Chapter-4 : The Murder and Regret

So, in that rainy night, when Shashank was trying get out of his own sorrows of the life, also has to listen his neighbor's fighting.

When Shashank put off his phone after getting advice from his lawyer, he is disturbed from their big noises of abusing each other with their tongues. He does not understand so much about the reason behind almost every day's fighting. Sometime he feels to stop them and settle their disputes but he again remembers the words of his lawyer friend that he has been told not come in contact as much as possible.

That night when Rosie throws lots of bad words of curses to Ryan after finding that he is having an affair some other woman, she bangs the door and does not let him enters the flat.

As Ryan gets hurt from that bang on his nose, then in an anger, he kicks very badly on the closed door.

"You bitch! Open the door, what you think of yourself."

Then with anger again he kicks two three times more and when he turns around, he finds that he is being watched by Shashank from the small opening of the door. Then Drunk Ryan turn towards Shashank.

"What man! What's your problem, haven't you seen any people before, what's your problem huh?"

Then he bangs at the door of Shashank too with his big hand. Shashank tolerance level decreases with his anger showing to him. Then Shashank warns him by pointing his finger to him, "listen man, you are drunk, if you have problem with your wife, go and fight inside your own space, you cannot disturb others for this."

Ryan feels angrier and with anger he pushes the Shashank and he falls down, then Shashank with his frustration stands to punch him on his face with tight fist, but at the same time before the dispute gets into a big battle, Steve comes in between them and stop them.

Steve Clarke who is the common friend of Shashank and Ryan both is also the small job holder as a care taker and broker of that strange house. However, he was student of medical who is a close friend of Shashank and also involved in his pharmacy job. Before Shashank and Ryan could eat each other, it was his responsibility to stop any kind of such incidence as his duty and as well as to stop Shashank from getting involved in any kind activities that would bring police in that place, which could create more trouble to Shashank later.

He stops Shashank from behind as he approaches to Ryan and also stops Ryan not hit him. In any way he manages Shashank to get inside his room by saying something in his ear. He reminds that villagers might observe and doubt about that haunted house they could be exposed to such unusual activity noises and fighting between the people inside. Shashank gets silent and gets inside his room. While drunk Ryan is still not silent and continues to challenge Shashank to fight with him. Steve slowly requests Rosie to open the door with his polite voice like the way he communicates with his customer in his pharmacy business. Because Steve has helped lot during their initial days of getting settled in the town, Rosie opens the door but still she remains angry.

Rosie opens the door and angrily, "now, what? what happened?"

Steve, "Ma'am, I know why are you angry, but just a request from a friend, brother whatever you think for me. Let's not create the scene at least today, and I guarantee whatever problems are going on between you I will settle all these."

Rosie-, "I don't need settlement, I need divorce from this rascal."

Ryan, "hey you bitch, what do you think, even I don't want to stay with you."

As Ryan speaks, Steve makes him quite by giving big "shhhhhh".

Then he joins hand with small voice, "Ma'am please, understand whatever is the issue, please let him in and please don't create scene, it might create all of us in danger, please understand, please ma'am, it's too late-night to fight. Steve joins his hand and shows that he is praying her to settle the ongoing tension between them and make her feel that she is only the one who can do that settlement currently.

Then Rosie compromises but still her anger is not over. she then lets him in in rude manner. With his drunk and uncontrolled body, he gets inside and she closes the door.

Steve takes long breathe. Then he turns around to go inside Shashank's flat. He grabs a bag full of groceries and few stuffs which he kept on the floor few moments ago to handle the dispute.

As soon as he enters, he finds that his friend Shashank inside messy room is puffing the cigarette to control his recent anger and the frustrations that are going in his life.

Firstly, Steve looks around and then start scolding him.

Steve, -"what were you doing ? don't you understand your small mistake also will keep all of us in trouble."

Shashank with angry eyes look at him and replies that it was not him who started it was that guy next to the door.

Steve hit himself on his forehead and says, "brother, you know that you are in not that situation to mess with anyone, if something happens and police comes here by mistake then, not only you for hiding you since long time, even I would be in the trouble and the rumors of this house being haunted will be also exposed in media."

