Chapter-3 : The Annoying Couple Next Door

Though, they fight almost every day, But today it's above than normal. Rosie is shouting and yelling to Ryan showing something from the cell phone of Ryan. Mistakenly, the hidden truth of Ryan has come in front from that cell phone. Rosie who is desperately in love with Ryan has discovered that Ryan is cheating. Today in the morning she has found his cell phone where she finds all of his secret and undeleted chat with some other girl. She also has discovered that this is going since long time.

Rosie already had doubt on him seeing his changed behavior since many days. Only the thing is she was just searching strong evidence on that. And, finally today she has caught him.

Rosie, has discovered that she has been cheated by her own love of her life. The love whom she has trust more than anyone in her life. She has left everything just to stay with him. She has left her dream of becoming certified therapist in Australia.

Few years back, Rosie with her parents and a younger brother were having good life in Australia. Her father and mother who were from good family of a Hindu culture from Nepal. Long time back they came and settled Australia and became NRN the non-returning Nepal. Due to the high influence of modern culture in Australia, her father Romash was little worried about their children. However, it was her mother who always taught them about the values of their culture and the love towards their own country Nepal.

Rosie and her small brother Rohit used to go to high school and junior School. But since they were taught values of their own culture, tradition and beliefs they never let their parent to feel down because of the same reason.

It had been already 20 years since Mr. and Mrs. Romash leaving their mother land. Though he had made good amount of wealth in Australia through his hard work and dedications, he always used to feel that lack of love toward his mother land. He had a great dream to return back to his country.

Unfortunately, in summer 2017 when Mr. and Mrs. Romash made a plan to visit their country, just one week later in a car accident they had lose their life including her younger brother. When Car accident happened Rosie fortunately was on her school trip so she was only the member left in the family.

In last breath in hospital when Mr. Romash asked a wish to his daughter. The wish that has actually changed her life today and it seems the time is taking revenge because it could not kill her in that car accident which killed her entire family.

Her father always wanted his daughter and son to go to Nepal and get marry with person of their own culture and own country. The same promise was taken from Rosie by her father before he could take the last breath. In this way they left her alone leaving everything behind to her.

To fulfil one and only the dream of her father Rosie came to Nepal. Because she was already rich NRN she was worried, someone wrong guy could follow her just for her money and property.

She was not only trying to fulfill her father's dream but also was searching a true love for herself. She was very much worried if she would get wrong guy and the entire life she would be regret of her decision.

Then she contacted her friend Lily through social media. Lily was her best friend when both of them studied together in Australia. Lilly returned back to Nepal after the completion of her graduation two years before than her.

She was only the person, whom she knew from Nepal. The first day when Lily was excited to meet her best friend from Australia. She invited her in one of her favorite cafes called City café which was in the prime location of the capital city.

It was winter morning, when two best friends Lily and Rosie were having cappuccino. While having the cappuccino. Lily likes to talk on the topic which she mentioned in her chat where she mentioned the reason behind her arrival in Nepal. Lily says that she is not happy for her reason to come in Nepal.

Lily says, "you are so beautiful and rich, but this country's peoples' is now no more like before especially the boys, people are just back of money, name and fame and no place for love and care, which used to be in father-mother times, you have arrived in wrong time my dear"

She remains silent but has a kind of feeling that every person is not same as described by her friend Lily.

Lily keeps on saying bad about the boys. She says that all the boys are same. They are only striving of their body. they have already forgot the values of love. They either run for money or run for a hot body that can fill up their hunger of sex. Once their beauty is transferred to wrinkled body then they will not bother themselves turn back to see them. She explains the bitter fact of men about what she thinks.

She continuously insults all the boys and men in front of many male waiters of the café. Rosie feels that all the people around are listening to her. she starts feeling awkward. Not only the waiters but all the people who are in the café, the guest, staffs and everyone are listening to her one-sided complaints against all men. But there was no one who could stop her. Rosie tried, but being her close she was not ready to listen to her in overflowing words.

Finally, a charming young waiter of the café who was serving their cappuccino and other orders on their table could not hold his disagreement and his views against her words. Then he feels to clarify her wrong thought against every man.

He just as a waiter stands in front of their table. Lily just stops her tongue, Seeing Ryan in front of them.

