Chapter-2 : Isolated

It was rainy night when Shashank Parker was inside a messy room. Inside that unwell managed room of his flat, he is surrounded with all the document papers as he was rechecking his all the bank papers, bond papers.

In a huge stress but with the less hope that he is trying to convince himself that the news of share market scam is false and that is not true.

Shashank while searching the papers and document inside one of the bags, He finds a framed photo, clicked with his girlfriend long time back. As he finds that photo His work and focus are diverted as soon as he remembers his love interest Sophie.

He likes to make a call to his girlfriend to make one more try so that she can return back to his life again. He dials the number of Sophie from his old model phone. Since, he is staying underground his friend Steve and lawyer has given him normal button phones so that people cannot track him

He calls, Sophie receives a call from unknown number she picks the calls, she says "Hello" for three times and after third hello she understands that this must be Shashank because she hears breathing of Shashank. Then this time she says, "Shashank, is it you?" she sounds upset and angry.

Shashank tries to take her name emotionally and wants to have that chance to let him speak. But Sophie does not even give him a single chance to explain him.

Sophie irritably explain not to call her again because she tells that everything is over, adds that why don't he understand that he has come to road and has become bankrupt and now he is not eligible to become her man and it's already break up.. She also gives him a warning that if he calls again then he will help the police to track his location through this mobile.

While Sophie keeps on speaking, Shashank tries to take her name to speak in between and at the last he notices she has already cut down the call after expressing her anger.

He sadly feels that he has no any choice but to accept the fact. His eyes go on that framed photo, which takes him back to the memory of the time when he used to date beautiful Sophie.

He remembers that day when they were enjoying the sunset of beautiful place, sitting together in a bench of a resort. Sophie was resting her head on his shoulder closing her eyes and just enjoying his company and his hand playing with her hairs.

Shashank was expressing his ideas and the complications that might occur in their future because of the lack of money and her family might not accept their relationship. While Shashank calls her name softly for two three-time Sophie just response him by just saying hmm but Sophie did not like to make herself come out of his world because at that moment Shashank was her entire universe.

Shashank says, "Sophie, will you stay in my life like this forever, I mean like will you be always mine?"

Sophie is so surprised listening his unusual question. She feels kinds of disturbance in between enjoying that moment. She raises her head to answer his question. She replies that if she has to leave him then she would have left him long time back and why would even she rests her head her soul on him.

Shashank explains her about the differences of their family status how poor is him now and her family won't accept him as his son in law seeing his poor status. He even could not afford a nice small gift on her 24th birthday.

Sophie expresses her views, that she loves him desperately and does not care about his financial and social status and also says that she believes him that one day he is going to be very successful person and has full trust on that and at last she says she does not need anything from him but just huge and huge love only.

Listening to Sophie, Shashank becomes motivated and encouraged as his girl is full supportive, loving and caring.

Suddenly, the ring of mobile phone disturbs the Memory of Shashank. He comes out of those beautiful memory spent with his love who was his life till few days ago.

Shashank picks the phone, His lawyer friend from the phone asks him to switch on the TV to see the news getting broadcasted. Without cutting off the phone call he keeps the phone aside, grabs the TV remote and switch on the TV to see the ongoing news told by his lawyer. In the news, the TV reporter is delivering the news regarding the recent Scam happened in the share market.

The newsposter says, "the latest update on Share scam, according to the police report the network of share Market frauds is soon to be tracked very soon. Police says that no any of the culprit has left the city they are hiding themselves inside the city by keeping themselves in underground. All the four cheated investors have recently returned from Japan and put all their saving in the scam from the influence of those share market frauds and two of them have already committed suicide. Ministry of finance have issued a notice requesting the public to be aware of such frauds and scams in share market and not to invest in any unauthorized market of instruments.

Listening to that news, Shashank just switches off the TV. He feels he has no any clue what to do in that situation because in the scam even he is considered as one of the prime culprits and trying to hide himself from getting arrested for the crime that he has not committed. Then again get back to the phone where the lawyer is still on.

The lawyer says, "Shashank, are you listening to me? being your lawyer and friend now there is nothing left that I can do for you but there is still one way left, out of all the suspect culprits, people do not know your face in this scam they just know your name, so what can we do is just don't go move from the place that you are hiding in, I can manage fake passport and ticket for you to go escape away from this counrty."

Shashank is silently listening to his plan and to hide his crime. He is so confused, stressed and broken that he is just listening and while listening him sometime he gets lost inside his thoughts of this all-bad times happening with him. He is thinking that Sophie going away from his life and going to be most wanted criminal of the city and many more. In between while the lawyer is explaining his plan. The lawyer, "Shashank? Are you listening to me?"

Shashank suddenly comes out of his thinking as the lawyer is going to explain something interesting. The lawyer continues, "listen Shashank I will manage your fake passport, but we need to pay little money, do you have some money or not?"

Shashank does not know what to say, he actually does not have so much money. However, in reply he tells him to proceed the work and he will manage the money in few days. Then he cuts off the call.

After he gets disconnected with his lawyer, he hears a noise outside from a flat next to his flat. He gets to know that it's quarreling between a couple who are living as Shashank's neighbor. He knows that they fight always and it's quite irritating that comes between him and his silence moment. But today, the noise of quarrelling between Ryan and Rosie is so much than other time. Shashank finds that door of his room is little bit open which is letting that noise to enter his room so easily to disturb his silent moment.

He thinks to close the door. As he goes near the door to close it, he hears bigger sound of them quarrelling. He cannot stop himself to see that couple from that small opening of the door not letting them to know that they are being watched. Especially the Rosie, who is badly yelling at drunk Ryan.