He then says, "thank god I came on time, before something unpleasant might had happen, that guy is just a stupid, and you are not."

Then slowly Shashank realizes his thing and get convinced. Steve then continues by takes out food, drinks and medicine from the bag that he brought for him being a friend. he gives some packed readymade cooked Ramen. And also keep one bottle of sleeping tablet on the table and says, "you said, you can't sleep properly at night, so I have brought this medicine for you, as per you requested."

Then Steve asks all the updates about his life, what lawyer has said and what to do next. Shashank explains everything and also explains that today he tried to call Sophie. As he hears the name of Sophie, Steve gets angry with him and shows his unhappiness and disagreement on trying to talk again and again with that person who betrayed him and due to whom he has to live an underground life like a criminal inside such kind of house.

But Shashank explains, that he still loves her like he used to love him.

Then in reply Steve says, "bullshit to you people love, I don't believe in this word love, it's full of betrayals, here with you and see those couple next to your door Ryan and Rosie, Who once used to think that they are the great lover of this world and now everything is destroyed among them … all are just fake."

Shashank then shows interest in their mysterious so-called love story of Rosie and Ryan. Then Steve explains all the story of Rosie and Ryan, how they met, how they felt for each other and now suddenly why those love birds have become the enemy of each other and even ready to murder each other and what made them to come in such haunted place leaving the luxurious and comfortable apartment in the city.

After then, Shashank gets clear that Ryan has started cheating Rosie. But Shashank and Steve are still unclear that what makes Ryan to do so? The person who was even ready to leave this city for her happiness and what lack was in the love of that beautiful and well-educated wife who loved her so much that she even left her birth place came and settled here in shit place.

But however, Steve explains that it's all the game of money and says money can make anyone blind.

He adds, "like in your love story, Sofie, she left you at the end just seeing your financial status, she was also ready to die for you once."

Saying this much, Steve eyes goes on his watch and then finds that it's getting too late and now he has to leave as his mother is waiting for him for his dinner.

Before he leaves from standing at the door he points to the medicine bottle, "oh yes, try to sleep without medicine, have that bread my mother specially made for you and stay away from all stress, good night." He closes the door and leaves.

Shashank thinks sometimes about Ryan and Rosie. His eyes go on food, he eats little but as soon as he puts food in his mouth, he remembers Sophie, he remembers all those times when she used to make her eat and he used to make her eat while having dinner together when they used to live together. In this way her memories start hunting him. he tries to sleep but again the memory hunts, then he eats the sleeping tablet which was kept on the table by Steve. He starts having panic attack, his heartbeat starts then in that stress and pain he takes not only two capsules but almost 10 capsules at time as he puts that bottle at directly in his mouth and then to swallow the capsules, instead water he takes alcohol taking out from fridge. He feels better, after that slowly he gets into a deep sleep.

Next morning, he hears the bell of his flat, from someone outside the door. The bell rings for so many times. He gets up with the feeling of headache as he drank alcohol and the medicine was overdosed. However, he manages to get up slowly and opens the door. When he uses the view hole of the door, he finds it is Mr. Ryan, the man who lives in the next door and with whom he had tension last night. He thinks he must have come to fight with him. He opens the door thinking to settle the matter as he warned by Steve.

Later when he opens the door, Ryan's mood is not like last night. Then he greets by his name and also says that he has not come here to create any scene for yesterday but has come to apologize for yesterday's misbehavior. Shashank wonders and gets surprise listening his polite voice, so he says, "it's okay, fault was mine I should not have bothered in your matter."

Ryan says, "no, bro, I am extremely sorry, and sorry for this damage. Can we have talk, I just need to talk."

Shashank feels awkward and says, "sorry bro, I am not well right now, next time, I am sorry."

Shashank then saying excuse me he put his hand to close the door but Ryan does not let him to close the door putting his hand in on the edge of the door. He requests and insist to let him in but Shashank denies and request him to leave him alone, but as he is closing the door Ryan takes the name of Sofie, which sounds like it's a code word. Shashank gets curious how does he know about her name then thinking for some time, he lets him in and also make a check if somebody has seen them.

