
"My first kiss... It was taken by him."

When they got back to the house, Anatasia went straight to her room. She leaned her back on the wall as she thought of that kiss again. She then held her lips while thinking about what had just happened to both of them. Anatasia took a deep breath, as she started to walk towards her bed and tossed herself.

She then looked above, sighing deeply, covering her eyes using her favorite blue pillow. "What had happened? Did we really kiss?" she asked herself and shook her head at the same time.

The same goes for Tyler. When he was about to sleep, his eyes didn't want to. He wanted to rest, but it seemed like his mind was somewhere else. "What's happening to me? Why... Why am I thinking about that kiss again?" he asked himself. He was confused and seemed lost in his focus.

A deep sigh came out of his mouth and then he looked above, at the ceiling to be exact. He was thinking about that kiss again. It was his first time, and it happened, accidentally. "Why did we kiss? Why... Why had it to be her?"

The next day, Tyler was already at the house, waiting for her to come out of her room. He was with the President while waiting for Anatasia. He then looked around, and saw her walking down the stairs.

"What happened to her and Noah yesterday?" the President asked him all of a sudden. He turned his head on the President and said, "I don't think it went well, Sir."

"As I expected," the President said and saw his daughter, Ana, walking towards them. When she arrived in their direction, she then averted her gaze at Tyler when their eyes met each other. She then looked at her dad. "Good morning, Dad," she greeted him.

"What happened yesterday? Tyler said to me that-"

"No! We didn't-"

"What are you talking about?" he asked his daughter. Ana looked at Tyler, but he was just shaking his head while looking at her. He was clueless too. Her brows raised while glaring at him.

"What do you mean, Dad?" she asked her dad.

"What happened to you and Noah yesterday?" he asked, and she sighed in relief. Ana was thinking about that kiss. She shook her head and took a deep breath before she talked to her dad.

She faced him, "Dad?"


"I want to marry him no matter how much it costs," she said to him, and Tyler and the President both frowned while looking at her. They were surprised and confused at the same time about what she had been saying lately. She looked and seemed so desperate to have Noah with her.

"Dad... Help me to get him," she said to her dad, desperately.

Her dad and Tyler were still looking at her with confusion building inside them. Tyler was about to talk when the President said, "You seemed crazy over him, Tasia. What is happening to you? Do you really like him?"

"Yes, I am. I really liked him a lot. A lot," she replied, and her dad sighed in disbelief.

"I can't help you with that, Tasia. Look... Mr. Brown is refusing this marriage. So, I can't do anything about it," her dad said to her and started to walk away from her. The President was about to take another step when she said, "Dad... He can help you with your business. He will be a great help with your campaign," she said, and her dad stopped walking.

He then turned his head at her and smirked, "Is he that helpful?"


Tyler shook his head while looking at Ana. "What is she doing?" he asked while looking at her.

"Still no." The President continued to walk away from her and she and Tyler were left behind there, in the garden.

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, "What are you looking at? are you teasing me too? Do I... Really look so pathetic and desperate?" she asked him, and Tyler nodded his head. He was so honest, causing Ana to scoff and be annoyed at him.

She scoffed, "Can't you just lie just once for me?" she uttered, and those were the last words she said before she walked away from him and went inside the house. Tyler sighed in disbelief as he was so confused about what she had reacted. He just told the truth, but it seemed like it was a wrong move for him to make.

Later that day, Tyler was following Ana where she was going as he was her butler. He had been with her for almost three years, and he hadn't made any mistakes before, and this was the first time Ana was acting that way to him. He was about to walk when Ana stopped walking and looked at him with a frown and narrowed eyes.

"What is it?" he asked her, coldly.

"Forget it," she was about to walk when Tyler held her wrist to stop her from walking.

"What is it? Tell me what's wrong?" he asked, but Ana started to take off his hands from her.

"Let me go!" she raged at him, and then he released his grip on her wrists.

Their eyes met with each other. Ana gulped while looking at him. "What is it? Why are you like that? Why are you acting like that?" he asked her, causing her to frown and narrow her eyes at the same time. She was confused. She didn't get it. It seemed like she couldn't get on the topic of what Tyler had been telling her.

"What are you talking about, Tyler? What's happening to you?" she asked him.

"Is it because of that kiss?" he asked her, and her eyes widened when he said that.

She became silent for quite a time while averting her gaze at him. She doesn't want to talk about that. She didn't want to discuss that kiss again. She was still silent when he said, "Do you want to do that again? Do you?" he asked, and it made her eyes widen even more while looking at him.

"W-What are you saying, Tyler? Wh..." she muttered while looking at him, taking a step back from him, but he walked forward to her. She then took a step back from him, but he continued to walk closer to her. Ana's eyes widened while looking at him.

"Stop, Tyler. You have to stop this nonsense right now!' she raged at him. Tyler looked at her and smiled. She was closing her eyes while her hands trembled. As soon as Tyler chuckled, she then opened her eyes and saw him smiling already while looking at her. They were so close to each other, and she could clearly see how beautiful his eyes and his lips were.

She remained looking at his gesture and physical appearance. She then gulped when her eyes looked back at his lips. It looked so soft, and it seemed like she couldn't stop herself from wanting him to kiss her. Ana then averted her gaze at him. She was about to turn her head away from him, but Tyler's hands travelled towards her face and guided it to look at his.

As soon as their gazes met each other, she stared at her feet. "What do you think you're doing, Tyler? Are you crazy? Have you gone mad? Are you nuts?" she was mad at him when she raised her head and glared at him. When Tyler looked at her, a smile was drawn on his lips. She frowned while staring at him.

"What are you doing? Are you smiling? Are you having fun?" she asked him.

"No, I'm not," he replied.

"Then... Why are you making fun of me?" she questioned.

"I am not making fun of you."

"Then what do you think you're doing then?" she asked.

"I... I want you to smile, but... I guess I did the wrong thing. I thought that smiling made you smile too," he said to her, and Ana realized and remembered that she had said to him one time that seeing him smile makes her happy and makes her smile too.

She then raised her head and stared at him. "So? Is that why you're smiling right now?" she asked, and Tyler nodded his head at her. Ana seemed so touched by what he had done. She remembers how many times she forced home to smile, and right now, he's doing it for her. To make her smile too.

Ana plastered on a tight smile when she looked at him. Tyler chuckled when he looked at how she plastered a tight smile in front of him. She looks so cute while doing a pout on him. He was still chuckling, and they both laughed together after that.

"There. You have to smile from now on. Don't be too sad, Ms. Ana. You have to be happy. You had the right to be happy. So, still happy, and don't forget to smile as you always do."

To be continued...