The Confession

Then Steve takes him in one strange place inside one forest. Somewhere in forest they reach in one very old half constructed building. Looks like some cancelled project and under constructed building. They go in the terrace of the building and see that Shashank is waiting them having cigarette. He looks tired.

Ryan with his fake behavior, "I heard that you are going to confess? My plan is not like this man, why do you want to confess?"

Shashank replies, "yes, it' true that I want to confess but before that I need to share you an important reason behind it, I want to tell you that even you are guilty on this crime but I want to take all the blames on my head and want to get punishment alone, I don't want this punishment, only I want to have these rights to wash away my sin."

Ryan, "but why, I have already said you, we were going to trap that another 70-year-old Shashank Jones, the original residence of same flat. you even did not have to go to jail, anyway now it's already late, Steve told me everything that you have felt guilt, I respect you, bro. is there anything I can do for you."

"I want to show you something", says Shashank. He takes out his smart phone and shows a shocking and interesting thing to him. When Ryan sees that video, he gets shock.

In the video he sees himself wearing the black dress, black Jacket taking the baseball bat, wearing the Mask where his face is clearly seen and getting inside the flat with bat to murder Rosie.

Ryan's body starts sweating, "what is all these?"

Shashank asks him to see further video and in further video he sees he is falling on the floor with bat and money in his hand along with the dead body of Rosie.

Ryan understands this is all done by Steve. He stares at Steve and says, "you bastard, Steve"

Shashank calms him down and says, "wait cool down man, now what to do? If I confess and somebody get this video, my confession will go waste, so let's delete this, but if I delete this also then who will delete all those copies which are in my laptop. I mean my back up."

Ryan feels he is kind of black mailing him. Then he says, "I got it, you have known everything because this Steve has told you everything, you all are doing these for money, aren't you? How much, how much you want?"

Shashank replies, "I don't need money, I just want you to do one more murder for me and then I give you promise I will confess for both of the murders."

Ryan, "murder? Whose murder? Do you see me as contract killer or what? and if you are going to confess then why don't you murder by yourself?"

Shashank, "To kill someone we need to have guts, and getting those guts is tougher when that killing someone is your heart."

Shashank instructs Steve by moving his head to show something. He goes one closed door of one room and when he opens the door. Ryan sees that Sofie has been tied in a chair with her messy looks and she is unconscious. Her hand and body are tied so that she cannot escape. She has been kidnapped.

After seeing Sofie, Ryan again gets shock and asks, "but she is your wife and why do you want to kill her."

Shashank again says, "I don't want to kill her, But I want you to kill her"

Ryan, "But, why?"

Shashank, "you really don't know, why I want to kill her, Okay let me explain you everything from the beginning, I will tell you one story."

Shashank starts to explain their own story in the form of fictional story.

According to the story, long time back there is a boy whose name is Ryan. He is young, handsome and ambitious, but the problem is he has no money and no any family background. He comes in a town to get rich and earn more money to live his dream. To earn money and sustain in city he does many small jobs. He studies in college there he sees a beautiful girl called Sofie. He falls in love with her secretly. She is actually the crush of so many other men the competition is very tough then.

In the college all most of the boys and students are rich, he is only the one who is poor and struggles for living. Seeing every day that beautiful girl Sofie, he cannot control himself falling for her every day. One day he thinks, to say her feelings to her.

He goes with one rose to propose her but Sofie being attractive and popular girl rejects him. Not only rejects him but gets angry how could he makes a daring heart to propose her being a poor guy. She does not care about his feelings just pokes him as a poor guy, her friends and everyone laugh at his poorness and he is left alone.

This thing really hurts him and for the first time in his life he hates himself in his poorness. He leaves the college but promise himself to become a rich guy of the city and will show everyone that Sofie is just made for him.

To earn the money, he tries so many things but one day while searching in social media he finds a rich NRN girl whose name is Rosie. He starts making strong research on her to trap her in his love web. Because of everyday addiction social media Rosie has the habit of sharing every small detail of her life through different ways. she even does not realize and think that an evil eye has already started to watch her.

