Take care, Abigail

Noah looks at her, and he lets out a deep breath, "Lauren," the way he utter her name, it was different and it seemed like he wanted to tell her something different. Lauren looked at him with a frown, "What is it?" she asked him cluelessly.

"I don't want to regret something right now, Lauren. And I want you to know that I'm willing to wait for your answer," he stated and that was the moment when Lauren realizes that he was referring to his confession. She averted her gaze from him and sigh in disbelief. Lauren didn't want to turn him down so badly especially right now.

"Give me some time to think about it, Mr. Brown," she said, and Noah nods his head while looking at her. He understands Lauren's decision, and he knew that she had someone else in her mind. "You know where to find me when you're ready," he uttered and walked back inside the hospital, leaving her all alone there.