned to face the Empress, bowed my body, and said something.

"Therefore, Your Majesty the Empress, I, Vera, will take my leave."

Even though I've known her since childhood, I never forget that the woman standing in front of me is an existence that can be compared to the legends that are written about in history books. In addition, she is an Empress of the Zeitgeist Empire, which is one of the most powerful empires on this continent.