In the beginning of his plan, he does not become direct friend with her in social media but he becomes friend with her another friend called Lily. He chose Lily because again through her different social medias and her activities he finds Lily is her best friend and makes research on her too and discovers her loop hole that she is little bit addicted to money and can do anything for money.

Through Lily and his own observation, he gets to know that Rosie's parents have recently died and while dying his father has taken promise to get marry a guy from a country of their own land. He discovers that Rosie is planning to come in the country to find an honest man. He feels that the door has opened very easily for him.

He makes a grand plan to trap her in his love so that he could be a husband of rich wife. He uses lily in his mission that he asks her to bring in a city café where he would be working as fake waiter there. He also asks lily to speak bad words about the boys and later as an honest and hardworking man in the city, he will defend all the honest men showing, honest man still exist showing his own fake honesty to trap Rosie.

Lily brings her there to have coffee after she comes from Australia to Nepal and he performs everything exactly as per the plan he made with Lily. Listening sugar like words and so called honest men's thoughts about respecting men and women equally, Rosie get impress with Ryan who came in the costume of waiter just to trap her and her feelings.

He even arranges a fake small brother called Ruben to show that he is working hard for his brother. he used that trick because he knows that Rosie has recently lost his brother and seeing someone like his brother could melt her heart.

In this way showing his emotional sides and his fake beautiful thoughts of a dignified man, he gets successful to be the husband of rich girl to fund for his mission to prove the world that Sofie is just made for him as he promised himself long time back.

After getting married to Rosie and becoming Rich, He starts following Sofie secretly, starts observing her every movement and details. Later he gets broken knowing the fact that she has married another guy called Shashank. He finds that he is rich guy but recently has been kicked away by his rich foster parents. Shashank knows that Sofie is interested in modeling career and she has left it just for her husband Shashank. Ryan who got broken after knowing she has married another man feels that the way is getting clear seeing the down fall of Shashank after his parents kicked him away.

Ryan opens his own modeling agency just in case if he could make Sofie return and come back to modeling career and could get chance to get closer with her.

Once he finds that her husband wants to go to foreign country to earn more money. He finds that as right opportunity so before he could apply anywhere, he sends one agent and offer a highly paid job in Japan and makes him sign a contract for two years to make him away from Sofie for at least two years. Not only that using the power of his money in the name of promotion and increment he is transferred to work in one big project of Japanese Radio Astronomy project. Shashank thinks it's big opportunity to work in such big science research project with good payment and does not want to miss the opportunity. While it's Ryan's plan to make him contact less from Sofie to create misunderstanding between them.

Japanese Radio Astronomy green bank project that time it was such a project where the workers and scientists have to sign a contract to work inside radio wave active place and cannot use any kind of electronic devices as it does not function and dangerous to use it. Due to this reason Shashank contacts Sofie just once in month, in this way, Ryan creates a misunderstanding between Shashank and Sofie. Sofie thinks that Shashank is not calling and contacting him intentionally and forgetting her.

Sofie slowly starts to feel lonelier and sad, because she thinks Shashank who promised and to take care her forever has forgot her. she starts ruining herself by drinking, smoking and involving in other toxic habits. she starts lacking someone in her life, who could take care of her, at that best point of time Ryan comes closer to her to become her new care taker as everything was planned by himself. Then he meets her one day in a bar to be close with her, which becomes their routine later

He gets closer to her, gives her emotional support and slowly makes forget her husband and also encourages her to waste money sent and earned by him with his hard works, so that if he returns back, he would have nothing and again have to think about to earn more money, which was his weakness as he has made research on Shashank too.

But later, one day when he contacts Sofie after long time Shashank knows something wrong has happened in her behavior and she has changed a lot and does not feel vibes which he used to get from her. Shashank then decides to return back for her. when he returns, he does not find the same Sofie whom he married and also hard worked money also has been wasted by her which he earned to make their future. However, he forgets everything because he loves her very much and not the money.

For a short period of time, Sofie thinks it's wrong to cheat her husband and also realizes that he really loves her. Sofie then thinks to stop Meeting Ryan, But the smart Ryan who already has plan for that thing again takes new steps to create misunderstanding between Sofie and Shashank.