He makes him sit in a sofa and then with full of curiosity and excitement to listen about her, he asks how does he know about her. Ryan then, explains he knows everything about him that he is hiding himself in that apartment, how his girl has left him after he became bankrupt and he desperately need lots of money to come out of these all troubles.

Shashank gets more and more and curious and also huge shock because a person with whom he just talked few moments back know everything about him. He also makes a guess that Steve might have given all those information's to him. But Ryan denies that it's not Steve but it's himself who made research about him.

Ryan says, "bro, you don't need to be worry, I am not going to say these to anyone that you are hiding here, if I had mentality to complain your things, I would have said it long time before, this secret of yours even my wife doesn't know."

Shashank, "then, what you want? Why have you been so grateful to me."

Ryan laughs and say, "it's not about gratefulness my friend, the situation that you are going through and situation I am going through are the same, we both are in the same boat, may be the problems are different but the solution is same, THE MONEY."

Shashank wonders why he says like that, then he says that even he also knows his background and what is going on his life and asks the question why is he cheating his wife. Then he adds, "if somebody truly loves us than that wealth is never comparable to the happiness of money, you should not be doing so to your wife, only lucky people receive a true love."

Then Ryan explains he knows his story and background but not the full truth. So, he explains the hidden truth other side of his story. He says that his wife does not love him as world see and everyone think, she just wants to rule on him like a master rule on his slave, she has put lots of restrictions after their marriage, he wanted to become an actor and wanted to work on movie, that also she did not understand, it's true that she helped her lot financially during his worst days but he has paid his freedom for that, he even cannot think eat the food of his choice, cannot make the friend outside. Everything is ruined after he married to her. he has to break his dream and he even has to break his own identity sometimes. lastly, he says, "I am totally done with this relationship and want to live my life."

Shashank now gets clear that why he is doing so, "okay… now, I got it, why you people fight every day, but it does not mean that you will ruin other girl's life, in this way you are destroying three lives at same time. Yourself, your wife and that girl, you don't have any rights to do so."

Ryan answers, "That girl is not just a girl for me she has become my life she understands me and more importantly I understand her because even she was being cheated by her husband and who can understand to her better than me because we are going through the same situation."

Shashank, - "Then, why don't you take divorce from your wife, and just get your freedom to do whatever you like."

Ryan, "That is the problem, that she is not signing in the divorce paper, she is neither lets me live nor she let me die."

Shashank, "but why? While she knows everything"

Ryan clears him that she is not signing because she is worried that if she is divorced with him, she has to lose her wealth. She has transferred all of their property in their joint account to start some business when everything was fine between them in initial days. So, she is scared that if they get divorce her half of the wealth will be gone on his name which she never wants.

He adds, "sometimes I feel, she wants to kill me and reclaim her all of her property. I even had back-to-back to motorbike accidents, sometimes hit by car and sometimes by another bike, I believe it is all done by her to kill me"

Shashank suggests, "Then, why don't you make her clear that you don't love her money and just want to get away from it."

Now Ryan explains something different, he says that if he leaves her in that way and go for his new love, he has to start from zero, also has to start from the beginning and says that life would be more difficult when he has stay between struggling for survival and love. while saying all these he even makes Shashank realize that even he is struggling for love and life because he lacks money factor in his life. He also says that it's true that initially it was all her money but later bank balance and wealth increased because he had put lots of effort and worked hard many days and nights to increase that value, so how could suddenly he leave everything on which he has equal rights.

Shashank agrees but again he does not agree, "I feel it's really complicated, sorry bro there is nothing I can do for you, you cannot get everything what you want, sometime we need to compromise one of the parts"

Ryan says, "we can get whatever we like if we go with proper aim and a plan, yes a plan, Mr. Shashank I did not come here just to share my sad story but to share one plan with you from which, not only me but both of us can be benefited."

Shashank gets alert, curious and surprises. He thinks and guesses what he might be going to say and offer him.

