His reason

He didn't want to be away from her. He wanted to be close to her. He wanted to be by her side.

"Okay, President. Thank you."

Ana still doesn't know about Tyler's sudden departure.

The two of them are together at the moment in the garden. Tomorrow is his last day to be with Ana as his butler. He was looking at her, but she was unaware and clueless that he would no longer be her butler starting tomorrow. Ana looked at him with confusion, "Why are you looking at me like that? Do you have anything to say to me?" she asked.

He sighed, "I need to tell you something," he said while staring at her. She tilted her head while looking at him. "What is it?" she asked him.

"I'll no longer be your butler starting tomorrow. This is my last day as your butler," he said, and Ana seemed to be weakened at what she had heard from him. She was stiffened at where she was standing in front of him. Anatasia didn't know what she had to say. She didn't want him to leave like that. She didn't want to...

"Ms. Ana, it was nice working with you," he uttered to her, but she shook her head. "Why? Do you not want to stay with me? As my butler? Why so sudden?" she asked him.

"It was the President's-" he didn't finish what he was about to say when Ana walked back inside the house.

"Dad!" she shouted inside the house, causing all the people inside, surprised and shocked. Tyler followed her and stopped her from what she was doing, "Ms. Ana, what are you doing?" he asked.

"I need to tell dad that you're staying," she uttered, and took his hands off her. He was just looking at her, and he was kinda feeling happy seeing her like that.

"She's worried about me... She wanted me to stay," Tyler said inside his mind while looking at Ana, looking for her dad. When she saw her dad, she glared at him. "Dad?"

"Ouh, what is it? I hear you were shouting. Why? What's the matter?" he asked her.

"Why... Why are you assigning Tyler to other places? I need him," she said.

"You do? I think you don't need him anymore," he said to her, but she said, "I need him, Dad. I need him," Tyler and the President were surprised about what she had been saying all along.

"What do you mean?"

"I... want Tyler to be my butler. I don't need anyone, but him," she said to her dad, honestly. Tyler's eyes widened while looking at her. A smile was slowly forming on his lips while staring at her.

"But, he needs to go there," her dad said to her.

"Why? Why did he have to?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ana. I need to go there," he uttered, and she frowned while looking at him. "What? Why?" she was confused, and she thought that she wouldn't be able to feel comfortable being around anyone else. She was just staring at him while waiting for him to speak and explain everything to her.

Ana and Tyler were both back in the garden. She was still looking at him, "What is it? What's your reason? Why are you leaving all of a sudden?" she asked him, curiously. Tyler sighed and faced her, "I'm sorry. I can't say my reason," he uttered, and she scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"Why! Why are you doing this to me? You made me believe in love, but... why are you leaving like this? Why?" he was stunned when he heard that from her. "W-What did you say?" he asked her.

"I think... I like you," she said. Tyler blinked his eyes a couple of times while looking at her. He was confused, and surprised at the same time. He didn't know what he would react to that. "Is that a confession?" he asked her.

"What do you think?"

"I'm sorry..."

"You don't like me? You said you liked me," she uttered.

"I do like you, but..."


"I really need to go," he said.

"Why? What's your reason?"

"Also, stop liking me, Ms. Ana. It's better for you to forget about me," he uttered, which caused her to frown and be confused even more. She was looking at him, "I don't get it. Why are you saying this to me? Why?"

"I'm sorry, and... Thank you for everything. It was nice meeting and working with you," he bowed his head and started to walk away from her.

As he was walking away, Ana's eyes started to tear up while looking at him. Tears spilled down her eyes while watching him leave. She didn't want to end like this. Her feet started to run towards him. She then held his hands. "Wait..." Tyler stopped and turned his head on her. He saw her teary eyes, but he acted like he wasn't worried or affected at all. He wanted to act cool.


"Can we at least hug? Can we?"

He bowed his head, "Okay." Ana then started to lean in closer to him and give him a tight hug. He could feel her shaky breath under his neck. "I don't know what your reason is, but... I like you too, Tyler," she uttered while embracing him. As she loosened her grip on him, she then nodded her head and put a smile on her lips while wiping off the tears in her eyes.

"Take care, Tyler... It was great to have you. I had fun with you. Thank you... for serving me for the whole three years," she bowed her head to him, and that moment, she had found out that tears split over her cheeks. She could clearly see the tears flowing through her cheeks while bowing at him.

When she raised her head, she gave him a broad smile, but tears were still visible in her eyes. She then started to walk away from him. Tyler didn't want to leave her, but he had to. He didn't want to hurt her.

The following morning, it was Tyler's departure, but Ana wasn't coming out of her room. She was mad and annoyed at him. She didn't want to see him leave. Tyler looked around and bowed his head at the President. "Thank you, Mr. President," he bowed his head to him.

"You did a good job, Tyler. I'll visit you often," he whispered to him. Tyler nodded his head and started to walk towards the car. He looked back, but he didn't see Ana there. He was hoping to see her, but he didn't see her inside.

He was inside the car, and the driver started to drive. He took a deep breath. He was nervous. The truth is... Tyler is leaving his work to get the operation he had taken three years ago. He didn't want to tell Ana as he knew that she was so stubborn and might stay with him all along.

"I'm sorry," he uttered as he looked at the house for the last time.

Later that day, he arrived at the airport. He then looked at the driver and bowed his head. "Thank you so much, Mister," he bowed his head at him. "You're very welcome. Take care there, okay?" he nodded his head. "Yes, I will."

As he started to walk, he could feel the loud throb of his chest. He was nervous about getting this operation done. Tyler took a deep breath before he took another step towards the plane. He didn't want to do that either, but... he had to. He had to live. He had to survive.

He was in his seat, but his mind was still thinking about Ana. Tyler didn't want to leave like that. He didn't want to see her face like that. He didn't want to make her cry, but he did. He did make her cry.

Meanwhile, Ana was inside her room. She slowly got up from her bed and went out. She then saw her dad. "Why didn't you come out? It was his-"

"I don't need to see him off, Dad," she uttered.

"How rude of you," he said.

"Why? Am I rude here? He just left without telling me what his-"

"He had an operation. That's why he's leaving," Ana was surprised about that. She seemed to be deafened by what she had heard from her dad. She didn't know about that. Ana's hands trembled while looking at her dad. She was stiffened at where she was standing.

"Why? Why didn't he tell me about that?" she asked.

"He didn't want to tell you. He wanted to keep it a secret from you."

"Dad... You should have told me about that. Why..."

"Because he knew... We knew that you would act like this way," her dad said to her.

She was stunned while looking at her dad. She didn't know. She was clueless. She was... embarrassed and mad at herself for doing so.

"I had to go."

"Tasia! Where are you going?"

"I had to follow him, Dad."

To be continued...