Her first book signing event

Noah and Abigail got married again. They family and friends was there to celebrate it with them. Abi looked around and she was so happy to see everyone had been so supportive to their relationship. Charlotte was also there, "Congratulations, sister Abi, brother Noah," she uttered with a broad smile on her lips.

Abigail smiled at her, "Thank you for coming and celebrating this with us," she nods her head and hugged her. "I'm so happy for the both of you," she said.

After one week...

Charlotte was all alone in the garden. She was thinking about Nate. She haven't seen him for weeks as he was on a business trip with his family. She also texted Natalie, but she's not responding. "What's happening to these two. Why aren't they responding?" she asked herself in worriedness. She was so worried about him, yet he's not responding.

"Did something happen to them?" she shook her head, "Don't think that way, Charlotte," she scolded herself.