Who's that man?

Megan admit that she misses being single and free. She misses that she had no worries and problem. She misses everything about her. She misses her old self, and if she had the opportunity to talk to her old self, she would tell her that she wanted to come back as her.

Megan was walking when she felt the baby kick suddenly. She stopped and smiled, looking at her belly, started to move. "What happened?" Logan asked her. She smiled when she looked at him, "The baby kick," she uttered, and Logan looked on her belly and smile when he saw it.

They both smile while looking at her belly. "Amara's moving."

Logan was smiling as he saw how happy Megan was while she could feel her baby moved inside her belly.

They were both smiling at each other when suddenly someone came inside the house, and it was Noah. He was surprised when he saw Megan was with another man while smiling.

They looked both at him and he walked towards them. "Megan?"