It was the first time, when Rosie saw and met Ryan, who looked very innocent in his waiter dress. Since he was working throughout their presence, he was subconsciously noticed by her.

As Ryan stood in front of them, the surprised lily says, "we have not ordered anything yet?"

Then Ryan replies, "I am sorry, ma'am, this time did not come here to take any order, but I am really sorry to say this whatever you are telling about the men and the way you described the all the boys of whole world in such a negative way is really unacceptable what I feel, and my heart is really not agreeing your things."

While Ryan starts his explanation, Lily seems like angry but Rosie feels interest to listen that boy so she puts her hand above the hand of lily to stop her to not to stop him.

Ryan continues and says, "ma'am, I really do have real respect for every woman of this world, the thing you said all men are like an animal is really not true, there are some men in this world who have been raised by an idol and honest mother, do you see all these hardworking waiters most of them are men and working so hard all the day and night just live the life of dignity, you never know ma'am from what situation, what pain and pressure they might be going through."

Lily and Rosie both put their eyes to see all the waiters while Ryan is explaining. Ryan continues, "In these all waiters, some of them, they are working because they have responsibility to see and feed their children being Doctor, engineer. Some of them they are working because they have their parents to feed and take care off. Some of them are working because they have to pay their college fees and dream to see themselves standing on their own feet. Some of them needs money to pay expensive hospital bills of their mother's treatment. Many pains, struggle and hardship but still, they will never spread their hands to beg."

Listening to all these, Lily feels like she must have said something wrong in wrong place. Ryan agrees that it's true that some of the boys are really disrespecting just using the women for their purposes but also adds his thought , "all men is not same at least not in this café".

At last, he says, "some men are honest and hardworking like us too."

He then joins his both hands and humbly says, "I am sorry ma'am, if I have hurt your sentiments."

As all the people around are also listening to Ryan, they all clap for him, even women present there, agrees him and clap for his wonderful speech, however it wasn't meant to be speech from his side.

Lily feels awkward then she puts some money then holds Rosie's hand leave from there pulling her hand.

Next day, at the same table, Ryan sees only Rosie. Ryan observes she is alone there so he goes to her to take an order. But Ryan feels to apologize to her friend Lily, so says, "ma'am, is your friend not here, I really felt bad about the yesterday's incidence, I really like to apologize to her, isn't she coming?"

Rosie with her smile says, "she is upset what she said , even she has realized it, she is ashamed of what she said and I guess she won't be coming."

Ryan feels worse and ask her give him one chance to make an apology. But Rosie says that whatever he said yesterday was nothing wrong, each and every word explained is true thing and also expresses that she is really quite impressed with her and today she has come there just to meet him and also expresses she wants to be her friend.

Ryan feels so surprise and amazed that why even the rich girl like her wants to be a friend of a poor guy like him.

He explains the same thing to her and says that their friendship is not possible, at least not right now and serves her cappuccino and just treats her as café's guest nothing more than that.

But Rosie does not lose hope and does not want to lose such a gem. Then, every day she comes there and wait for him and for his answer. She just comes there and if other waiter goes to give her order, then she requests them to send him only to bring her order. She just used to come there to see him and to meet him.

But finally on 8th day, at the same time Ryan does not see her on the table. While doing his duty he keeps on checking if she has come on that table. His other colleagues also notice that he is not focused in his work rather his full concentration is on that particular table and he is also searching her. One of his friends ask him to why don't he call her if he is missing her presence in a sarcastic way.

It becomes three four hours and suddenly he feels he is going to lose something valuable. As soon as he realizes his feelings, he runs to check her car which she usually parks at underground parking area of the café. He does not even see her car which kills his hope and once again he convinces his heart that he missed something valuable which was never meant to be his.

After that hopeless journey, when he turns back, he sees that and realizes that life is not always unfair sometimes we need to turn back. He finds that Rosie was observing and waiting him to turn back and from her sweet voice and love in the eyes she says, "you miss me, no?"

In this way their relationship begins as friendship.

Rosie and Ryan now become a good friend. It is her daily routine to come and meet Ryan in Café.

Slowly, they became habit to each other. They started to meet not only in the café but outside too. They used to spend quality time enjoying the company of each other. There was no any beautiful place where they have not gone together.