Ryan explains his plan, "As I said Rosie and me have joint account where in our name there is almost 100,000,000 dollars, but we cannot even withdraw a single dollar without signing by each other, in that case to take out that money we have two options either she just has to sign or she should give the divorce, but out of these two she is not going to do anything instead she will make an attempt to kill me from accidents which she has already tried."

Shashank understands, interrupts him and says, "So, you mean, even you are going to kill her."

Ryan says, "no my friend, I am not going to murder her but she will be killed in an accident just I need your help."

Shashank says, "what kind of help you need?"

Now he explains the full plan, according to the plan that today is 3rd July and in 5th July, he is leaving this country for Bangkok trip for few days and on the day of 7th July, a thief will come in his flat when there is no one but only Rosie, tries to steal the jewelries and cash from the safe case, and that thief will attack her and will run away from there. Later when investigation happens people will think that a thief came, killed and run away.

Then Shashank understands that Ryan is wanting him to be that thief. Shashank says, "so, you want me to be that thief, right? Is this what your plan is all about? How can you even think that I am gone kill someone"?

Ryan replies, "you have to my friend, because for this work, I am going to give you 20 million because, when she will be dead legally all of her property and money will be all mine."

Ryan also gives one cheque of 20,000,000 million dollars to him. He says that the cheque is the guarantee that he won't be cheated and the cheque amount will be paid after one month only when all the bank balance will be transferred in his name. And says, "But first, she has to die."

Shashank thinks for some time before he takes that cheque. He is confused. Then again Ryan encourages him by Sophie's name.

Ryan, "what are you thinking Mr. Shashank? Just think about your life, your life has become a hell, just because you lack this money factor in your life, think how your Sofie has left you after your every thing gone and now you are staying underground in such a haunted place, right now you just have to think on how you can come out from all these shits."

Then he remembers those beautiful day spent with Sofie. These things give him courage to accept that cheque. After taking the cheque and see that the cheque has his sign.

Then he asks, "but if something wrong happens then? And why do you think I am the right person to do this?"

Ryan, "of course, you are the right person because I know that in law's eye you are an escaped person, who is missing and unknown, and right now you are living in this place another person's name, because I, got to know you are not real Shashank Jones, your name just matches to that 70-years old Shashank Jones who has gone somewhere in Himalayas to stay in search of peace and crowd, and you are just a stranger who is taking an advantage by using his IDs to hide yourself"

Shashank gets surprises, after knowing that he knows everything. Ryan explains, that 70-year-old Shashank Jones is the real owner of this flat who has gone to Ashram in some Himalayas for doing some long meditation for few years without letting anyone know about this because he wanted peace from everyone. Shashank is using his name to stay in that place to hide because the real Shashank Jones was his friend once when he went to visit ashram and became good friend and one agent who had taken that responsibility to take care of renting business of the same house which is believed to be haunted and cursed house by the villagers.

So, Ryan describes the plus point of his false identity that if police doubt on murder to nearest person or neighbors they will doubt on that 70-year Shashank Jones but not the Shashank.

Also, asks Shashank not to worry and says that he has plan B too.

To explain the plan B, he takes out one black Mask of a villainous character. Seeing that Mask, Shashank immediately says, "This mask? Isn't this mask being of that famous thief who is known as Mr. X and police are still searching him and nobody knows him from his face this is the Mask that he leaves after every robbery and he even has killed many people who comes in between and police are still searching him, but where did you get this?"

Ryan says, "yes you are right, once I was passing from the forest of this village, I found this lying on the ground I believe that wanted person behind this mask is from the same village even police believes that. The Idea of killing Rosie, came in his mind when he read about the news that police have found some sign of black masked person is found in the same village."

After then, he explains about his perfect plan B. According to the plan, that day when Shashank murder her, he is going to drop that mask somewhere on the floor so the police will think Mr. X is only the murderer, and their journey of catching Mr. X will be once again will get end as unsolved mystery and many doubts."

