
It turns out that the reason Iris is constantly contacting Abi is because of the arrival of a beautiful woman with her mother. Abi sighed softly and then politely greeted the part-time woman sitting with her teenage son.

     "Abi just got back from campus, huh?" asked Ghina after Abi greeted her politely.

    "Yes, Auntie," according to courtesy.

    Stefani's gaze really couldn't be separated from Abi's face, which was not seen from his view.

    Iris then followed to sit on the single sofa with them. Unlike Abi who just stood there.

    "Abi, yesterday Stefi went to Arjuna Sakti campus, did you study there?"

    Abi glanced at Stefani for a while before then opened back politely to Ghina.

    "Yes Auntie. We also had a chance to meet."

    Having a crazy idea in her head, Stefani immediately spoke up. He wanted to see how Abi would react after he said something like this later.

    "Auntie, Abi has a girlfriend, right?"

    Suddenly Abi immediately turned to Stefani sharply. This woman could really kill him.

    Iris also immediately leaked Abi sharply. Abi bowed for fear of the sharpness of the mother.

    "Oh Abi already have a girlfriend? Then our matchmaking plan must be canceled, right?"

    "Huh? No, Abi doesn't have a boyfriend. He didn't introduce his girlfriend," Iris replied later.

    Stefani kept her smile from getting wider. It was very satisfying to hear the answer from Iris this time.

    "Auntie, Mother, sorry, Abi has permission to go upstairs first. Want to change clothes," said Abi ending himself from this situation that was not wearing it. Stefani really always manages to turn things around to be on her side.

    "Oh my gosh, I think Abi really has a girlfriend. If so, my hopes of making a good son-in-law are gone," said Ghina after Abi left them.

    Iris turned her gaze back to her best friend after giving her a sharp look to escort her daughter to her room.

    With force, Iris gave a smile. "Yes, no, Abi will not have another girlfriend besides Stefani. We have agreed on this for a long time. It seems that you are praising the child too much anyway." Iris' ears just itch to hear someone praising her son.

     "Ah? Yes," replied Gina casually. Of course he was no longer strange with Iris's attitude. It was normal for him, Iris had been like that from the start.

    "Euhm… Auntie, Abi really doesn't have a girlfriend, right? You see, when I met at Arjuna Sakti, I saw Abi with another girl," said Stefani, starting her conversation about it again. It seemed, he really wanted to further miss the opportunity for other women to approach Abi and his family. Especially that woman, Abiyya.

     "Ah, at least it's just fans. Because a guy as handsome as Abi, how could he not have fans." It wasn't Iris who answered, it was Gina.

    "Yes. After all, even if Abi really has a girlfriend, don't worry, Auntie won't give you her blessing," said Iris, giving the answer Stefani had been waiting for so long.

    "Ah yes, Auntie. Thank you," he said feeling floating because Iris was on his side. In fact, no one knows what's in that woman's heart.


    After they had dinner together, Ghina asked Abi to accompany Stefani who wanted to buy a gift for Dinda, whose birthday was coming up soon.

    Like it or not, Abi must accompany him. Especially with the sharp glare from Iris that made Abi couldn't refuse anymore.

    "Sorry, Abi."

    Abby is silent. The atmosphere in the car has been like this ever since. Quiet and silent. Abi really did not respond to any words from Stefani. He ignored everything, Abi deliberately turned off all the topics of conversation that Stefani had just wanted to start.

    "Bi, do you know what the thing that made me run away in our first engagement?"

    "Yes, this is your attitude. I really couldn't stand your cool and cold attitude. That's why I chose another guy," Stefani continued, answering her own question.

    "I haven't changed," said Abi briefly in the hope that Stefani could immediately understand what he was saying without having to explain it again. Because Abi has absolutely no intention of explaining it again.

    "I know. But I changed my mind. And I know you won't say no." Stefani smiled contentedly at Abi. Abi's face was handsome, even more handsome when he was smiling. Unfortunately, not many people know how Abidzar's happy smiling face looks like.

    "You seem pretty sure that I won't refuse."

    "Sure, because I know that you will never refuse your mother's request, right? Yes, even though I know, Aunt Iris also lacks respect for me now. But, as long as I am with my mother, I am sure and confident that You will never be able to leave me."

    And this is what makes Abidzar unable to be happy. He was always tied to something that he could not let go. He was annoyed with himself for not being able to refuse what Iris said. He hated himself for having no other choice. And he hated it because what Stefani said was so true.

    "I'm not your competition item, Stef," said Abi suddenly making Stefani look at him confused.

     "What do you mean?"

    "I'm not something you can freely play with. If you don't want me, don't force it. You can find your own happiness in a much better way. Which will definitely make you really happy. I won't make you happy either. ."

     Stefani knows that getting Abi is only to prove that she can really get whatever she wants. Especially after he met a woman who claimed to be Abidzar's lover, it made Stefani want to get Abidzar even more. Even though he knew what he was doing was tormenting the man.

    "You and I can both be happy if you can accept all of this. I can also make you free from your mother's torment, Bi. I did good things for you to help you!"

    "No need. No need, my mother is not hell!"