The President's Daughter

"Noah is... my husband."

Noah's mother had been planning the arranged marriage all along. She was inside her office with her daughter. "Mom? What are we going to do? I know Brother won't do it if he says he won't," she said to her mom.

"We need to find another way to convince him. His company is at-" she stopped when she heard a knock on the door. They were both looking at the door, and a woman entered. It was Anastasia, Noah's future wife. Charlotte and her mom both smiled when they saw her. They also greeted them with a broad smile.

"It's nice to see you again, Ana," Charlotte said with a smile.

"You've gone prettier, Charlotte. I envy you," she said, and they both chuckled.

"So? What are you doing here, my dear?"

"I heard Noah didn't want to get married to me, is that right?" she asked them, and they both fell silent. She then looked at Charlotte, but she was just giving her a smile as she didn't know what she should answer.

"Ana... As you see... Noah is still moving on after what had happened to his wife. So, I think he needs more time to re-think about this marriage," Noah's Mom, Alicia, said to her. Ana nodded her head with a sigh of disbelief, "Mrs. Brown?"


"Don't make me wait too long. I... hate waiting," she said, and stood. Anatasia started to walk out of her office with her bodyguards. Anatasia is the only daughter of Mr. Delos Reyes, the most powerful man in the country. Anatasia is the President's daughter.

Alicia and Charlotte were still inside the office. She could see how mad her mom was. "That damn bitch!" she cursed as she was referring to that rude daughter of the President.

"If she wasn't the President's daughter, I would never want her," Alicia said.

Anatasia was the only daughter of the President and she really liked to be linked to Noah Brown. They had been classmates when they were both in high school, but she got rejected and busted when she confessed her feelings to him. She was inside the car when her dad started calling her.

"Yes? Dad?"

"Where are you?"

"I went to Noah's mom," she answered.

"What were you doing there? Have you heard? Are you nuts? He didn't want the marriage!" her dad raged over the phone, so she took the phone away from her ears, as it caused her eardrums to burst.

"Dad! I liked him, and I want this marriage," she said to her dad.

"I don't know. I don't know what you were thinking all along," her dad ended the call, and she scoffed.

"What is his problem? I am fine without him! I don't even need him!" she was mad at her dad. When she was a kid, her dad was always busy, and never got the time to bond with her. That's why they weren't that close.

"Ms. Ana? Are you okay?" her butler asked her. She then looked at him and slapped him. "I am not," she replied. The butler wasn't surprised anymore. Ana always did that to him whenever she's mad at someone. When she's sad, she wants to lean into someone, and that was her butler, Tyler.

"I'm sorry," she uttered, and looked at Tyler. He smiled at her, "I'm used to it," he answered with a poker face. Ana didn't see Tyler smiling even though they had been together for three years now. She had never seen him sad or happy. He was always wearing a poker face to her and to others.



"Can you just smile a bit?" she asked him.

"I am not happy. Why would I smile, Ms. Ana?" he asked, and she rolled her eyes.

"How rude," she stated.

"I'm sorry. It was rude of me," he replied.



Anatasia seemed to get annoyed with him. How loyal he is. Tyler is like her puppet. He then started to walk towards the driver's seat and started to drive her home. He was driving when he took a glimpse of her from the rearview mirror. A smile was formed on the corner of Tyler's lips when he was looking at Ana, who was now sleeping at the back of the car.

When they arrived, Tyler woke her up, but she wouldn't. A deep sigh came out of his mouth and he started to carry her towards her room. When he went inside, he then bumped into Ana's dad, the President. He bowed his head as a sign of respect.

"President," he greeted.

"What happened to her?"

"Ah. She was just asleep. She won't wake up, that's why I am carrying her right now," he replied to him. The President nodded his head while looking at his daughter. "Put her inside her room," he said, and Tyler started to walk again and placed Ana on her bed. When she placed her on her bed, Tyler plastered on a tight smile while looking at her.

"Ms. Ana? I know how to smile, but... I don't want to smile when you're looking. I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me. I'm sorry," he uttered, and was about to start to walk away when suddenly Ana's hands gripped on his wrists. His eyes widened when he saw her awake already.

"Are you..."

"Yes. I have been awake awhile ago," she said to him.

She then let go of his wrist and stood in front of him. Tyler started to take a step back from her, but she was walking towards him and smirked while looking at him. It seemed like she was teasing him. "Tyler..."

"Yes, Ms. Anna?"

"Do you like me, right?"

"No. I don't," he replied immediately, and she frowned while looking at him.


"Yes. It's the truth. I don't like you," he said again.

"Are you really sure? I am beautiful, smart, and I am rich. Don't you like any of those?" she asked him.

"Ms. Ana... I... don't like you."

"That didn't hurt. You're not my type anyway. A mere butler like you?" she scoffed while looking at him from his head to his toe. "You haven't even passed my standards," she added, and walked away from him.

"Ah, I see." Tyler then bowed his head and started to walk out of her room. Ana gritted her teeth while watching him leave. "How can a man like him... don't like a woman like me?" she then saw her face in the mirror in front of her. A smile was formed on her lips while looking at herself.

"I am beautiful... just like mom," she said to herself.

As Tyler went out of her room, a sigh of disbelief came out of his mouth. He didn't mean that. He knew that Ana was a beautiful and smart woman, but... he didn't want to have any special feelings for her. His relationship with her must remain boss and servant, and that was what it was supposed to be.

He started to walk away from her room and then he bumped into the President. Tyler bowed his head when he saw him, "President," he greeted him while bowing his head.

"How is she?"

"She seems fine," he replied.

"Alright. You can leave now," he bowed his head and started to walk out of the house. Tyler had been serving Ana for three years now, and he and her never had an issue with each other.

The next morning, Ana was already in the dining hall when she saw Tyler coming towards her. She rolled her eyes when she saw his poker face again. "That face again!" she scoffed and continued to eat her breakfast.

"I'll get going now, Dad," she said and stood.


She smiled, "I'm going back. I need to talk to Noah, personally," she said, and Tyler looked at her, worriedly. He knew that Noah didn't want the marriage, and he was worried about her getting hurt.

She looked at him, "Let's go," she said and walked. Tyler bowed his head before he went out. He then opened the door for her, and went to the driver's seat.

Tyler never had a thing inside the car, and Ana looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Tyler?"

"Yes? What is it, Ms. Ana?"

"Let's go to Noah's office," she commanded.


When they arrived, he then opened the door for her and was about to walk when she spoke, "You don't need to come with me. I'll be fine," she said.


"I'll be fine. Just wait for me here," she said and walked away.


Ana arrived at Noah's office. She then knocked before she went inside. As she went inside, a fine looking man caught her attention. It was him, Noah. A smile was formed on the corner of her lips while looking at him.


"Yes? Who are you?"

"I'm Anatasia, the President's daughter," she introduced while the smile was on her lips.

"Take a seat," he uttered, and she went down, but her eyes were still on him.

"Do you remember me, right?"

He looked at her, "I'm sorry. I don't."



"I was your classmate when we were in high school," she said to him, but Noah seemed not to remember that.

"I'm sorry. I don't recall it."

She seemed disappointed. "So... Let me say this to you directly. Why don't you want the marriage?" he looked at her, and there he realized that it was her, the woman his mother was talking about that marriage.

"Ah, I see. I am not doing that marriage, Ms. Ana. I don't want to get married again. I... still love my wife."

To be continued...