The Reception

My life had been so good with Laurence and the other crew of the restaurant. I was looking at Jane as I remembered she didn't fight back when she was sexually harassed by a customer, VIP.

Jane looked at me and smiled, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?" she asked me with a frown, and I think she felt suspicious about me. I smiled at her while shaking my head.

There were a lot of customers, and as always, it had been a very busy and tiring day. I walked out with Jane. I stretched my arms but I stopped when I saw Laurence in front of us, looking at me. I put down my arms and stood properly. "Sir," we both greeted him. Jane bowed her head and started to walk away.

Me and Laurence were both walking towards his car. When we were inside, he spoke, "There's an event for tomorrow. A wedding," he said, and I looked at him with a nod. "So? We need to prepare it first thing in the morning. Rest early and we will be at the restaurant," he said.

"But... What about them? You didn't even tell..."

"I did," he said.

"WHat? Where?"

"Phone," he uttered, and I nodded.

I just realized I didn't have such a phone to get his contact. I was in deep thought when suddenly he handed me something, and it was a little bit heavy. I looked at it, but it was in a box with a gift wrapped in it. I wonder what this is. I looked at him with confusion building inside me, "What is this, Sir?"

"Open it," he said, and I nodded. I started to rip off the gift wrapper and saw a box inside. As I unwrapped it, my eyes widened on what I saw... It was a phone. I looked at him again with a broad smile. "This is for me?" my eyes twinkled when I looked at him, and then he nodded with a broad smile.


"Yes. Don't you like it?"

"I loved it," I opened the box, and saw the phone. I couldn't believe I have a wonderful and very techy phone. I turned it on, but the smile never left me. Laurence has been so good to me, since I didn't have any memories, he's always there for me. He's always there to back me up.

I don't know why I am being so emotional right now. A tear trickled into my cheeks while looking at the phone.

"Are you crying? Why?" he asked me. I sniffled before I looked at him again. I shook my head when I looked at him. "I am just happy to have these," I uttered with a smile on him, but he just chuckled while facing me.

"Why? Is that really funny?" I asked.

"No. You look so cute," he uttered and patted my head.

When he always does that, it makes my heart flutter, and it beats faster than the normal beating. I looked away as I was holding my chest. He makes me flutter every time he does that. Why? Why am I feeling this way? He then started to drive back to the house. When we arrived, I went out, opened the door by myself and went straight inside the house.

I was already in my room when I leaned on the door and sighed, "What was that?" I asked myself in confusion. I closed my eyes when a deep sigh came out of my mouth. I don't know why I feel like this way, but... I am confused right now. I don't want to feel this way, but... I can't stop overthinking about what he was doing with me. I am so confused right now.

I was on my bed when I couldn't sleep. I opened my eyes again and got up. What's happening to me? Why? Why am I acting like that? It's weird. I stood and went to the terrace of the room. I opened the glass door and went out. The cool breeze greeted me, causing me to smile broadly. I closed my eyes and spread my arms in the air.

I gasped, "I am just confused. I don't have anything with him. And that's the truth," I keep telling myself, but my heart seems to tell me the opposite. I opened my eyes and looked at the sky above me. I don't know what's going on now, but... A tear suddenly came out of my eyes while I was looking at the sky.

I am not sad, but... Why am I crying? Why am I tearing up without any reason? Why?

The following morning, I woke up early to go to the restaurant. I didn't wait for him as I felt so awkward, and I thought that avoiding him would be the best thing to do. I was already at the restaurant and open it. I started to do the cleaning when suddenly the door opened.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" he asked behind me. I smiled when I faced him, "Ah. I thought you were still asleep. So, I didn't bother to wake you up," I lied, and continued what I was doing.

"Are you avoiding me?" he asked, but I chuckled.

"Why would I, Sir?" I asked.

"Are you sure? It seems like you are," he uttered, but I continued to shake my head.

"Why would I? I don't have any reason to avoid you," I said, and turned my back on him. It seemed like he was about to tell me something when the other crew arrived. The wedding reception will be held at the restaurant in the evening in that's why we're here to decorate and prepare everything before the guest, groom and bride arrive.

Time flew, and it was already evening. Just like earlier, I was still not looking at or talking to Laurence. I don't want to get attached to him. I feel like I was slowly developing feelings for him, and I am not sure about it.

Later that evening, the guests had arrived and we assisted them to their seats. Lastly, the bride and groom arrived, which we welcomed and they applauded their hands. I was smiling while looking at the bride. She looks so happy with her groom, and I wish her a happy and peaceful marriage.

We all bowed our heads when they walked at us. When we raised our heads, I suddenly looked at Laurence while he was talking to someone. I frowned while looking at him. Who is she? She looks pretty too.

We started to serve foods to the guests, but suddenly a little boy bumped at me, causing my uniform to get dirty. "Leo! Look what you have done. I'm so sorry about this mess, Miss," his mom said.

"No. It's okay."

"I'm sorry," the little boy uttered while bowing his head at me. I smiled at him and then started to walk away.

I was at the corner, trying to take off the dirt on my uniform, but it wouldn't get off. I sighed while looking at how messy I was. I was about to walk when I saw Laurence again with that woman I saw earlier. They both look so sweet together, and they were really a good match. Why am I like this? Am I... Jelaous?

He looked in my direction, causing me to look away. I was about to walk when he called me. I stopped and smiled when I faced them. "Yes, Sir?"

"I'm going to introduce someone to you," he said.

"Ah, I see."

"Loren. This is Cara, my girlfriend," he uttered, and it echoed in my ears. I was stiffened when he said. I thought he was single.

I smiled awkwardly, and I could feel the pain in my chest, "Nice to meet you, Ma'am," I greeted her with a broad smile. She was also smiling at me, and I could see the happiness in their eyes. They were a match made in heaven. I was still smiling at them, and then I turned my head back on them, and started to walk away.

I was in the kitchen, and I took a deep breath. I was closing my eyes when I heard someone talking behind me.

"Did you see Mr. Laurence's girlfriend?"


"She's pretty, right?"

"Ah, yes. I agree," I heard their conversation, and it made me pout. I know Cara's pretty, but... I feel jealous about it. Why?

Why? What's the reason for those things he did for me? I think... He's just a kind guy who helped me out of pity, and that's a reality that I had to accept.

A sigh of disbelief came out of my mouth and I went outside the restaurant. They themselves and had a great time together during the event. I was already outside when a man came to approach me.

I frowned while looking at him. I bowed my head with a smile as I thought he was just going to pass at me, but he didn't. He stopped in front of me with a smile.

"Hi!" he uttered.

"H-Hi..." I muttered, as I was so surprised about it.

"You're alone?" he asked.

"Ah. I'm one of the crew inside. I just-"

"Ah, I see."

"My name is Miguel," he introduced.

I looked at him as he was reaching his hands at me, "Loren," I smiled and we both shook our hands.

He seemed kind, and... he's tall and he's also good-looking.

To be continued...