
Chap 1

I could not help but stare at the palm tree situated at the left side of the exterior compound . Ma was at the kitchen in the backyard, boiling hot water she would use to bath. Pa was out farming, while titi and Emeka were making sandcastles. Titi was 5 years old while Emeka was 8 years old. And I was 14 years old clocking 15.

"Adejoke!Adejoke!" Ma called out.

I went mute, I was feeling lonely, I didn't want to talk to Ma. but then, Titi came up to me and said

"Brother, Mama is calling you"

"Ok, I'm going right away"

"Adejoke!, Adejoke!"

"Mo n lo".

I went to her feeling angry, betrayed, suspicious and mad.I hated Ma, I hated Pa, those I loved were Titi and Emeka my siblings. I felt indebted to them whenever I looked at their hungry and unloved faces. I wanted them to be loved and cared for.

"Yes Mama"

"Where were you,you angry fella,huh?"

"Nowhere,I was the corridor."

    Just then Titi,ran up to me and said

"Brother,I'm hungry".

I hated it when my little sister said such, I hated Ma, I hated Pa. I felt like running away with my siblings.

"Ma we're hungry"I told Ma stomping my feet to the ground.

"I got no money, boy, you are of age, you should just start earning cash and getting it into this house, Ok?" Ma said in tears.

"Ma, I hate you"I said emotionally distressed.

"Come on boy,I love you guys, but you know, I got no money on me, if I had, you know I wouldn't think twice on spending it on foodstuffs." Ma said with tears as she hugged me.


     Pa was a farmer and a fisherman, he earned enough to sustain the family but lavishes his money on women and drinks. what could poor Ma do! She had to fend for both herself and her children.

Ma was a dancer and she earned little to buy food for us.

Ma cried and wept, seeing Ma cried melted the hatred I had for her. I imagined myself in Ma's shoes.

"Ma, I'm sorry I hated you, I promise I'm never gonna say it again" I apologized cupping my hands to her cheeks.

Then Ma untied the edge of her wrapper and gave me a hundred naira note.

"You can buy whatever you want"Ma said drying her tears with her wrappers.

"Thanks Ma" I thanked her, went towards Titi , Carried her and off we were pricing breads and butter after which we ate to our satisfaction.

Ma was Yoruba and Pa was igbo.

After the incident between Ma and I, I realized Ma was not at fault,but Pa was.

I wished I would kill him and take his properties. Then, I recalled what Ma's words

"I got no money on me, you are of age, you should just start earning cash".

Wow! What a brilliant idea.

What would I do : fishing,farming, being a singer, a bar boy who serves drinks to the customers. I thought.

Well, times and times again my friends said I got talent in singing and rapping,but its of no use now. I had to focus on either a bar boy or farming.

"Titi, I'll be back don't misbehave Ok?"

"I want to follow you" Emeka said.

"Me too" titi said pulling my shirt.

"I first said it, titi you stay home" Emeka blared.

"No, I'm the little one here,so stay a home" titi retorted.

  Ooh, how I hated to see my siblings in disunity.

"Enough, no one is coming with me, I'll be back, you'd like to eat right?"

"Yes" they both answered.

"I'm going to get food for you" I said  running out of the compound.

"Titi, remember, Ma asked you to wash the plates and sweep the houses."

"I still got that in my memory, don't remind me,Mr reminder"Titi blared running into the house.