Slowly, there relationship became so deep that one day while roaming in beautiful park, Rosie suddenly says, "I love you "and hugged from behind.

Ryan who was not ready for that relationship replies putting stone on heart, "But, Rosie, I have not thought about it and we are in just friendship, how suddenly we can do this and I am not suitable guy for you."

Rosie by holding his hands then tries to explain that their relationship is something more than friendship and that is nothing than love. She also adds her logic that both of them spend most of the time together without meeting each other in a day cannot complete their day, and "if this is not love then what the love is?" asks Rosie.

Ryan has same feelings for her from inside but he tries to hide his feelings. Just then removes her hand shows that he is not ready for it, however he wants to be with her desperately.

Then without replying her, he says, "we need to return."

Rosie, "but how can you ignore my feeling."

Ryan, "it's not that, I respect your feelings but I am not suitable guy for you and I don't want to argue on this matter, better we should not meet again, it might hurt to both of us later."

By saying this he just turns around and leave from there. Rosie feels like that her train is going to be missed. Then she cannot see that Ryan is going away from her. she shouts her name, "Ryan, common you cannot leave me like this in the middle, I love you, I love you, Ryan."

Ryan even does not turn back even he hears the louder voice of desperate Rosie and her love to him. For a moment he feels to turn back and hug her tightly but he controls his emotions.

Next day, Rosie again waits Ryan in the same café at the same table to bring her cappuccino. This time when cappuccino is brought on her table, she notices it's not his hand but another person, the waiter of the café.

When cappuccino is brought, Rosie smiles but when she finds it's someone's else hand her smile is converted to a surprise. Now so many things run inside her mind. Then she asks to the waiter, "where is Ryan?"

The waiter replies, "I understand ma'am, you have come not for this coffee, but for Ryan, but sadly I have to say that he left the job, yesterday and today only he is going to leave this city with his little brother, Ruben.

Shockingly, Rosie feels like how someone rejects her and just leaving everything because he wants to run away from love. Rosie than raises the question and tell to that waiter her friend lily was absolutely correct about all the boys of this country. All the boys know how to play with the feelings and getting away from it when they are done and Ryan is not away from it too.

Rosie, "okay, mistake was mine, I trust someone, whom I should not have, my friend lily was correct about the characters of the boys like him, she was correct all the men are same, they just know how to play with the feelings of someone and run away, I am sorry to say this you all men are same."

Listening to her bitter thought about Ryan, the waiter cannot stop himself to explain the fact about Ryan and his struggling life.

He first tells that he really and truly loves her very much. But the reason behind going away from her life is not running away. He has a big responsibility in his life. Then he explains all his past story.

Long time back, he used to live in a village in his own house with his parents and his younger brother, but one morning when he was not at home a big landslide took away his home and his parents. But fortunately, his brother was saved and rescued safely. In that devastating landslide many of the people had to become homeless including two brothers Ryan and Ruben. Because of the financial crisis Ryan and his younger brother have to suffer a lot as a homeless people. However, Ryan left his studies and started to do some labor work in the village to a take care of his younger brother. But one day, one more bad incident took over his life, that his younger brother got fainted while he was having food. When he was taken to hospital, it came to know that there is a hole in his heart. Doctor told him that the operation has to be done as soon as possible that also in town. To do that operation, Ryan needed lots of money. Then he shifted to town in hope of making lots of money and till today he is struggling very hard to deposit every penny for his brother's operation and the struggling is still going on.

After completing the back story of Ryan, the waiter friend of Ryan says, "so, ma' am, please don't take him wrong he does not want to be burden in your life and wants to go away from your life but it doesn't mean that he does not love you, yesterday he came to me and cried whole night for taking this decision to go away from your life, he never told you about his life because he was always afraid to lose you, never wanted to make you feel embarrassment that you felt for a poor guy."

Till then Rosie is already been touched with his sad story. Her eyes are already full of tears. Now she understands why he rejected her proposal.

With the weepy voice, Rosie asks to waiter friend, "when is he leaving? can you please do me a favor?"

Waiter friend, "what kind of favors?"

She asks, "can you take me to his place, before he leaves this city?"

The waiter friend denies and says that he has been told by Ryan not to tell anything to you, but he feels that Ryan deserves happiness with her. He is ready to break all the promises if his friend is going to get true love. The waiter friend has already seen and felt true love in her tears so he breaks the promise that is made to Ryan.