After listening to his perfect but doubtful plan, Shashank still feels worried feels not confident on this. Ryan observes the same thing on his face. Then, Ryan lastly says to him, "Mr. Shashank sometimes life gives us chance and if that chance is not grabbed on time, then it will be grabbed by someone else. Risk exists everywhere"

By saying this much he tabs on the shoulder of Shashank and leaves the room, while Ryan leaves Shashank gazing at the cheque, understands that if he does not kill her another person will kill her, means her murder to happen is for sure and certain. Because his desperate need of getting back to the life he has no other choice, he decides to do the job.

Then on 5th July in the early morning at 4 a.m. Ryan secretly comes to meet Shashank in his flat, so that he can inform that he is leaving for Bangkok today, and also could help him to make their plan success for some final discussion. He gives Shashank duplicate keys of his flat and special keys to open safe case, where the jewelries are kept. It seems that Shashank is physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for doing all these stuffs, then he leaves the room. And then Ryan leaves, for Bangkok trip with all his stuffs and everything.

According to the plan, on the day of 7th July – the day to murder Rosie, Shashank stays in the corner of his room wearing all the black dress, holding the black mask and gazing at it. He is not having full encourage to do that job. His hands shake. For some moment, he thinks to drop that work but again he remembers everything. He remembers his lawyer told him to manage few moneys and he will be taken away from this country, far from all these problems, he remembers all those bitter words of Sofie said her in phone. The tears flow from his eyes. It becomes night, Shashank is still lost in thought and memories, then he hears some sound outside his flat, he sees from the door's hole he finds that Sofie is entering to her flat.

Shashank does not go immediately because he knows all of her movement. At what time she eats, at what time she sleeps and everything. He knows everything because in the morning, Ryan explains everything about her time table. He keeps on observing by himself for two days to find her movement.

At the dark night of 7th July. Shashank finds that Rosie has already slept. After waiting for two hours, he gets to know it's 11:30 pm. He wears the Mask, carries Baseball Bat and one Iron rod in his bag and secretly enters inside their Flat where Rosie is sleeping alone.

In the dark night, the thunderstorm and Lightening begins. The big sound of thunderstorm and lightening helps Shashank to perform his job. Shashank feels someone from the nature is helping to him. As he does not want to make noise as much as possible in his mission. He inserts the Keys in door to open it along with the sound of thunder. In her sleep and because of the sound, Rosie does not realize that someone has entered in her room. Despite of the big sound Rosie continues to sleep as the moment of rainy and thunderous night for sleeping is her favorite moment to sleep.

In the absence of light, Shashank is unable to see properly, Shashank also does not want to switch on the light because Rayn told him that she has the habit of not feeling sleepy in the state of room's light turned on. But Shashank remembers in that morning Ryan has explained him all the interiors by making the map. Ryan explains where is the kitchen, tables, chairs where is his target point that the bed of Rosie where she sleeps and the safe case from where he has taken jewelries and cash.

According to the plan, Shashank is supposed to hit on her head by the baseball bat at the time when she is sleeping. Shashank is already inside the room; with the help of dim torch light, he finds the Rosie. She is in her deep sleep. Shashank finds it's the best time to attack her so he approaches. The lightening in the sky is also helping him little to find the way in the dark. As he approaches the big sound of the thunder disturbs the Rosie, small sound like she is waking out of her sleep while she changes her sleeping position, in her sleep and as lighting is also continuing, Shashank thinks she might see her and their plan could go wrong. So, he immediately hides him inside the dining table, he waits for moment and the after sometime gets him up slowly and approaches towards her to hit her.

When he reaches to her bed, he finds that Rosie is sleeping all her body covered with blanket. Shashank collecting all of his guts and courage, then attacks on the head of the Rosie without removing the blanket, but the hitting of bat get bounce back from the cushion.

Shashank finds that it's not Rosie it's a quickly created dummy of Rosie by Rosie herself. Then he reacts quickly toward back to find out what has gone wrong and as soon as he turns around, he gets a big and sudden hit by a big chair on his face which gets break into pieces after collides on his face the thunder and lightning continues. Shashank gets felt in the bed with pain of that solid hit of Rosie on his face.

