Chapter-7 : Let's kill her

Back to the secret store of the medical, Steve is feeling pity on Shashank remembering all his back story and all the worst days he has gone through. He thinks that he is sleeping so restful does not have any idea what will happen to his life. At some point of time Steve feels that let's not betray his childhood friend Shashank and but again remembers his dream and that offer of 20 million after having which he will never have to struggle in his life and again. And also thinks that using the same money he will rescue Shashank from jail after some years, he just thinks his time in prison will be his debt, he will owe him and defiantly he will pay at some point of time. So, he thinks to get involve in the plan of Ryan.

Few hours later, Shashank wakes up and find a sad face of Steve in front of him. Shashank asks him so what to do. He reminds and asks, "should I go and confess my crime of killing Rosie today? otherwise they will torture that homeless guy who is innocent and just theft the things."

Steve asks, "How do you know about this homeless guy?"

Shashank, "I said you in the phone, I saw him news in this TV."

Steve asked him to re-switch on the TV but that tv does not get open. Shashank gets surprise and says, "in the morning, it was working, I don't know what happen?"

Steve says that the TV is like that sometime it works and some time it doesn't. Then Steve pulling one chair for himself sit near to him and says, "Shashank, now you have to listen very carefully whatever I am going to say, I just visited your flat today, I found, you have killed that pregnant Rosie in a brutal way, now there is no any way to come out of this sin, the only way is you have to confess and surrender yourself to the law, like you said your mother also said the same thing, right? she won't forgive you if you don't take the punishment for your deeds, isn't it?"

Shashank, "that's what I am saying from that time, I am going to confess, let's go now and let's do it now."

Steve stops him saying that everything has a time and right now it's not right to confess.

Shashank asks the reason why not now. In reply he says, "because right now some political protests are going against from some women group regarding domestic women violence, if you confess right now those people will kill you and it will be hard for government to take decision and chances are other innocent people will get punishment. Let's not, give chance to take advantage to any politicians on this. So, let's wait for 5-6 days."

Shashank agrees his thought but he doesn't know that Steve said like that because according to their plan murder is to be done in 7th July and he is supposed to confess after that on 8th July. But because of his mental imbalance due to his dream Shashank thinks today is 8th July, while in real it's 3rd July.

There in Ryan's flat, Ryan is preparing himself to murder Rosie in real. He reads the same Novel 'the Secret Hero'. The novel from which Shashank's dream of crime was inspired. Specially the page no 224, to get an idea to kill Rosie, in the page same thing has been written as explained by Shashank. Ryan discovers that all the techniques, method and even in that rainy night scenarios, whatever explained by Shashank in his dream all have been inspired from the Novel. Like the black Masked hero kills the rich lady in the story. He understands that he saw the dream because of the deep study of the novel, overdose of medicine and mental imbalance.

From that page Ryan gets to know how that black masked hero kills the rich cruel woman. He is reading every detail very carefully because he doesn't want to make any mistake. He believes that everything has to be matched when Shashank will confess his crime in court about how he killed Rosie. It should exactly look like whatever he is going to explain in the court in the process of the confession. Even he studies the ways and techniques of hitting to do murder.

After 5 days longer preparation and plans, it becomes 7th July. That night to do the final preparations, Ryan goes to Shashank's flat for wearing those same black costumes, black jacket to carry the Jewelries and cash and the black mask as described by Shashank and details written in the novel. To make police believe that crime has been done by Shashank, he drops the cuttings of costumes and everything under the sewing machine inside Shashank's flat, so that when investigation happens people will get that piece of costume as evidence and proof that the murderer designed his clothes by himself. He also keeps many hitting baseball bats inside the cupboards. He creates such kind of clues, hints and evidences to confuse investigator so that they can believe Shashank as soon as he confesses his crime.

After creation of many evidences, he enters his flat at the same time described by Shashank. But this time Rosie is not sleeping she is watching TV. Ryan cuts of the light and cuts off all the telephone connection. Also keeps a Jammer so that she would be not able to call from her phone.

After cutting the connection, Ryan hides himself under the table like Shashank hide him under the table when Rosie gets from her bed due to the sound of storm. Rosie thinks to call the electricity supplier but she does not find network in it. She even tries to call from telephone which also does not work, then she goes to check her main connection by herself to fix it by switching the mobile's light. As she climbs on nearby table to check it, Ryan comes from her behind and hit her in the left part of the head with full strength. Because of some dim light in the room due to the reflection of moonlight Ryan exactly can hit on her same part of the head as planned based on Shashank's dream and the details written in the novel.

