Love & Obsessed

Abi was forced to join dinner together at his house this time. He should be somewhere to do something. But, again and again because of Iris herself being held back. Just because he didn't want to see Iris angry, he was forced to do all the things he didn't like.

   "Abi, why is your face so pale, son? Are you sick?"

    Abi lowered his head to get a question from Gina. He first hid his facial expression so as not to be caught by Iris.

    "No, Auntie. I'm probably just tired," said Abi with a forced smile.

   "Yes, he's just tired. Most of the time he plays games," said Iris, making Abi glared in surprise. Since when did he like playing games?

    "Oalah, don't play games too often, Abi. Especially when you stay up late, that's not very good."

   Abi just nodded to hurry. Rather than argue and end up messed up.

   "You take care of your papa's business, right, Bi? How is it going?" Dallan asked as he ate his dinner. Whereas the young woman sitting next to him just ate quietly, probably charging before restarting the action.

   "He's not good at business, Dallan. He only goes to the office once in a while, the rest is not clear."

    Ghina and Dallan couldn't help but smile at Iris' explanation. They clearly knew how Iris' temper was from the past. So, when they heard how he explained his son, they didn't feel strange anymore. They also knew how Iris had treated Abi all this time.

    "But, I think he's smart in his academics, Auntie. He was a subscriber to the first prize and was a role model at school. So, it's very likely that Abi will be able to do his job."

    Being defended like that by Stefani even made Abi squeak. It feels nauseous to get a defense from Stefani.

    "That's the only teacher who is paid by Abi. He's a stupid kid. What can he try?"

   It's like Abi here doesn't have a face anymore. His name was slandered by his own mother. But, what can Abi do? Just shut up, shut up and just shut up. A coward is indeed Abidzar. What else can we do? Iris' feelings were her precious treasure.

    Stefani turned to look at Abi wanting to see the man's reaction when he got insults from his own mother. Not fighting, just bowing your head. Even Stefani was furious to see it. Abi should be able to fight even once. Don't just keep quiet. This Abidzar is more than just a stupid man.

   "Euhm… How about we have dinner first? It's a pity that there's a lot of food if we just sit there!" invite Dallan to lighten the mood. They all then finished their food without making much noise.


   "I told you never to involve mother in our business, right?"

   Now Abi and Stefani are sitting alone in the backyard of Abidzar's very large house. Believe me, Stefani, who is from the upper class, is amazed by the luxury of Abidzar's house directly from Mahesa's design.

   The woman in a knee-length skirt and white t-shirt and short hair with bangs just chuckled softly. Swinging his legs alternately. Feel the breeze of the night accompanied by a loved one who sits next to him. Stefani smoothed her hair which was a little messy because of the night wind.

    "That's why it's always against. Let's not be made weakness by everyone."

    "That's not my weakness," said Abidzar, smiling sarcastically. He himself didn't know if Iris was his weakness or strength.

    "What is it called if it's not weakness? Just one mention of it will make you obey. You're a man, have a stand, have your own vision and mission in life. I would be happy if you accepted me again without your mother's pressure."

    Abidzar looked cynically at the woman who was also looking at him.

    "You left me first, didn't you? You canceled the show, right? And now you come back as if you're the victim? So I'm the suspect? Stef, you're a smart girl. Don't be stupid just because of feelings."

   "I used to be stupid, I admit it. But, now I promise I won't do that stupid thing again. As long as you want to be engaged to me again."

    "You said that boys have to have a stand, didn't you? I said no, no!"

    "I threatened to use your mother's name, you're afraid. What kind of position is that? Don't be a hypocrite, Bi."

    "Okay. You will stop chasing me again if I do why?"

    "It won't stop. Until you become mine again. Don't expect you to start a new story with a new person, okay?"

   Abidzar chuckled sarcastically. How beautiful life is when it's like this. Can he not be happy with his own choice? Shouldn't he be able to feel how beautiful his own choice is? Then, what was he created for?

    "I think you're the one who knows the best about my life, Stef. You and your family know how crazy my mother is about my life. And now you're adding to my burden again? Wow, perfect!"

    "I don't care. I would do anything to get you back."

    "And you'll never be able to get me again."


     "Abi is too obsessed with being a soldier, isn't he? To post a photo in someone else's uniform. I'm so sorry," Iyya chuckled softly after seeing the latest photo that Abi uploaded on his social media account.

    "Maybe. It's because he has posted other people's uniforms several times," said Raisa, who clearly knows every post that Abi uploads.

   "Don't be like that, Yya. You don't know what strong reason he wants to be in the army. Don't underestimate people's dreams," said Alula quickly defending. "You said, you love," he continued later.

    She even laughed after that. Unlike Janeva, who was lazy to respond to Iyya's chatter. She just kept his focus on his laptop screen while doing his job.

    "Yes, it's funny anyway. Why do you have to wear someone else's uniform just to show off on social media. Other people are also aware that it's not their uniform."

    "That's his dad's uniform. If he posts a photo of his army uniform like that, it's a sign that he misses his dad." Suddenly Dellyn came over to their table.

   Immediately Iyya's facial expression changed. She just knew that fact. Not to show off but to express his longing.

    "I, as Abidzar's friend, am honestly disappointed to hear you talk about Abi in such disdain. He just misses, is it wrong? Besides, if you don't know, is it better to keep quiet? Don't let people lose respect for you one by one because of your attitude!" Dellyn, who was usually naughty and cheeky, now looks so firm and not kidding. He just walked away from the cafeteria area after saying that. It can be believed that his appetite is gone after hearing bad talk about his best friend.

    "That's why don't just say it. Don't just make Dellyn angry like that. I'm satisfied to see you being scolded. At least if it's not Abi, it's her best friend." Alula was very satisfied saying that. "If you really like him, you should be able to respect whatever he does."

   "And I don't think Iyya really likes Abidzar. It's just an obsession, right?"