Rosie then runs towards the door to get escape from there. Because there are no any light things are rarely visible. however, breathing heavily and running quickly, she manages to reach till the door as she is well known to her own place. She tries to open the door feels some strange locks from inside. To find out what that strange lock might be, she tries to switch on the light but no any of the light gets switched on because Shashank had already disconnected all the electricity and telephone supply of the room, before he came here.

while worried and scared Rosie is trying to pull and break the lock of the door, Shashank from the behind grabs her hair, pull her back to fall on the dining table. She falls along with the falling of stuffs kept on the table including fruits, vases, glasses plates with falling unpleasant sound. Her heads get collides on the floor. Then she cries and begs, "by saying don't kill me please, please! Don't kill me."

Thunder and clash of the clouds still continues to break the sound on the big space of the sky in such a way that a giant monster from the sky is celebrating the evil act. She begs her life with the voice of pain and unconscious. When She turns towards him, her vision is unclear due to unconsciousness, she sees a black mask man with hitting bat in his hand, then he hits him on her head, she immediately falls down and blood flows on the floor.

After hitting her, Shashank goes for his second task to take out all the jewelries and cash from the safe case to make it look like flat is robbed, drops that black mask of Mr. X on the floor of safe case and runs away from there as soon as possible. He unlocks that strange lock to open the door and as soon as he keeps his right step forward, he feels his left leg is suddenly grabbed by someone to not let him go out.

Rosie grabs his leg with both of her hands as she still continues to breathe, despite a big hit on her head huge amount of blood flowing from her head.

Shashank stops and tries to kick her with his right leg with his boot, but his leg stops just near to her face when he hears a painful voice of her, "please save me, I beg you, I am pregnant, I should not be died." Her voice seems to be her last breath and she still has a hope that the same monster would save her to save that new life which is inside her womb, but then continues her way to death.

The bat from his hand falls down. He suddenly realizes about sins that he is committing. He Kneels down to try to wake up her tabbing on her cheeks with his hands. Rosie is still begging to save her in unconscious state. But slowly she even stops to speak and stops breathing.

Then he gets panic, he tries to call from telephone to help but he has already disconnected the telephone. He tries to find his cell phone, but he remembers according to the plan he was not supposed to bring his cell phone, as his movement during the time of murder could be tracked by the investigator later. Ryan has kept his cell phone in the secret place of one moving night bus of his friend without letting them know anything and again could get it back after few days. He also tries to get Rosie's phone but he broke her phone when she was trying to make call while she was trying to escape.

He runs outside to get help but at that rainy, thunderstorm night he does not see any help around and even nobody could listen him because of the continuous lightening and its ear breaking sound. As he does not find any hope to get help outside in rainy night, he thinks to get back help by himself but not sure what to do in that panic state. But unfortunately, he slips on the muddy road and while running he strikes very hard on Iron pole- gets unconscious so he faints and fall on the same muddy ground.

After few hours in the mid-night, a homeless man is riding bicycle on the road he sees that a person is lying on the ground unconscious. The homeless man thinks to help poor Shashank.

He asks Shashank, "hey, man, are you okay?" The homeless man thinks that he is drunk and might have felt in the mud in the rain.

But Shashank points the house to get some help for Rosie in that place as he is unable to speak because of the pain and tiredness because He has got back-to-back hurt on his head. He says, "please help me, my friend is dying inside there."

Because of his unclear voice he does not understand anything, he just makes a guess that man lives in the inside house and want to go inside, but the homeless man hesitates to go in that rumor haunted house; however, the man is good human kind. His good heart does not leave him leave like that in such rainy night, thinks to drop him inside his room. He carries him on his shoulders, slowly takes to his flat find the flat number written in keys from pocket. Then keeps him on his bed but now Shashank is in the state of half-conscious. Then after doing little help when he sees around the flat, a devil enters in body of the homeless man, and thinks to rob the things from the room. he starts his searching, scatters everything in search of something valuable but does not get anything his effort goes wrong and then sees that poor Shashank feels pity on his situation and also feels that this person is going to be another new member of road side Homeless club soon. As rains continue, he thinks to take one black leather jacket worn by Shashank to protect himself from rain, then wearing the jacket he runs away from there.

