My husband

Third person POV

Abigail and Noah had been doing well. She had been so caring and thoughtful towards him. Abigail didn't have any memories of him, but she was trying her very best to be a good and loving wife to her husband, Noah. It was already morning, but she was still in her bed. When she got up, she then decided to go out for a walk.

Noah was already at the company, doing his work. He had left food and a note for Abigail before he left the house. The company had been suffering from a huge financial crisis. He was looking at his computer when the door opened and he saw his mother. Noah looked at his mother, and she was walking closer to him.


"Mother," he greeted while bowing his head when he stood.

"Mother? What is it? What are you-"

"You need to get remarried," she cut his sentence, causing him to frown and narrow his eyes at the same time while looking at her.


"You had to get married to-"

"I'm not going to marry anyone else, mother. I'm sorry," Noah cut her sentence, causing her to glare and get mad at him.

"What? What did you say? This is for your own good, Noah," she said to her son.

Noah looked at his computer, and sighed, "Mom... I'm sorry, but..."

"This is for your own good, Noah. You have to get married and by this marriage, all the company's financial crises will be solved," she said to him, but Noah shook his head.

"I can handle this, mom. I can fix it without that damn marriage," he uttered to her, and his mom was mad at him. She wanted Noah to get married again after his wife died.

"I'm sorry, mother. I... don't want to get remarried again," he said to his mother. She rolled her eyes at her son, "Why? This is for you and for the company," she said to him.

"I don't want it," he said to her.

"Noah! Please listen to me!" she raged.

"Mother! I... don't want to marry any other woman." she was still looking at her son, with confusion and disappointment on her face. She wanted Noah to take that opportunity to make the company rise again as the top one in the country.

"I'm sorry, mother. But... I don't want to get married and run away from the problem with that solution," he said to his mother. "I want to find another way, but that. I don't think that marriage is necessary," he added.

"I don't know what you've been doing lately, but... You'll lose everything if you don't take my advice," she said before she left the office. Noah sighed deeply while massaging his head. He didn't understand why his mother wanted that marriage so badly. "It's because of money again, right?" he asked himself, and sighed in disbelief.

When he went home, he then saw Abigail on the sofa, sleeping. Noah walked towards her and a smile was formed on the corner of his lips. He was happy and felt at ease when he saw his wife. He was staring at her with a smile on his lips. Noah was still staring at her beauty. Abigail's face didn't change a bit. It was still the same as how he met and how he felt in love with her.

Noah started to fix some strands of her hair and placed them under her ears. "How beautiful you are, my wife. I... I don't want to get married again if it's not you," he uttered with a smile on his lips. Noah was still smiling in front of his wife when she suddenly opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"You're home," she uttered with a sweet smile on her lips. Her hands cupped his face while the smile was still on her lips. Abigail was smiling at him for the moment, their eyes met each other. Noah looked seriously at her, and then she frowned. "What is it? Are you-"

She stopped what she was about to say when Noah suddenly pressed his lips against her. Her eyes widened at what he had done. She was stiffened where she was lying down. It seemed like she couldn't move her whole body, and it seemed to her she was frozen there. When Noah stepped back and stared at her, she then gulped.

"I love you," the moment he uttered those words, it gave her goosebumps and it seemed so familiar and comforting. She became speechless, but Noah said, "I love you, Abigail," he said again, and she could feel the heat in her face. It looked like she had been able to hear those words before, and it was then she realized that she was living with Noah before she lost her memory.

After a few more minutes, Abigail smiled. "I love you too, Noah," and just like that, their lips met again. Her heart began to pound. She was lying there, feeling a desire run from her heart, to her chest, and down toward her inner thighs. His finger touched her neck, and the hair as it was moved away nearly gave her the chills. His hands went from the sides of her head and down to her neck, out to her shoulders and down to her hands. He grabbed her hands gently yet firm, put them in front of her and paused. Abigail felt safe, he spoke no words. Her heart was about to beat out of her chest and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath out.

He kisses her shoulder, and runs his lips on her skin towards her ear, but doesn't quite make it that far. Abi tilted her head and, after his deep breath, he bit her gently. It doesn't hurt, it only makes her want more. He turned her around, and they were facing each other. He stares into her eyes and smiles. His two hands grab her left hand and he places her open palm on his heart, and he holds it there. His eyes exude love, protection, security, safety, patience, and respect. She smiles and he lets go of her hands. With one hand, he runs his fingers through her hair and gently guides her face closer to his, eventually leaning her in to rest her head on his chest. His other arm wraps around her. Abi hopes he never lets go.

The way Noah kisses and touches her... It seems so unreal and familiar. Abigail couldn't think properly as desire dominated her. She just closed her eyes and let Noah do what he wanted to do with her. As Noah continued, he stopped for a moment, and Abigail noticed that he seemed...

When she looked at him, she saw him sobbing. "Noah? What happened? Why are you-" he then raised his head and hugged her tightly. "I can't do that," he uttered, which caused Abigail to be confused.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, but he continued to sob.



"I don't want to leave you again. So, don't you dare leave me, understand?" he asked her and raised his head at the same time. She looked at him and nodded her head. "Alright. I won't leave you anymore. Don't worry," she then patted his back while tears continued to drip down his face.

Abigail didn't want to see him hurt and in pain. She continued to pat his back, and moments later, Noah had fallen asleep in her arms. A smile was formed on her lips while caressing his hair. "How can I leave you? You're my husband. How can I do that to my husband?" she asked herself while continuing to caress his hair.

The following morning, Abigail got up early to cook and prepare breakfast for Noah. She was smiling while making dishes for him. She didn't know that she was a good cook, but the moment she held the knife, she started cutting the ingredients, and it seemed like her hands were doing all the work by themselves.

When Noah woke up, he then went downstairs and saw Abigail in the kitchen. A smile was formed on his lips when he walked closer to her. He then started to hug her from behind while she was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Good morning."

Abigail noticed how Noah tightened his grip on her. "What is it? Did something wrong with work?"

"Nothing. There's isn't."

"Alright. You can eat now. It will boost your energy back," she said, and started to place the dishes on the dining table. She was looking at him with a smile. "Try it," she uttered, and Noah smiled. He knows how well Abigail can cook, and she never disappoints him.

"How was it?" she asked.

"It was delicious. Same as before," he replied, and she smiled at him.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I love it. I... always liked it," he stated, and Abigail's cheeks started to turn red. Noah was always making her heart flutter, and turning my cheeks reddish.

"Noah is... my husband."

To be continued...