This time Ryan discovers Shashank's weakness which he already thought in advance that when he will return from Japan, he will think to recover his loss. He would be attracted to any opportunity which would help him to increase his wealth and everything. Knowing these facts, He sends a person called Joseph in his life. Joseph is a well-known person in share market that time. Just listening his name Shashank trusts him so quickly and get ready to invest some saved money and also collecting large source of capital from his four Japan returned colleagues to invest their all income in the same investment project designed by Joseph with Ryan's instructions. Later the same Person, Joseph traps him in fraud Scam project where all of their investment money is drowned. Out of those four Japan returned colleagues, two of them commit suicide, Shashank then has to become underground.

Same time, Sofie gets pregnant and Shashank is out of contact. Ryan again takes opportunity to create misunderstanding between patched up couple. he tells her that Shashank is running away from her and his responsibilities at the time when she is pregnant. Then Sofie kill her baby inside her womb and also gives a divorce to Shashank, knowing that he has come to the road and she is not getting what she wanted from a husband which Ryan is been giving her since long time and again, all these situations were designed by Ryan himself.

Ryan and Sofie plans to get marry, so next problem to him is Rosie. He wants to remove her from the way and also does not want to leave her property in which Ryan has a right as a husband and business partners. He thinks about many ideas to kill her but does get any of them as better one. The clever Ryan thinks to kill her by bringing in such a place which is far from city area and from the crowd of people. To do his work he searches a house or place which is far from city where he can blame someone else by murdering her.

When he is in the search of such house, he meets a person called Steve and he takes him in one hunted house. He thinks to kill her so many times but still does not find perfect idea. The same time, Shashank needed a place to hide from police in the case of share market scam. Steve shares this thing to Ryan. As Ryan also needed a person to blame for his wife's murder, he suggests Steve to bring in the same hunted house. Externally he suggests as help to poor guy without letting know Steve about anything, but from inside his plan is to bring him and blame for the murder because he wants to kill her wife and remove Shashank from Sofie's life with his master plan.

Till that time Ryan thinks that Shashank does not know that he is only the guy with whom his wife Sofie cheated her. But in real, Shashank knows everything and came there to watch Ryan's activity to revenge with him.

And one day Shashank finds that he wants to kill his wife. So, Shashank makes one simple plan to make him kill his wife and also gives a clue that Ryan can easily blame him for the murder, and all of the property of Rosie will be transferred to him. The plan is to make confuse Ryan that Shashank is mentally unwell and due to which Shashank thinks that he kills Rosie and Surrenders himself to police for murder and which is just a dream. And the clever Ryan falls in a ditch which is actually dug by himself. He murders the Rosie and thinking that mentally unwell Shashank will confess his not committed suicide.

After explaining all the story, Shashank makes him clear that this is not the ending of the story, the ending can be changed. The fallen person inside the ditch can be rescued out and can be saved. just the thing is, he has to do one small task.

Then Ryan interrupts him in the middle, "And that simple work is to kill Sofie, right?"

Shashank praises him, "wow the clever guy is still a clever guy."

Ryan asks him, "how did you know everything, if you had known everything about my plans and steps why did you do drama of not knowing anything?"

Shashank says, "don't you know, when a person obsessed with some person, they start caring each and every small details of that person, your wife was obsessed with you, so she knows everything about you, how much whatever you tried to hide her, she told me everything when I was in Japan. You were obsessed about Sofie, so you know everything about her and I was desperately in love with her, and if your obsession could make you master mind of great a plan then just imagines how much far someone like me could go who is in real love with her."

Ryan takes a long breathe feels that he has lost the game. Then he decides to fight with them. He sees one sharp metal lying on the ground and grab it to attack Shashank. He says something to distract him while grabbing. He says, "if I don't do it then what will you do?"

Shashank laughs and before he says something he attacks him with sharp metal. Luckily, Shashank gets one second chance to defend his attack from getting that hit on his neck. Ryan kicks him on the chest Shashank falls down. He sits over his body to attack him with that metal. Shashank blocks the attack at the same time Steve hits him hard with wooden block on his head from behind. He falls down getting unconscious with that big hit on his head.