Chapter - 1 : The Haunted House

It was rainy Night when, Shashank had to go underground who was hiding in an old house of small village which is far from the city of one beautiful country of south Asia called Nepal. The house is in the middle of the silent place surrounded by jungle. From Inside it was not less than a small beautiful palace. People hesitate and afraid to pass from the area where the house is in. The house is believed to be a haunted house. Long time back on year 1915 it was built by England returned chief army officer James Smith, who built the house for his young and beautiful wife Margaret. During the time of world war-II, chief officer James had to go for the war but when the officer returned, he found his wife Margaret with another man. Later he killed that man buried in the same house and left everything and returned back to his own country England along with Margaret.

People say that sometimes they hear strange sound from inside. the villagers say that the unrest devil soul of that man lives in that house and villagers fear to get inside it and even pass from nearby the house.

however, In the time of 21st century people from the town do not believe in such story. They say that this story has been made just to preserve the eternal beauty and classical design of the house designed and made in that time.

Almost after 100 years, the silent house has got some people to live in the house. But it is not because the modern youngsters don't believe in the ghost but it is because they are afraid of their own life which is full of problem and sorrows. Despite the House is considered and believed to be haunted and mysterious, some people feel that the house is the safest place to hide themselves. They think living in haunted house with freedom is better than getting inside the jail with other criminal minded people.

It is said that Real business man can see opportunity everywhere. Some of the brokers in real state even used to make some bucks on such secret business of hiding the people who wanted to have space in their life, either for doing crime or for hide the crime to get secret and mystery for the world.

The house is believed to be haunted by some villagers, while all the so-called well-educated people from the town believe that it is just a myth. Those people who used to think like this used to be their potential customers.

Shashank Jones who recently has been accused for a crime which he has not committed has got a safest place to hide in. Though, Shashank is not only the one who lives in the house. The house is also shared by a couple Ryan and Rosie. Rosie and Ryan who had no lack of money are living in the same haunted house as Ryan and Rosie are tired of living in front of the people who show fake sympathy but enjoy to see their life of broken and miserable relationship. Ryan and Rosie marriage was going to break up with each other, they believe that no one has sympathy on them, they just pretend that they have but in real all the people all the people enjoy family drama. So, they decided to live in peace far from the crowd for some time, hoping at least no one could see them fighting and enjoy their drama.