Oh no, Charlotte

"I will make sure to make you pay," he said to her, but Miranda chuckled.

"You're so funny! How can you do that? Lauren's not here anymore. You're all alone now," she said, but someone stop her. Miranda then took the gun and pointed it at John.

"You'll never live peacefully," he uttered and closed his eyes, letting her what would she do to him.

"Mother!" Charlotte shouted and showed herself in front of her mother. A tear streamed down her eyes while looking at her mother. Miranda was so confused, "How... Why are you here?"

"Mother... This is enough."

Miranda was surprised to find out that Charlotte was there. She gasped in surprise, "What are you doing here?" she asked. Charlotte began to walk closer to her, "Mother..." her tears never left her eyes.

 Miranda can't believed what she was looking at. "What are you doing here, Charlotte! You're supposed to be in the house!" she said to her and Charlotte shook her head.