In one condition

He was still chuckling, and they both laughed together after that.

"There. You have to smile from now on. Don't be too sad, Ms. Ana. You have to be happy. You had the right to be happy. So, still happy, and don't forget to smile as you always do."

The next morning, Noah was already in his office when he thought of Anatasia. "So, she was the woman my mom was talking about?" he asked while thinking about her. He was in deep thought when his wife, Abi, was calling him. A smile was drawn on his lips while looking at the contact name. My wifey.

"Hello? What is it? Do you miss me already?" he asked her, and heard a chuckle from her.

"I am going out for a while. I thought that I had to tell you about this," she uttered. Noah frowned and his eyes narrowed when he heard that. He didn't know how he would react. He didn't know what Abigail was thinking.

"Where?" he asked.

"At a park," she replied.

"Why? Do you want me to come with you?"

"No. You don't have to. I can go there by myself. I am just telling you because I don't want you to worry about me," she said, and Noah stopped at what he had heard from her.

"I'll get going now. I'll see you at home later, okay?"

"Ah, yes. See you later," Noah then ended the phone call. He then stood and went out to go and follow her. Noah was so worried about her, and he wanted to follow her without her knowledge.

He was driving towards the park Abigail was telling him to. When he arrived, he was surprised to find out that the park where Abi was. It was the park where they held their first date as an official couple. He then looked at Abigail who was now sitting on a bench while looking at the river.

"Did she... remember it? Did her memory... come back?" Noah asked himself while staring at Abigail from a distance. He was unsure and didn't know if her memory had come back or not. It's just... he seemed to feel that Abigail's memory was slowly returning to her.

Meanwhile, Abigail was looking at the calm river in front of her, while sitting down on a bench. She wasn't aware that it was this place where they held their first date. Abi had just seen this place in her dream, and she thought that it might be connected to her memories, and she wanted to remember them all just by herself.

The cool breeze, the birds were chirping. She slowly closed her eyes and tried to calm down and make herself at ease. Noah was still watching her from a distance. He wanted to get closer to her, but he was stopping himself from doing so.

When night came, Noah went inside the house and saw Abigail preparing food for them. A smile was drawn on the corner of his lips while looking at her. He then walked closer to her, hugging her from behind. Abigail smiled while Noah was hugging her from behind.

"I'm home," he whispered to her.

"I cooked something for you," she then faced him with a smile. "I hope you'll like this," she added, and placed the dish she cooked for him on the dining table.

Noah was smiling all along while looking at her. His eyes then landed on her belly, thinking about their baby. "How are you feeling? Are you feeling dizzy?" he asked, but she shook her head.

"Tell me anytime and anything if ever something happens to you, okay?" he uttered while looking at her seriously. Abigail smiled and nodded her head at him at the same time. "That's good then," he said, and they started to eat their dinner. Noah wanted to tell her about that marriage, but he didn't want her to feel mad and jealous about that woman. He had to keep it himself, as he didn't want to have that marriage either.

While Abigail was eating her dinner, his eyes remained on her. Thinking about how he can keep her close to him. How can he make her stay no matter what happens?

"Abi?" she stopped and looked at him with a frown.

"What is it?"

"I love you," he suddenly said to her, and she could feel the heat revolving in her cheeks when he said that. Abigail could feel that she was blushing already. She could feel that her heartbeat so loud and faster than normal. The corner of her lips slid upwards while looking at him. "I love you too."

On the other hand, Anatasia was in her room, thinking about what had happened that day. She saw how Tyler smiled just for her. "I bet he likes me," she was confident while telling that to herself. She then took a deep breath while closing her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, it was already morning. The sun rose, and the sunlight lit up inside her room. She then got up and went out of her room. She was walking downstairs, but she stopped when she saw Tyler in front of her. Her eyes widened and averted her gaze on him and was about to walk again, but he spoke.

"Good morning, Ms. Ana," he greeted her, and when she looked at him, he plastered on a broad smile. The way he smiles, it can melt her in a few seconds by doing that. She just nodded her head and continued to walk downstairs, which caused Tyler to frown when he looked at her.

Ana saw her dad. She was about to avoid him when he spoke, "Tasia," he called her. She turned her head while rolling her eyes at him, "What is it? Still not going to help me?" she asked him.

"I will help you," the moment the President said those words, the smile on Tyler's lips faded away.

He was still looking at her, and it seemed like he was disappointed to know that the President was going to help her out to get married to Noah. He folded his fist and started to walk away from them. Tyler didn't want to look foolish.

Ana was surprised when she looked in Tyler's direction. He wasn't there anymore. "Where is he? Where did he go?" she asked while her eyes roamed around the place.

"I will help you in one condition," her dad added. She was looking at him and slowly, she frowned, waiting for him to talk. "What is it, Dad?"

"Run for President in the next election," he said to her. Anatasia stopped what she was thinking about and was just stunned while looking and standing in front of her dad. She couldn't move. That was the most hateful thing she would do. She didn't want to run for President, or any other political position. She just wanted to be herself, she just wanted to enjoy her life without any link to any political things.


"You had my word. I will help you if you do that," he cut off her sentence. She glared at her dad, "I won't do it," she said to him.

"Then... I won't help you," he said to her. Ana rolled her eyes while looking at him. She was mad and annoyed. She lets out a deep breath while looking at her dad. She was thinking about it earlier, but... She's not happy at all. She was so mad at him. She didn't think that he would ask for that.

"Dad, just please tell me another condition. You really know that I don't want to run for-"

"If you want my help that badly to get Noah, you'll do it. So, I am guessing that you really don't like him that much. Because if you do, you'll do what I want to get him," he said to her.

Her dad started to walk away from her. She was just looking at him as if she didn't want to stop him. She was mad. Ana was about to walk when she saw Tyler walking towards her. "Ms. Ana, do you need anything?" he asked.

She was looking at him, "You."


"You... I need you," she said, and his eyes widened when he heard that. He was surprised and stunned at the same time while looking at her. He couldn't move. He was stiffened at where he was standing in front of her. Ana's eyes were still on him while he started to look away.

A sigh came out of her mouth, "My dad... He wants me to run for President for him to help me," she started the conversation. He then looked at her, "Do you really need his help to get Mr. Brown?"

"Yes. I really need my dad's help," she replied.

"I can help you, Ms. Ana. I can help you without any favor or any condition," he uttered, and her face lit up when he said that to her.

"Really?" he nodded his head. "How?"

"I'll teach you some basics."

To be continued...