What a cute older sister...

My Pov

"What the f*ck are you two doing?"

Because I had prior knowledge that Emilia would leave the room feeling aggravated as a result of all the perverted noise that Sucht and I were making.

I immediately put an end to all of my lewd behaviour and began chanting a cleansing spell in order to atone for the chaos that Sucht and I had caused in this corridor.

After everything had been cleaned up, Sucht and I started walking down this corridor to our respective rooms with our usual expressions. It was as if the lewd event had never taken place.

"What do you mean Emilia?"

I responded with a question mark above my head while assuming an expression that suggested I was unaware of what Emilia was saying.

As if she was still having trouble believing it, Emilia attempted to ask the question once more while simultaneously looking to the left and right along the corridor, which was, of course, empty except for the three of us.

"That strange sound — didn't any of you make that sound?"

"Didn't you see that Sucht and I just came to this floor?"

I then turned to Sucht, whose face still had a trace of lust from earlier, but then she smiled gently at me, and as if she knew what I was thinking, she then started walking back towards her room.

However, before Sucht left, she whispered to Emilia as she slightly bowed her head, "Then princess Emilia, I'll go back to my room first." After making that statement, Sucht walked away without waiting for Emilia to give her reaction.

When I saw Sucht's behaviour, I couldn't help but crack a small grin because, earlier on, when she bowed her head, I could make out the smirk she was attempting to hide.

Then, after seeing Sucht enter the room and close the door, I once more turned my gaze to Emilia while saying something.

"So, you say. what was that strange sound that you heard?"

After seeing me now looking at her with the playful smile, I usually show, Emilia became perplexed and didn't appear to know what to say. Finally, however, after taking a deep breath, she started to open her mouth.

"I don't know... sometimes I hear a woman's voice screaming in a high tone... sometimes I'm not too sure because her voice is mixed with a man's voice..."

Emilia appeared to be a little confused for some reason while she was explaining. In addition, her voice was cut off, and as she approached the conclusion, her voice became softer, and she lowered her head.

As soon as I saw Emilia's face, which gave the impression that she was about to cry in front of me at this very moment, I couldn't help but let out a sigh while gently lowering my head and holding one of her hands. After that, I whispered something to her.

"I am aware that you are not accustomed to being in this place and situation, but you just need to continue your sword practice as you normally would, understand?"

After hearing what I had to say, Emilia appears to be a little taken aback, and then, while still keeping her head bowed, Emilia asks.

"How do you know?"

I couldn't help but grin as I reached out and took Emilia's hand in order to guide her back to her room.

"I can tell immediately after touching the palm of your hand, don't forget, I also sometimes always watch your practice ever since we were little."

Following that, I could feel Emilia's hand, which I was currently holding, tremble slightly. However, I pretended not to notice and continued to say what I was going to say.

"Besides that, I heard that this hotel is indeed haunted, so it's only natural for you to hear such strange noises."

When I first started to scare Emilia, she would immediately scream in terror while trying to cling to my body. However, in contrast to what I had imagined, Emilia's reaction was much more subdued than it would have been in a normal situation.

But after turning my attention back to Emilia, I was able to more or less decipher what was going through her head. I was then able to shake her from her trance by saying.

"Now that I've got your attention, you can go back to your room."

Emilia was finally able to lift her head after I released her hand, and she proceeded to enter her room cautiously after that.

"Don't be afraid to tell me if you continue to hear that strange voice, and I will stay with you until you sleep."

After I finished speaking, Emilia stopped what she was doing and turned to face me.

"Who is afraid? And also, don't be too confident. The only time I will have nightmares is when I know you are close by."

Said Emilia with a smirk on her face as she tried to shut the door to her room, after which she gave me a sneer by sticking out her tongue and closing the door to her room again.

"What a cute older sister..."

Following that, I made my way back to my room.

If other people were to see me right now, they would be surprised to see my current expression, which is expressionless and emotionless. It is as if all the naughtiness and the gentle smile I gave before were just a mask that I could change whenever I wanted to.


Somewhere in the most remote part of the city, in a large building that housed a significant number of children and for which even the locals were unclear as to the reason it had been constructed.

Blume Pov

I was left here by myself after the three mysterious individuals exited the building and grandma Baum caught up with them outside.

Nevertheless, I am able to exhale a sigh of relief because all of the pressure has been lifted, even though I am not entirely sure what the purpose of the three of them coming here is. However, I do not believe that they have any ill will toward me.

In this room, I had the impression that I was nothing more than a helpless small animal being watched and that I would be released once I had finished speaking.

Regarding this room specifically, 'has the statue been moved or has it remained in its old place?' My attention was immediately drawn to the three mysterious people, so I didn't pay much attention to the rest of my surroundings.

I suddenly let out a small shout while putting on a surprised expression when I discovered the statue of the boy I had been searching for at the far end of the room above the altar.

"ahhh... hold on just a second..."

"Hmm... no way..."

Because after giving it some careful look, I realized that the enigmatic young man who had been chit-chatting with me earlier was the same person whose image was engraved on the statue.

Even though the figure of the mysterious man appeared to be somewhat older than the one depicted in the statue, there was no mistaking it because his face was extremely similar to the one displayed in the statue.

"No... I've seen it somewhere... not just the statue."

Suddenly, as I started to remember something, my head started to feel very sick and dizzy, and even my body felt weak and couldn't stand up. Finally, when I tried to strengthen my legs, which were shaking, but still, my legs couldn't stand it any longer, and then my body fell to the floor.


Down on the ground, I was curled up in pain. Both of my hands seemed to be gripping my head, which felt like it was going to explode, but not long after the pain reached its peak, suddenly, my body felt like shaking violently, and I started to lose consciousness.

Because the darkness in front of me was getting worse, I had the sensation of falling. I was by myself in a dark and icy hole where it was very cold.