She falls on the floor with blood flow from her head. Ryan takes out his torch light to check she has been dead or not, he finds the lied body of Rosie with blood flowing out from her head. Then now his next move is to take all the jewelries and money from the safe case. He takes off his Mask starts collecting money and jewelries in his black jacket's pocket. Suddenly Rosie stands up and hits him with another wooden log, he does not get hurt that badly but gets faints on the floor. Rosie again falls down because from her head lots of blood is flowing, she gets weaker and unconscious. She falls down.

After few hours, Steve comes in the flat, since he does not get any updates from him. He finds the door is opened. It's dark inside, he uses his mobile light to see the situation. Then he sees the dead body of Rosie sleeping on blood and another body of Ryan who has been fainted and falling on the floor. He quickly fixes the light of the room and closes the door of the flat. Then when he views the scene, he finds Ryan is falling on the floor with hitting bat, cash and jewelries scattered near to his hand, mask is opened, His face is visible, and he makes the guesses that he hit her and killed her and she also might have hit her defending herself from him.

Steve understands that he had been just fainted. He carries and put him on sofa near the tea table. He makes him wake up by putting some water on his face. he opens eyes slowly and become conscious and gazes around while getting conscious slowly. As soon as he wakes, he hears some blur voice calling his name by Steve. "Hey Ryan wake up, wake up man".

He sees the things are scattered near the safe case. Few cash bundle is on the floor and some are left in safe case, things and stuffs are scattered near the table and door where the incident happened and just near the floor there is a dead body of Rosie sleeping on the blood.

Steve is trying to wake him up by tapping on his cheeks. Ryan gets conscious with a pain on his head. Then Steve asks him to collect all the cash and jewelries as soon as faster and should leave this room as soon as possible. Then both of them collect the cash and jewelries and keep it inside his black jacket pocket. They leave the mask because after the murder the mask is supposed to leave in the spot as evidence.

They leave the flat, where the dead body of Rosie is still lying and they lock the door from outside. After that they go to the flat of Shashank and take out all of his black clothes keep the black Jacket full of jewelries and cash inside the cupboard.

After doing everything perfectly, Ryan and Steve leaves from them. As according to the Shashank's dream Ryan should be in Bangkok, so he has already sent one fake person of his name in Bangkok to show the proof that he has gone to Bangkok on 5th July. He also then goes to Bangkok on same day so that when call from police comes about his wife's death, he could show that he receives call from there. However, that even that fake person does not know why he has been sent to Bangkok do that activity. The thing is, they just exchange their passport and IDs so that Ryan could show he went to Bangkok on 5th July. And during the time of murder, he was in Bangkok.

In a hotel of Bangkok, after 17 hours Ryan receives a call from a person sounds like police. Then that person informs him that some thief has murdered his wife and has taken away some cash and jewelries.

Ryan shows the fake expression of getting shock with the news and then says that he is just leaving the Bangkok returning within two hours. The person in the phone also says that somebody has already confessed that he has killed his wife. Ryan asks who is that. the person from the phone replies that he is your neighbor the boy next to your flat whose name is Shashank and also have found some strong evidences against him. But he has confessed just in phone and has said he has small work left with his ex-wife, so before surrenders he would finish it and right now, he is out of reach from police. The person from the phone says that Shashank will be arrested when he will be meeting his wife.

After hearing all the news of his successful mission, Ryan feels happier and makes everything ready to leave Bangkok and return back. This time he returns with his real passport and ID. In the airport, Steve comes to receive him in his old CAB taxi. Ryan and Steve shake hands to greet about their plan getting successful. They get inside the Taxi and while Steve is driving for him Ryan asks him, "I heard that Shashank just confessed from phone but not doing surrender and has gone to meet his wife, why is he doing so? This was not the part of our plan; it could go wrong."

Then Steve says, "yes he said that, he will confess after his small work but he does not want to meet his wife he wants to meet you secretly to confess everything in front of you, before he surrenders himself, maybe he wants to talk about your wife's pregnancy with you."

Ryan, "it means are we going to meet him first?"

Steve, "yes, let go and meet him otherwise if he does not confess then there would be a problem."

Ryan, "but I want to see my wife's body, although I hate her, she was my wife, where is it?"

Steve, "not possible right now, in the morning her body has been taken for post mortem, so better let's meet Shashank first, I have promised him to bring you for him, there is a risk if I disappoint him, he could step back from his promise and from his confession." They approach towards a strange forest.