Chapter -9 : The memory Chip

Ryan is fainted and sleeping on the floor of the terrace. Slowly he becomes conscious. When he opens his eyes with the blur views, he sees the Sofie. Sofie is still tied and unconscious in a chair. Her mouth is also closed with tape to prevent her from Making noise. Slowly he finds himself in the same half constructed building. Shashank and Steve are already gone from there. He remembers he has been asked to kill Sofie.

He also finds something strange around him a laptop and a metal chip detector device. He does not understand why are those things there. He thinks to untie, Sofie. He tries to wake her up but she is not in conscious state just she looks like she is sleeping and murmuring in her dream.

As he just touches the rope to untie, his cell phone rings. And Shashank speaks from the phone, "I know you will try to save her, but before doing anything you have to think, do you see the laptop you need to check it there is something interesting."

Ryan gets curious and he lets his hand to untie her and sees the laptop. When he opens the laptop, he sees that some banking transaction going on, later when he sees it properly, he finds that 200 million bank balance of Rosie is getting transferred in the account of Shashank. He tries to stop it using the pin that he knows but the system says pin has been changed. Then when he sees at the bottom corner, he finds 15 minutes left for the transaction to be completed.

Ryan comes back to the phone, "you bastard, why are you doing all these? What is the pin number?"

Shashank says, "pin number? I forgot the pin number, so I kept in one special place, you want to know where I have kept it, okay I will give you once chance, with the help of surgery in the form of chip I have kept it inside the head of Sofie, if you don't believe I have kept one metal chip detector you can use it to confirm."

Ryan grabs the detector and scan her head; the metal detector shows the green light and also shows the x-ray of the metal chip and finds it is inside the Sofie's head and also sees the mark of stitches of surgery when he removes her hair.

Shashank from the phone tells him that now if he wants that four-digit pin number he has to break her head and get it. He reminds him that if he does not do so, then his all 200 million will be gone and also says, "it's 13 minutes 14 seconds left, your time starts now."

Shashank also tells him that if he feels difficulty to break her head then he has kept one hammer and a knife under her chair.

Then Shashank cuts off the call by saying, "you have 11 minutes 12 seconds left."

Ryan sees the chair and finds that Iron metal hammer. He holds the hammer. He cannot think what to do. many things run inside his mind. He remembers, sweet face of Sofie. Time spent with Sofie and again another side he remembers his struggling days because of the lack of money. Stucks between choice and love. He thinks about 200 million. It feels hard to take him decision.

He also remembers that if he kills Sofie, Shashank has promised him that he will be taking all the blames on his head. Thinking many things, he cannot take any decision. In this way 10 minutes pass. The laptop with woman's voice start speaking, "5 minutes left, please have patience."

At this moment of last 5 minutes, he gets more panic, he stands and proceed to Sofie to break her head with hammer. He remembers those days in college when she rejected his love and everybody laughing at him for his poverty and poorness. This thing forces him to take decision on that scenario.

Collecting the large number of guts and courage, he grabs the hammer to hit on the head of half-conscious Sofie. He hits her so hard that she just falls on the ground and leaves her breathe within few seconds. After she leaves her breathe, he uses a sharp knife to cut the stiches point on head to get the chip out to get the pin code. His hands are full of blood. He uses bare hands and fingers to get the chip out of her head. He feels the cutting is not enough because he does not get the chip from the small hole made on her head. He further cuts the head to increase the hole still does not get it. He gets anxious, stress and nervous because of the time alert being repeated by laptop from behind, again and again.

laptop says, "3 minutes left, please have patience"

With the pressure of time and the tiredness he becomes unable to control his mind. He then grabs the hammer to breaks her head into two pieces. He brutally breaks her head into two pieces like breaking a pomegranate into two pieces to get it beans. Still, he does not get chip from the head

Ryan does not understand why is not getting that chip, then he gets the chip detector he scans the head and scanner again signals the green light signal with beep sound and shows the x-ray of the chip. He checks the scanner on her heads and what he finds is the same thing the green signal with beep sound and x-ray of the chip.

He realizes that he was lied that the chip has been inserted in her head means there was no any physical chip. Shashank actually means it is her brain memory where the information is stored. It means Ryan was supposed to bring her in conscious state to know the pin number by making her speak.

From the behind the laptop again says, "5 seconds left, please have patience…beep beep beep , transaction completed". Listening to that, with the huge anger he runs towards the laptop and he start breaking the laptop to drop his all anger in it. Shouts loudly and breaks the laptop in so many pieces.

While he is hitting the laptop with hammer with his bloody hand, some police men come there and find that a psycho person has killed Sofie whose head has been broken brutally and blood is flowing around. shouting insanely and being in out of control he continues to break the laptop.

The group of police men stops him and takes him under the control. He is arrested. He tries to defend himself. Struggles to make him away from them but nothing works in front of police force. His hands are handcuffed and later taken into the police to take him in custody.