Next morning, with the heavy pain on his head and body, Shashank wakes up slowly. As soon as he wakes up, he remembers all the incidences. He even remembers that how that homeless man came to help him and he remembers little bit that he was trying to get something from the room. he does not find that Jacket where all the Jewelries and cash had been kept. Later he realizes that homeless guy must have taken it.

Most importantly, he remembers the Rosie when she was saying that she was pregnant and begging to save her and her baby inside her womb. he remembers her face when she was crying for help and that makes him remind of his late mother. Which compels him to go back to his dark past of his childhood.

When Shashank was 8 years old, his mother was pregnant of 6 months. His father was drunkard person who often used to fight with her every night coming to home after getting drunk. She was only the one who used to take care of Shashank because his father was just useless fellow to use her wife's money to waste it in alcohol and one lady who was trapping him in her false love.

His mother even in the pregnancy time used to work in other's home as a maid so that she could get some money to feed Shashank and his brother who is still inside her womb.

His mother used to love him so much. She used to care of him, encouraged him for studying and never let feel the lack of his father's love. She was playing the role of Fahte and mother both. She used to cry every night because she clearly knew that his father was cheating her and running away from his responsibility as a husband and as a father. One day in rainy night, the third lady asked some money from Shashank's father. Then he came to home little early than usual time. He knew that where his mother keeps the money. Then at night he tried to take it for that lady. But his mother tried to stop him saying that the money is for the food and other thing for their son and a baby who is inside her womb. She even joins her hand beg him not to do so, but that drunk man did not understand, who was blind in the love of another woman. Then, they started fighting in front of Shashank. Later, with a wooden log he hit her on her head her which gets strike on the table and then she asked him help to save her by saying, please save me, I beg you, I am pregnant, I should not be died." He realizes that poor lady Rosie last night was in the same situation as his mother was in the same situation 22 years ago.

Shashank comes out of his memory after he remembers and realizes that he did just opposite what his mother asked with him as a promise before she could take last breathe. That time when she was dying, she called scared and afraid Shashank and said, "Shashank come near to my son, you run away from here when he will return back, he will kill you too because you saw him killing me, run my son from here, but give me a promise that you will never become like your father." Then that 8 years old Shashank holds her hand dropping his tears. Then, he ran away saving his life after his mother stopped breathing and left the world along with his little brother.

The little Shashank did not understand what that promise was all about that time. But today he is understanding what his mother meant at that time, but it was already late as he could not keep that promise.

Then he starts to feel guilty in his deeds. He is sitting on the floor resting his back somewhere in the wall. He is covering his face with his hands and crying remembering and realizing of his mistake, but someone from behind puts her hand with love in shoulder. When he turned around to see then he sees that it is his that pregnant mother. Shashank gets scared. He steps backward in fear. Mother says, "Son, at last, you also became like father, you did not keep my promise."

Shashank replies in guilt, "no mama"

Mother continues to speak, "You promised me that, you will never become like your father, you hurt me dear, now my soul will never get peace."

Shashank continues to cry and say, "Ma, I am sorry, I don't mean this, my mind was not working at that time, everybody is leaving me and that guy put dark shadow on my eyes to do it all, it's not my fault, I am sorry mama."

Mother, "your father was also made blind by someone and killed us, if somebody ask you to kill someone innocent then you will kill, don't be sorry with me, now you have killed an innocent girl and her baby, you did not kill her you kill my trust and my love, now there is no any difference between you and your father, I will never forgive you, and you are no more for me."

Shashank, he goes close to his mother, and says, "don't say like this mama, but forgive me, I will do whatever you say, but please forgive me, I will be not able to live with your hate, it will be like living in a hell."

Mother replies and gives suggestion to wash his sins, "you have to confess your crime and get your punishment that also alone because it's completely your fault, not even that girl's husband, then when you get your punishment, I will feel that your father got punishment whose blood is running inside you, you have to confess."

Shashank cries bows down his head and when he raises his head, she is already gone. There is no one in the room. Then he realizes that it was completely his mistake not even Ryan. He could have stopped him or he could have settled ongoing dispute among them.