Amara's moving

Later that day, Megan went home and saw Noah crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Where have you been, Megan? I am so worried about you? Why didn't you pick up my calls, huh? Are you that mad to not answer my calls?" he asked her angrily. Megan looked at him and rolled her eyes. She was mad at him, but it seemed like Noah was angrier at her.

She looked at her phone and saw the calls Noah made. "I didn't see and noticed it." she was about to walk when Noah talked again.

"Why? Where have you been?"

"I came to some place to relieve my stress and to-"

"It was so dangerous outside, yet you still stroll around while carrying the baby?"

"Why? Did you really care for us?" she scoffed. "You never care for me or for our baby, Noah. All you do is work and work... What about us then? Where are we? I can't find our place in your heart, Noah. Why?"

"I am doing work for us. Can't you get it? I am doing this for us!" he raged at her.