The first encounter

I... shouldn't fall for you, Sir. I should stop this damn feeling I had for you. I don't want to ruin your relationship with Ma'am Cara. I... should avoid you. I should stop these things. I should give you up.

I should stop liking you from now on.

I'm slowly avoiding Laurence because I also don't want Cara to misinterpret our closeness to each other differently. I was with Jane inside the restaurant, and I was thinking deeply, unaware that I'd been spilling the water into the sink.

"Are you okay?" she asked, and I nodded my head. I smiled at her, and tried to make myself calm and came back to my senses.

Later that night, we were so busy inside. I saw Cassandra again and smirked at me. She didn't even say sorry to me after what she did last night. I am just stopping myself from getting mad at her. I don't know how I should react if I got mad.

"Good evening, Sir. Can I get your order?" I heard Casaandra utter, which caused me to look at her, but... When I looked at the customer, my heart started to beat louder and faster. We were both looking at each other, but I broke it off. I averted my gaze at him and started to walk back to the counter.

What was that? Why did my heart suddenly beat faster? This is so unsual. This beating... It was different to what I was feeling when I saw Laurence. It was new, but it's kinda familiar. I am confused.

"Loren?" I looked at who called me, and saw Cassandra.


"You take his order. He wants you to take his order," she said to me, and give me the menu. I took a deep breath before I started to walk towards him. I smiled when I was in front of him.

"Good evening, Sir," I bowed my head, "Can I take your order?" I asked him, but he was just staring at me.

"Abi..." he suddenly uttered, which caused me to frown and look around.

"Sir? Are you talking to me?"


"Ah. I'm Loren," I introduced myself, but I could see his eyes were still on me. It was a bit awkward, but it was familiar. I don't know how. I don't know why.

"Is it really you, Abi?" he suddenly asked me, but I shook my head.

"Sir... My name is Loren and not Abi. I don't know who Abi is," I said to him, but he held my hands tightly, and I saw a tear trickle down his eyes. I was startled and we remained in that position for the meantime before I pulled my hands back away from him.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I need to go," I started to walk away from him. It creeped me out when he held my hands. I don't know who he was, but... I kinda felt like I knew him before, and he knew me.

The restaurant was closed at that hour. I was about to start to walk when I saw him again behind me. "Sir? We're closed already."

"I need... you," he uttered while staring at me with sincerity and despair.

"I'm sorry. I don't know who Abi is. I am Loren, and not Abi," I said to him.

"I had a picture of her. She really looks exactly like you," he stated while pulling something out of his wallet.

After he took it off, he then reached it out to me, and I took it from him. When I looked at the photo, my eyes widened when I looked at it. It was really me in the photo, but I am not sure if he's telling the truth. I don't want to trust people so easily. I don't want to get hurt and betrayed. I don't want to get hurt.

I raised my head while I was still holding the photo, and looked at him. "How did you get this, Sir? W-Who... are you?" I asked him. He was still staring at me, directly into my eyes. I don't know what kind of feeling this is, but... It was a bit confusing, but why did I feel like I'd experienced someone who stared at me like that? Do I really know this man? This man... Did he really know me, and my past?

"You... You are my wife," he uttered, causing my eyes to widen. I was also stiffened at where I was standing in front of him. I was like ice, frozen and couldn't be moved when he said that to me. Wife? Am I his wife? How? Why?

I laughed nervously, "Sir... Are you kidding? This is a prank, right? Are you a Vlogger? Are there any hidden cameras around?" I asked him while I was laughing. I was still laughing in front of him, but he was so serious while looking at me. Like... he was telling the truth.

I stopped and looked at him, "Sir... I'm sorry to disappoint you, but... I am not your wife," I said to him, and gave back the photo in his hands. He was still looking at me, but this time... His eyes went teary.

"I'm sorry," he utered. "I... am not a good husband to you. I should never have been so cold to you, Abigail. I... regretted it so much, and I will never forget how cruel and a monster I am," he added, and I could feel the sincerity and pain in his voice. I stared at him for sometime, but he suddenly grabbed my hands towards him and hugged me tightly.

My eyes widened when he tightened his grip on my waist. I could feel the cold tears escaping his eyes and landing on my shoulders. His lips trembled while hugging me. Why? Why is he doing this to me? Why?

We remained in that position for sometime, and I was letting him do that for me. I think he's having a hard time, that's why he needed someone to lean on to. My hands were still beside me. I don't want him to misinterpret. I just wanted him to feel at ease even a little.

"Sir... Hang on there. You can do it," I uttered to him as he was still embracing me. While he was hugging me, I felt so comfortable and there was warmth and comfort. Is he... really my husband? If he really is... Why can't I even remember his face? Why?

"Abigail... Please, come back to me. I... don't want to live without you. I... think that I can't leave without you," he sobbed between his words, "I... missed you so much," his voice cracked when he uttered that last word to me. I could feel his shaky breath under my neck and cold tears were continuing to flow down his eyes.

When he slowly let me go, I looked at him. "I'm sorry. I was so carried away," he apologized. While looking at him, it was then I realized how good-looking he was, though he was crying. "Are you feeling better now, Sir?" I asked him.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry," he uttered, and I nodded my head.

"Then... I should get going then," I said to him, and bowed my head.

I was about to take a step when he spoke, "Wait..." I turned my head and faced him, "Yes? What is it?"

"My name is Noah. Noah Brown," he introduced, and I nodded my head with a smile.

I started to walk away from him. I didn't see Laurence today. I think he's busy with Cara right now. When I arrived at his house, I saw how messy the living room was. My mouth was wide open when I saw Laurence on the floor, and beside him was a tequila bottle.

He's drunk.

"Sir Laurence? Sir..." I called him, but when he breathed and faced me, I could smell how he was wrecked with alcohol. I held my breath when I got closer to him, "Sir?" I tried to wake him up, and when he opened his eyes, he then smiled at me. The sweetest and cute smile he had.

His cheeks were red because of drunkness. "Sir? You need to go to your room," I said to him.

"We broke up," he uttered, and I stopped. I looked at him, I was kinda happy about it, but... there was also sadness inside me. I don't want to see him like this. This isn't Laurence.

I sighed and helped him stand. "Sir, we need to go to your room," I said, but he was about to walk when we were both out of balance. We fell onto the ground, and I could feel how heavy he was. I groaned as I tried to push him away from my side. After successfully pulling him away from me, I caught my breath.

I was gasping for breath when he suddenly uttered, "She cheated on me. I... thought she loved me. I... thought I was the only one." It broke my heart. I don't want to see Laurence like this. I don't want him to get hurt.

I... don't want him to cry.

To be continued...