Look at me

"Then... this time... You... need to be brave," he said, and he suddenly grabbed my face, leaning in closer to him and kissed me inside his office.

I love you, Noah. I love you.

The following day, the rude and bad comments about me kept spreading. A lot of people criticize me, my appearance and my body proportion, and they think that I am not good for Noah. Who are they to decide on who Noah will end up? We decided on our own fate and destiny. No one can dictate that to us, it's within us. The decision is on us.

A deep sigh came out of my mouth while reading a lot of articles about me. After Noah exposed me, a lot of articles exposed me. Now I know why I have been hidden all along. Now I understand Noah's decision, but... I just want the world to know that I am his wife, that is so simple, yet people can't accept it. Why? Is it that hard to accept that we're already married? Am I not enough and capable for Noah?

Later that day, I came out of the house while putting on a shade and I was wearing a hoodie to avoid reporters and journalists. I had to go shopping to buy some groceries. I went inside the mall and started to push the cart. I kept looking around to make sure that there was no one around me. I don't want to live like this.

After paying for all the groceries, I went out and put them in the trunk of the car I was driving. I started to take off the sunglasses I was wearing, but the hoodie was still on me. I was about to go when someone shouted, "Hey! Ms. Abigail!" as I turned my head on to someone who said that, my hoodie fell off and my eyes widened when she saw me.

"It's Abigail!" there were a lot of reporters around, and I was so stunned and couldn't move. I was looking at them as they were about to approach me. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, but... there was someone who grabbed me. "Let's go," he said, but we were too late. A lot of reporters were surrounding us. I could see all the flashes from their cameras and it was making me feel dizzy. I kept staring at the ground, to avoid looking at the flash of the camera.

The man's hands were in front of my face and his hands were covering my face and eyes from those damn flashes. I don't know who he was, but I need his help right now, and he came at the right time.

"Who are you? Why are you with Mr. Noah's wife?" a reporter asked him.

"I... I am her friend," he said, and my eyes widened. I didn't even know him. How can he utter such words in front of the reporters?

"But? You seemed familiar," a reporter said, and he then suddenly removed his glasses and they gasped in surprise.

"E-Ethan?" they muttered, and when I raised my head and took a glimpse at him, my jaw dropped. It was him. Ethan Monroe, a famous singer and dancer in the country and internationally.

"Mr. Ethan? How can you be friends with someone like her?" a reporter asked, and my eyes rolled. Like me? What am I? I'm a human too, you know.

I heard Ethan chuckle, "That's a really absurd question," they were surprised and so did I. I never thought he would act like that. We were not close, but how can he do this for me? How can he save me like this? But... I think he's making it worse for me.

"I can be friends with anyone. But, Ms. Abigail was one of my classmates back then in college," he said, and I started to recall it. Yes, he's right. He's one of my classmates back in college, but we were not that close, and we were not friends. He's the coldest person I knew before I met Noah.

"We have to go now," he said, and started to walk back to my car.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in a low voice.

"Just hide. The reporters are still there, you know," he said in a cold tone. I had no other choice, but to listen to him. He was the person who saved me back there.

When I arrived at my house, I looked at him with a frown, "We're not friends," I said to him, and he was fixing his hair, "Then... we are now," he said to me with a smile. "But..."

"Oh oh, no one refuses me to become their friend. So, don't dare to refuse. As handsome as me?" he scoffed and talked so highly of himself. I chuckle when I remember someone like him. My husband.

We were in front of the gate when suddenly... "What are you doing?" I heard Noah's voice behind me, causing me to stiffen and my eyes were widened while looking at him.


"Abi," the way he calls my name... It was cold and different to what he used to call me.

"What are you doing here?" he then looked at Ethan.

"Noah... You're misunderstood. Ethan was just helping me-"

"I don't ask you, Abi. He's the one I was asking about," he cut my sentence off, and there was tension between the three of us. I gulped while looking at him being so cold like that.

Ethan was smiling while looking at him, "Don't worry. I didn't even do bad to her. I just saved her from the reporters," he said to Noah.

"So?" he asked, as if he had been paying attention to what he had been saying earlier.

Ethan chuckled, "Don't be rude. I have just saved your wife from another humiliation," he said, and I could feel the fastening of my heartbeat because of the tension.

"Then, we must thank you then," Noah said and bowed his head to him, "Thank you," he then looked at me, and I stared at my shoes. "Let's go," he said, and we went inside. I looked back at Ethan, "I'm sorry," I mouthed at him, but he was just smiling while looking at me.

We were walking inside the house when he stopped, causing me to bump into his hard back. He turned his head and looked at me with those fierce and scary eyes, "You..." I gulped in nervousness.


"Did the reporters do that to you?" he asked me, and I frowned. I thought he was mad. I thought he was going to scold me, but he didn't.

"Ah, yes. I was buying some groceries when they suddenly..." the pupils of my eyes widened as he suddenly hugged me. I could feel his heartbeat as my chest pressed against his.

He took a deep breath, "This is what I'm afraid will happen," he uttered while embracing me. He was so worried about me and I didn't even realize that he hid me for two years to protect me from issues and from reporters.

He then took a step back and looked at me, "Also... Don't see that guy again," he said to me.

"What? W-Who?"

"Ethan. Don't see him again," he said, seriously.

"Ah, I see. I will," I said to him and smiled.

He then averted his gaze at me. "Are you..." he looked at me with those cold stares. "What?"


"What?" he was so surprised.

"Are you jealous of Ethan?" I asked him, and he scoffed.

"Me? Jealous?" I nodded my head.

"Yes. You're right, I'm jealous, and I don't want to feel that again. I don't want that feeling again," he said, and I was stiffened to where I was standing. My eyes were still fixed on him as he started to walk closer to me. I took a step back as he continued to walk towards me.

My eyes were still on him, and he's eyes were on me. All on me.

I took a step back, but my back leaned against the wall. I had nowhere else to go. I still stared at him. "What are you thinking?" he asked me. "What? Me? No. I am not thinking about anything," I started to go off the wall and was about to walk, when he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

My chest started to throb so fast as it could. His eyes were still on me, even if he was not smiling, "W-What are you doing?" I muttered, as I could feel my hands trembling in nervousness. I think my heart was about to explode at that moment. His hands held mine and pinned them to the wall as his eyes were still on me.



"Look at me," I looked at him.

"Yes, that's right."

"Just look at me," he said, and I was so confused about it.

"Don't look at any other guys, but look at me. Only me."

To be continued...