What element would you like? Would it be fire? Well, the thought of controlling flames and heat to burn down whatever you want does sound pretty nice, but how do you put out the fire? I don't know if comes with the element, but fire doesn't suit me. Then what of water? It's pretty, the creatures you can make would look stunning especially in the sun, I could suffocate my enemies with it, I can become it and basically become undetectable, water would also grant me a very fluid and flexible body which is good for dodging, in all honesty there are no faults in water, but I don't feel it. If I were to have an element it would be space. Nothing more and nothing less.
I am child to a well-off family well if you consider upper-class families 'well off'. I am from the house of space, a family that only consists of spatial users, well mainly, of course there are those in my family that decide to marry other elemental users, not complaining just wondering why.
We live in a world those before me decided to call utopia, all should know the meaning of the word and its implications so no need to explain that. In this world we are all granted an element, we don't choose what it is as we are given that element at birth, inhabitants of utopia have only one element there have been none with two or more, not even in the past.
For the record the entire world is called utopia, it isn't just one continent, utopia has about 5 main continents and enough islands (I really don't know how many there are and won't really bother myself knowing.), the entirety of utopia is governed by the 4 main houses, these consist of the house of fire, wind, water, and earth. As the name states these include only houses of the 4 main elements, reason being their founders were the first elementalists to come forth to the world, that's basically it. Only those born to the 4 main houses are deemed royals, the 4 main houses carry the most authority in the utopia (where we live.), with the house of fire ruling the north of utopia, the house of water ruling the west, the house of earth ruling the east and finally the house of wind ruling the south.
Naturally they were high on authority until other houses spawned that could rival them in power and highness.
The first to pop up were the deviant houses, these included the house of ice, sound, lightning, and mist. The reason they are called deviant is due to the element itself, a mixture of two giving this as a product. Ice is a mixture of water and wind, sound is a mixture of earth and wind (with the earth element one can create vibrations to cause earthquakes, sound is just vibrations. And the wind, you can guess.) lightning is a mixture of...…something? I didn't get the concept in tutoring so I forgot while mist is a mixture of water and fire, don't know why they couldn't just call it steam but apparently, they wanted to sound badass.
Once these elementalists showed up they made houses for their respective elements, of course it took time due to several factors like oppression by the main 4 and…. I forgot again.
Due to their power and versatility in combat and other fields like assassination, the 4 main houses decided to give them the ranks of nobility, though not before fighting with them in a stupid war that they called progress bar for some reason or was it uprising? I forgot once more, not really, the name has changed over the years, progress bar was one of them and the funniest to remember.
I bet someone is asking 'what of those that don't belong to a house?' I'll say it again all have an element even back then; the only difference is that those in a 'house' had stronger mana proficiencies (I'll come to that.) those that weren't, the houseless (those who didn't have a house) still had elements, but they were weaker, so they really didn't contribute much back then.
Anyway, after progress bar, people begun cross breeding and the deviant elements begun showing up in citizens. A glorious time of corruption and politics later, like around 30 years, new challengers appeared, and these were elements that none even thought existed, so they decided to call this period of time 'rarities generation' reason? Because rare elements were born into the world, the first to show was the light element followed by the nature/plant element then blood, darkness, time and finally my element space the youngest one to date.
How they came about, it's really just speculation so I'll skip that. with their strength and destructive elements, obviously rose to power made their respective houses and also gained nobility, no house has tried to take the position of the main 4 out of respect, and the fact that they have been here the longest, so they have a better grasp on their element so even though us new houses are here we haven't fully comprehended our elements, so we are still weak compared to them.
Who am I? I am a 2 second child to the main family of the house of space as for my name, in truth I really have many, when the mask is on, they call me Harbinger, in combat they call me jin, during creation they call me Abner, during death they call me Clyde, though a lot of people call me different things those are for my other personas, but you can call me Mono.