He gives the address of the place where Ryan and his brother lives. After getting the address, Rosie Immediately runs for her love.

When she reaches to the small rented room of Ryan, she opens the door, she finds Ryan is packing the things and making his brother to take medicine from his own hand who is resting in the bed. Ryan is also telling his brother that they are leaving the city today, and he has to be ready after having that medicine. His brother Ruben is not happy with his decision of leaving the city and place.

As Ruben is expressing his unhappiness of his brother's decision of leaving the city, at the same time Rosie enters the room. Rosie observes some packed bag and that small rented room, where Ryan and his small brother lives. when her eyes see her sick brother, it reminds her own brother who died in car accident.

Seeing Rosie, Ruben says, "brother, she is the girl from that photo." Ruben points one framed photo of Rosie which is kept on the table.

Rosie also sees that photo of her and then understand that he loves her from inside. Seeing Rosie suddenly in his room and being Infront of his small brother he does not say anything.

Rosie grabs that photo and then coming closer to him she expresses her feeling by one slap full of love, showing her rights to him and to tell how could he hide such a big truth and how could he run away leaving her alone, and then just hug her and says, "how can you? how can you even think of leaving me?"

She tightly hugs him and tells all of her feeling that if he leaves today, he would she her death face, she also explains that she has known everything about his life and struggling and asks the question why did he hide everything.

Rosie, "Don't you have trust on me? Do you really think that I'm such a small hearted person that knowing your back ground I would leave, how could you even think like that?"

Ryan does not reply anything but Rosie keeps on speaking and says that now after knowing his truth and love for his brother her respect toward him has been increased more.

Then, at that moment Ryan could not stop himself hug her tightly and says, "I was scared, I could lose you, I was scared you would hate me after knowing my condition and truth behind my Life."

They both hug each other getting emotional, then seeing them, Ruben also comes from behind and hug them.

Because Ruben reminds Rosie her own brother, who was killed in car accident, she kneels down to kiss on his head.

She decides that all of his brother's responsibility will be taken by her and says, "From today whatever is yours, it's all mine even your brother is mine."

Then after they started living happily after that. Ruben is sent in a hospital for his surgery then and kept in good school in a hostel which is far from city so that he can become a doctor and serves his village which was the dream of Ryan too to help the villagers. later Rosie gives him everything that he has dreamed for his brother and himself. After few Months they even get marry and start living together in beautiful apartment in the town.

After, everything went well in their life. They started living together in beautiful apartment of the city. The younger brother Ruben used to get money and treatment in his hostel every month from Ryan and Rosie, sometime they used to go to meet him too in his school. At the end of every month Ryan used to bring Ruben in apartment to meet and spent time with his brother and sister-in-law. Rosie used to feel complete with Ryan as he was care taking and loving husband and meeting with Ruben used to make, she feels like her own brother Rohit has returned back in her life.

Everything was going on fine. But after two years, the behavior of Ryan started to change. The changes were not noticed until, one day, Rosie felt that he started coming home very late, unnecessarily. He left job long time back when they got married. Rosie did not find any reason behind an employed guy coming late usually at home. He started getting blind because of the sudden arrival of rain of money and wealth in his life. he started to stick with some toxic habits which was going to ruin their life in coming days.

Because officially he has married Rosie, all the things whatever belonged to her became his rights. His Ego factor on that was getting boosted each day in new form with every new toxic habit. He became that much blind wasting money in party, casino used to be his daily routine.

Rosie tried to control him and they often used to have dispute on that. Rosie used to ask him to return back as old Ryan. But it seemed that with blindness he had become deaf too.

But all these small issues later translated to a Toxic attachment which was not really expected considering how everything was started, when one day Rosie saw Ryan being happy with another beautiful lady in a shopping mall. That was the first time, when Rosie felt that she was being cheated. That was the day she found that she had become a third person in his life and she was the reason why everything in their relationship was getting darker.

For Somedays, she thought it is just her insecurity, fear and doubt. But with each day her fear became more stronger because she could not find the same vibes and the effort of getting attach from his side. She slowly started to have the feeling that he was trying to hide everything and most importantly she could feel all that distance he was making with her to be in someone else life.