What the f*ck are you two doing?

Emilia Pov

I have no idea why Hadrian want Sascha and me to head back to the hotel first, but at the same time, he asked Alice and Sucht to accompany him somewhere else.

Look at me now, stuck in this hotel room by myself without a clue what to do, and the only thing that comes to mind is spending the rest of the day dozing off in bed and crossing my fingers that the three of them will be back before too long.

I had been resting on the bed in this room for a while when all of a sudden, I uttered a sound.

"Not bad," I said in a weak voice, and my expression showed how bored I was right now by the lack of expression on my face.

Because ever since that incident, I have had the impression that I am carrying a heavy burden, and with each passing day, I could feel that the burden was getting heavier.

For this reason, I continue to hone my sword skills every day and to tell you the truth, I am aware that I am training too hard... However, I am unable to refrain from doing it, nor am I able to take even a single day off to relax.

Even though I have been staying in this damn hotel that is not too far from my house for the past few days, which may give the impression that I am more relaxed than I actually am, I'm still keeping up with my sword training routine, even though I've cut back on the amount I do.

"hahh," for some reason, I just wanted to sigh, and after that, I raised my hand to look at my palm, "hahaha..." all of a sudden, I laughed a little, but even so, my expression was still completely expressionless.

While I continued to look at my palm, I continued to remark that "magic is certainly one of the most peculiar things in this world."

My palms are a pale white colour, and I can see that there are several minor cuts on them. However, I am sure that most people will not notice them because the wounds appear old. Even now, the wound is barely visible, and my skin appears pale white as if it had never been hurt or stained at all, so people must pay close attention in order to see the little scars.

Some of these cuts were actually long enough to reach my arms, and they were pretty deep. Because of the magic, all of the wounds vanished, and all that was left was what was in my palm now.

When I first started actively practising my swordsmanship, that's when I got this wound. At that time, my mother gave me a magic sword as a gift. I believe that a magic sword is highly valued because many people look at me with envious eyes whenever I carry it by my side.

The magic sword has a single edge and a circular or squared guard. It also has a long grip that can accommodate two hands. However, as I get older and my level increases, I usually only hold it with one hand. Even though it is only about 60 centimetres in length, it is still very effective. Therefore, this magical sword is relatively slender and entirely satisfies my requirements in every way.

I don't understand why the majority of the swordsmen I meet prefer large magic swords that can even cover the silhouette of their bodies. If it were me, carrying such a large sword by my side would make me look like an idiot.

Because it does not matter how large and wide your sword is or how small and thin your sword is. What really matters is how high your level is, the grade of your magic sword, and also your skills with the sword.

"Ahh," I exclaimed as I realized that I was feeling a little worn out. It's not that I dislike thinking about swords—I actually quite enjoy it—just it's that I'm aware that once I start talking about it, I won't be able to stop until I've exhausted the subject entirely.

Consequently, I leapt out of bed and immediately began reciting a short incantation.


Suddenly, a magical light particle envelops my palm, and within a short amount of time, that magical light particle transforms into a sword that possesses each and every one of the qualities that I described earlier, the characteristics of the sword that my mother gave to me.

But even though the entire body of this sword is made of black light, I am still able to get a firm grip on the hilt with my palm. This gives the impression that the sword is not real.

I'm sure you've seen something very similar to this before. Yes, this sword is made entirely of magic. However, what makes it interesting is that I have complete control over the type of magic it contains as well as its overall composition.

Since I have a high talent for magic and energy, I am able to perform this trick with relative ease. But, of course, in order to do it, I will first need to have mastered the spell and the element that I want to use.

After all, I've been staying at this hotel for the past few days, so it stands to reason that I didn't bring my sword with me. Therefore, whenever I find myself with some spare time in this place, I work on perfecting my sword skill using this trick.

"I miss my sword."

Because I didn't want to see the bed, table, or any of the other pieces of furniture in this room accidentally split in two, I sighed and started walking toward the farthest corner of the room from the items and furniture in this room.

After that, I relaxed by taking a few slow breaths and closing my eyes, but all of a sudden, I became aware of an odd sound.

I simply chose to ignore it while I prepared my body technique, which I typically practice when working on my swordsmanship. Since I do not have a teacher or anything else that can teach me how to swing a sword, I have only been able to learn how to do so by reading about it in books and then practising it on my own.

"Ahhhh, why is it that that strange sound won't go away!"

I was instantly on guard because I continued to hear the strange sound, and even now, I'm starting to realize something, which is, "Shouldn't this hotel have various kinds of magic shields in every room, one of which is a magic shield that prevents outside sounds from entering and vice versa?"

"Yesterday, when I arrived at this hotel for the first time, I also heard a strange sound that was very similar to this sound several times."

I uttered those words with a facial expression that was riddled with doubt. As I exited the room

I'm not sure if it's a male or female voice, but I'm pretty sure it's not someone talking. When I get close to the door, I can sometimes hear a woman's voice squealing at an extremely high pitch. The strange voice was getting louder as I got closer to the door.

The next thing you know, as if I couldn't take it any longer, I slammed open the door to my bedroom and yelled out loud, with an irritated expression on my face.

"Could whoever is making that strange sound, please stop?"

After that, however, I was taken aback when I noticed the figures of Hadrian and Sucht standing in this hallway.

"What the f*ck are you two doing?"