Confusion building inside

"My name is Miguel," he introduced.

I looked at him as he was reaching his hands at me, "Loren," I smiled and we both shook our hands.

He seemed kind, and... he's tall and he's also good-looking.

We talked outside and I kind of feel comfortable when I am around him. He is not difficult to talk to and he is the type of person with a sense of humor when it comes to things. We were laughing when Laurence went outside, and looked at me with a frown and confusion.

I bowed my head when I saw him, "Sir? Do you need anything?"

"Yes. Jane needs your help. She's in the kitchen," he said to me, and I nodded my head. I started to walk after I said goobye to Miguel. He was smiling while looking at me, and I went straight to the kitchen.

I saw Jane and Cassandra. I went closer to them, and started to help them to serve the new dish to the guests. I was walking with Jane when Cassandra blocked my way and tripped me, causing me to land on the floor. All people's eyes were on me. I am a mess. The soup that had been made by Chief spilled on me.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, but when I looked at her, she smirked, like she did that intentionally. People started to laugh at me, but then.. someone covered me up. When I raised my head, I saw Miguel. He looked at me, worriedly. He covered me from the crowd. He was covering me up with his suit and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, but I shook my head as tears started to escape my eyes.

"Let's go," he then reached out for my hand and helped me stand. When I got up, he immediately handed me his coat and helped me walk to the bathroom.

I can still feel every stare of the people on the two of us. I could feel their detective eyes that their attention was still on me. While walking towards the bathroom, I saw Sir Laurence with his girlfriend, and I averted my gaze at him. I am so embarrassed to face him with this look. How can I face him like that? Why did this happen to me anyway?

When we arrived at the bathroom, I looked at Miguel and smiled, "Thank you," I bowed my head in front of him, but he was just staring at me like he had something else to say. "Are you okay?" I asked him, and he came back to his senses.

"Yes, I am," he replied, and I nodded my head before I went to the bathroom.

I was alone in the bathroom while staring at my dirty clothes. I look and smell so filthy right now. I let out a deep sigh as I picked up the tissue and began to pick up the stain that had stuck to my uniform.

After a few more minutes, it was still not removed but very little was visible. This is better than earlier. I fixed myself before getting out of the bathroom. When I went out, I was startled when I saw Miguel was still there. "M-Miguel?"

He smiled and walked closer to me, "It didn't go off," he said, as he was looking at the stain on my uniform.

"Ah, yes. It won't take off. I think I'll wash it when I go back home," I said to him, and he nodded his head.

Miguel raised his head and stared at me. "W-Why are you staring at me like that?"

He smiled, "Because you're pretty," he answered, causing me to be stunned and stiffened at the same time. I was standing there in front of him, but he suddenly chuckled.

"Cute," he added, and I looked away.

"I have to go now. I have a lot of work to do," I began to walk away, but he held me by my wrist. I gulped when I turned my head on him.

"What is it?" I muttered, my voice was shaky because of nervousness.

"I like you," he suddenly uttered, and my eyes widened while looking at him.

Woah! He's really a straightforward person. He just saw me, but... Why did he like me already? Am I really pretty? If I am, why... Why did Sir Laurence didn't like me as a woman?

"M-Miguel..." he smiled at me, "You don't have to like me back. I'll court you to get to know more about me," he added. I couldn't believe that he is really a straightforward person. He's the first person I encountered to have such a personality, and it was a bit shocking and new to me.

He then let go of my wrists while the smile was still on his lips. "I am hoping that we can date each other, Ms. Loren," he uttered, and then he walked towards the dining hall. A deep breath came out to me while holding my chest, "What was that? That was so shocking," I uttered to myself.

"Are you okay?" a deep voice I heard behind me, before I turned my head. It was Laurence. What is he doing here? Is he... worried about me? Worried about me as his employee, right?

"Ah, yes, Sir. I am fine," I answered. He was about to talk again when Cara, his girlfriend, arrived. She then glared at me like she didn't want me around Laurence. Laurence excused himself as he went outside to get his car for Cara. He'll be dropping her home right now. I bowed my head and walked, but she spoke.

"Wait..." I turned my head on her and waited for her to talk.

"I don't like... how you look at Laurence," she uttered, and I was surprised about that. "Ma'am? What do you mean?"

She scoffed and smirked, "Stop getting closer to him. You never know who you're messing with," she said to me, and my eyes widened while looking at her. She's scary, and she's like... She's ready to kill me anytime soon, for Laurence. She did not love him... She's obsessed with him.

"Ma'am... I can't do that," I said to her.

"What? Why?"

"Laurence is my boss, and I can't-" I was surprised when she suddenly slapped me. It was so hard that I could even feel the heat and pain in my cheeks. I looked at her again, but she rolled her eyes at me, and scoffed.

"You can't even afford me. You... can't compare yourself to me. I... am rich, pretty, sexy, not like you," she uttered to me. I remained silent while she was in front of me. "Ma'am... I may not be rich, but... I am a good person," I said and raised my head.

"What? Are you saying that I am not a good person?" she asked.

"Yes. Look at you. Look at your reflection. That's not a good person's doing," I said.

"How dare you!" she raged at me.

"Ma'am... I don't want to be rude, but if you may excuse me. I need to go back there," I said, and started to start away from her.

After that tiring event, I and Jane were already outside after we finished cleaning up everything. Jane looked at me, "What happened to your face?" she asked me.

"I am fine."

"But... Cassandra did that on purpose. Aren't you mad at her?"

"No. I am not," I replied to her. I don't want to get mad and be bad. I know life is too short to do such things. So, before I die, I want to be a good person.

Jane and I were walking and talking in the streets at the same time. I was comfortable with her. She's so talkative and friendly. I could feel that she's a soft-hearted person that I could lean on right now. She then looked at me. "So? What is your relationship with Mr. Laurence?" she asked me suddenly.

"Ah... The thing is..." I stopped talking when I could feel the pain in my head. I started to feel dizzy and my vision started to get blurry. I was holding my head because of the pain, "Loren? Are you okay? Loren!" that was the last word I heard before I could see myself lying on the ground, and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I immediately looked around and was surprised to see Laurence next to me. I remembered that Jane was with me, but why is he here? I started to get up and he looked at me, and I could see the worry in his eyes. Why? Why are you here?

"Sir Laurence?"

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked, worriedly, and I nodded my head at him.

"Didn't you eat?" he questioned. I started to think about that, and I remembered I hadn't eaten anything during the event. I was so focused on work, and I forgot about it.

When we were outside, we were walking together when he stopped. "We need to find food for you to eat," he reminded me. I was still looking at him. I am confused. Why is he doing this to me? Why? Why is he making my hope up again? Stop doing this, Sir. I might fall for you again... Stop it.

I... shouldn't fall for you, Sir. I should stop this damn feeling I had for you. I don't want to ruin your relationship with Ma'am Cara. I... should avoid you. I should stop these things. I should give you up.

I should stop liking you from now on.

To be continued...